What are our blogging habits? Our blogging friend BP, with the blog Art or Weird, asked us and other bloggers to answer the following questions five quick questions about our blogging habits. Interesting to reflect on!
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Our answers to the questions
Here are our answers to the questions! In terms of time, I have only counting the time we spend on the blog posts themselves. If we count all the work with "FREEDOMtravel" (web development, static pages about travel destinations, photo & film, editing of films, social media, email correspondence, business collaborations, reports to clients, lectures, accounting, etc.) then it's a different story, but now we're talking about blog posts ...

1. How long does it take to write a post with research, links, text, spell check and images?
I think I spend an average of 3 hours on a blog post. Some simpler posts (like "Happy Friday") are faster, while large destination guides, or posts like "Facts about Iceland - 30 things you (might) not have known" takes even longer.

2. How many blogs do you read regularly?
I follow about 100 blogs on Bloglovin, but that doesn't mean I read everything. However, I regularly scroll through all the headlines and click on the ones that interest me at the moment.
3. How long does it take to read and comment on your favourite blogs?
Very different! If we are on an intense press trip, I don't read blogs at all. If I'm at home or on a quieter trip, I scroll the feed on my phone pretty much every day. One or two days a week, I spend a little more time reading and commenting at the same time, and I prefer to do it on my computer.

4. When do you blog?
I usually blog in the evening, and set the posts to be published at 06:00 the next morning. On weekends, I also write during the day, and if we are on an intensive trip, I write whenever there is time (at the airport, in the bus, in the camper van, in the early morning...).
5. Do you have blog posts "in stock"?
Very rarely, unfortunately... I always think it would be great to have a stock of blog posts that we can turn to if we don't have time to write, but I never manage to do that. Sometimes I write one or two in advance, for example if I know we're going to a party or spending time on an aeroplane. I also write some sponsored posts in advance, as the client usually wants to see and approve them before publication. Most of the time, however, we are completely without "layers".

