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Our blogging habits - five quick questions


What are our blogging habits? Our blogging friend BP, with the blog Art or Weird, asked us and other bloggers to answer the following questions five quick questions about our blogging habits. Interesting to reflect on!


Our answers to the questions

Here are our answers to the questions! In terms of time, I have only counting the time we spend on the blog posts themselves. If we count all the work with "FREEDOMtravel" (web development, static pages about travel destinations, photo & film, editing of films, social media, email correspondence, business collaborations, reports to clients, lectures, accounting, etc.) then it's a different story, but now we're talking about blog posts ...

Våra bloggvanor
With a press pass for a concert in the Czech Republic in 2016

1. How long does it take to write a post with research, links, text, spell check and images?

I think I spend an average of 3 hours on a blog post. Some simpler posts (like "Happy Friday") are faster, while large destination guides, or posts like "Facts about Iceland - 30 things you (might) not have known" takes even longer.

Våra bloggvanor

2. How many blogs do you read regularly?

I follow about 100 blogs on Bloglovin, but that doesn't mean I read everything. However, I regularly scroll through all the headlines and click on the ones that interest me at the moment.

3. How long does it take to read and comment on your favourite blogs?

Very different! If we are on an intense press trip, I don't read blogs at all. If I'm at home or on a quieter trip, I scroll the feed on my phone pretty much every day. One or two days a week, I spend a little more time reading and commenting at the same time, and I prefer to do it on my computer.

4. When do you blog?

I usually blog in the evening, and set the posts to be published at 06:00 the next morning. On weekends, I also write during the day, and if we are on an intensive trip, I write whenever there is time (at the airport, in the bus, in the camper van, in the early morning...).

5. Do you have blog posts "in stock"?

Very rarely, unfortunately... I always think it would be great to have a stock of blog posts that we can turn to if we don't have time to write, but I never manage to do that. Sometimes I write one or two in advance, for example if I know we're going to a party or spending time on an aeroplane. I also write some sponsored posts in advance, as the client usually wants to see and approve them before publication. Most of the time, however, we are completely without "layers".

Våra bloggvanor

Do you also blog? Feel free to answer the questions too!

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