Do you also blog? Feel free to answer the questions too!
Anki says:
Interesting reading - and I understand that it must take a lot of time and energy to put together all the exciting and informative posts. Your blog is really special! Love it and read it often, but am terrible at commenting...
Have a nice weekend!
18 January 2020 - 8:34
Helena says:
Thanks for the nice words about our blog! Yes, it takes a lot of time for us to write ... but it is also great fun 🙂 Have a nice weekend!
18 January 2020 - 10:12
Matts Torebring says:
1. twenty minutes to a maximum of one hour including image editing. When the blog was new, it could be a couple of hours a day.
2. Maybe fifteen blogs at most.
3. 15 minutes to an hour.
4. write my own posts in the evenings about current events. I work a lot and I want to write in real time. At the weekend, like now, I read and sometimes comment during the day.
5. In my mind I can have many in stock, but rarely timed.
18 January 2020 - 8:52
Helena says:
Interesting to hear your answers! I can recognise the idea of stockpiling posts in my mind!
18 January 2020 - 10:14
4000mil says:
Difficult with time there. I never take time... And first write the text one day. Then come back another day and proofread, SEO etc.
Maybe I should answer too!
18 January 2020 - 10:06
Helena says:
Yes, it's hard to judge ... I don't take time either, but I based it on what time I might spend on a normal weekday evening ... Yes, come on and answer! 🙂
18 January 2020 - 10:15
Snows says:
Yes, I do, and have done so for 14 years!
I don't spend as much time as you do on the blog, but that's not surprising. Your blog contains informative posts and becomes like a completely different project. Mine works as a simple diary but that's a perfect fit for me right now.
18 January 2020 - 10:29
Helena says:
Of course, you should set the bar that suits you! Wishing a continued nice weekend!
18 January 2020 - 18:57
Ditte says:
I answered the questions in the blog yesterday and it was good to think about time.
Nice to read your answers.
18 January 2020 - 10:33
Helena says:
It's good to think about time! I know that I spend a lot of time ...
18 January 2020 - 18:58
JoY says:
Nice to read how much time you put in. Your blog is large, so of course there are many hours of work at the computer to find facts etc. You are really good at what you do.
Personally, I find it enough to upload pictures (which can be very many) and write, which can take an hour or so each time. Admittedly, I am not very disciplined and sit still all the time. Just like that, a washing machine should be run or some coffee hahaha and then it feels like you have been sitting at the computer for a very long time with a post.
I find it a bit difficult to reply to other people's blogs. Since I can't or rather don't understand why it is not possible to do it from my mobile phone. If I have read other blogs on my mobile phone, I forget to leave comments from the computer. So unfortunately it's a bit of a rush with the comments.
I do not have any posts in stock, here there will be posts when the desire and time comes. The blog posts will probably come a little more often when we are travelling with the motorhome.
Have a nice weekend despite the grey weather.
18 January 2020 - 11:04
Helena says:
Thank you very much! Yes, we do spend a lot of time. But just writing a regular "everyday post" and uploading pictures takes a little while! I agree that it's hard to comment from a mobile phone. I used to try, but have almost stopped doing it. Nice weekend!
18 January 2020 - 19:00
Lena - good for the soul says:
Blogging takes an enormous amount of time. Not many "non-bloggers" understand or think about that. At the same time, it is so worth it because it gives so much back. And I really understand that you spend a lot of time.
Hug Lena
18 January 2020 - 12:50
Helena says:
Yes, it does take a lot of time! So far we think it's worth it 😉 Have a nice weekend!
18 January 2020 - 19:01
Daniel on FlyingDryden says:
I don't even dare to think about how much time I spend. Sometimes I can start a post but if the words or the feeling are not there, it will be difficult to continue. I also try to have a layer of posts and it goes in periods. The best feeling is to have five to seven posts ready and then be able to fill up with some quickly occurring things if something pops up. 🙂
18 January 2020 - 13:11
Helena says:
Wow, 5-7 completed posts, waow! Impressed! I've never experienced that, I'm not that structured, haha 😉.
18 January 2020 - 19:02
ridge says:
I understand that a big blog like yours requires you to do a proper job and really publish the facts so that everything is correct.
With my little "diary" blog, it's a completely different matter 😀.
18 January 2020 - 13:30
Helena says:
A blog becomes exactly what you choose it to be! Wishing you a nice weekend!
18 January 2020 - 19:03
Lena says:
I am more spontaneous with the posts. On the other hand, there is much less blog too. It's very good for us too, remembering where we've been. Family and friends know where we are, etc.
18 January 2020 - 14:14
Helena says:
I like that aspect as well, the blog is my memory 😉.
18 January 2020 - 19:03
Reiselinda says:
Have never taken the time, but it clearly varies greatly depending on the feeling I have when I sit down to write and what kind of post it is supposed to be. Have many blogs collected in Feedly and check headlines and read what looks interesting. Commenting varies a lot as I have problems commenting in some blogs.
18 January 2020 - 14:45
Helena says:
At times I have also had problems commenting, and then it's not as much fun ...
18 January 2020 - 19:04
Ama de casa says:
Understand that a lot of time goes into your eminent and very well-crafted blog! It's just to thank you for spending that time and offering wonderful posts 🙂.
18 January 2020 - 15:12
Helena says:
Great if it is appreciated! 🙂
18 January 2020 - 19:04
Marlene says:
Then I have also replied. I "the bad blogger"...
18 January 2020 - 17:10
Helena says:
What fun that you hung on! Will check 🙂
18 January 2020 - 19:04
Arne Lindh says:
We follow you, Ellen and ourselves. Others more casually. We have a motorhome blog, which is asleep at the moment (as is the motorhome), but we're working on the
I spend maybe half an hour, an hour at most, on the blog, rarely more. I don't usually write so much text. We only use the motorhome blog when we're travelling by motorhome, but on the other, more family-oriented blog above, we put in all posts, including from A&B on the road, which has the tricky link
http://xoeocholivia .blogspot.com
Tricky, as we don't have Olivia (the boat) or Xoe (the old campervan) anymore. But how do you change the link name?
18 January 2020 - 17:30
Helena says:
Understand that the link name is not optimal anymore ... but maybe it doesn't matter? Doesn't feel easy to change. It would be if you "redirect" to a new address. Check with blogspot in that case!
18 January 2020 - 19:09
BP says:
The second time in a week that I manage to inspire you for a post. Great fun and thank you very much for another link:-)
Well, you've read my answers so I don't need to repeat them. But I was absolutely right when I assumed that you and Ditte spend much more time on your blogs than I do.
If you have such a professional and structured blog as you do, it simply requires that time. I understand that you have cut back on your regular job, because otherwise it would probably not have worked out. But you are passionate about the blog, and you have succeeded with it completely. So you are happy to "sacrifice" that time. In addition, your blog is almost a database for those who travel, and then it requires much more research than if you just have an everyday nonsense blog like I have.
18 January 2020 - 18:16
Helena says:
Yes, haha, there was an "overdose" of inspiration this week 😉 Well, this blog takes a lot of time ... We like to spend a lot of time on it, because it's so much fun! When it then goes beyond other income (which decreases), it becomes all the more tricky financially, but we try to work on it 😉.
18 January 2020 - 19:11
Solan says:
Don't blog, but read motorhome blogs. I always comment via my mobile phone. Freedom makes it easy and convenient to do so.
That the blog is professional has been mentioned before...???
18 January 2020 - 22:16
OnTrip.com says:
1. writing a blog post takes from 1-4 hours, especially the big guides take a long time. What takes the most time is the image editing.
2. About 50
3. About one hour per week
4. it's different when I'm in the mood and have the inspiration.
5. Yes, I always have a long list of posts I want to write.
19 January 2020 - 10:50
Christian says:
Yes, layering blog posts is also a thought I've had but that only happens after a trip. Then I focus on location to just explore the destination, then I write a lot of the posts on the way home and at home and portion them out over the coming week!
19 January 2020 - 17:05
Lena in Wales says:
I have many posts saved, would feel stressed otherwise.
22 January 2020 - 9:14