Today it will be a list here at FREEDOMtravel. I (Helena) has been super cold and tired for several days and slept lotsso it seems appropriate today to answer a bunch of pre-formulated questions. Do you have a blog? Feel free to join in and answer the list too!
Table of contents
Great has? who? which? what? list
I saw this list a while ago on the blog New York My Biteand then it showed up at Flying Dryden. Previously, the list was also published by Sandra Beijer and Elsa Billgren.
Everyone has made their own versions of the list, but I've made it easy for myself and taken the New York My Bite version straight off. Too tired today to be more creative than that! So, here we go...
Have you?
... in the freezer? Often fish, chicken, jacket potatoes, peas and soya beans.
... any pets? No (only spiders on the outside of the houseboat windows, in summer)
... on the breakfast table? Hard bread, eggs, caviar and coffee (Peter) and soft bread, soft cheese, tomato, yoghurt and tea (Helena).
... lipstick on you? No
... any future plans? We're currently planning a long motorhome trip in Europe this summer.
... gym card? No, but we have furnished the lower deck with exercise mats and exercise equipment (rubber bands, etc.).
... any straight A's? Peter's best grade in high school was a 4 in drawing and Helena had a 5 in some subjects (Swedish, art, social studies).
... any addiction? Coffee (Peter) and the mobile phone (Helena)

... do you hate? We have little sympathy for the person who has been harassing us on the blog since 2013.
... are you longing for? Each other when we are apart.
... do you mind? People who take the first opportunity to be mean and hateful on the internet.
... cooking? Peter

Which one?
... newspaper you read? We don't have time to read many newspapers, unfortunately. I scroll Aftonbladet for main headlines and when some news is extra interesting I usually google it in English.
... transport to work do you take? The apostle horses
... month of your birthday? June (Helena) and July (Peter)
... season you prefer? Summer (Peter) and winter if there is snow (Helena)
... journey will be your next? We are going on a trip in March. We will tell you more soon!

... are you doing right now? Writing this (Helena) and working at the computer (Peter)
... would a reference mention as good qualities in you? We work hard and make sure we complete what we set out to do.
... would you need to develop? Maybe get better at prioritising sometimes
... do you want to work with? We want to work on our blog of course! I (Helena) also enjoy my job as a public health scientist.
... is the best right now? Planning fun and exciting trips in the spring and summer.
... what size shoes do you wear? 44 and 38 (You can guess who, haha)
... are you reading a book? We rarely have time to read. I (Helena) am in the middle of Death Washer by Sara Omar (good with terrible), but only read when I'm flying, so there are long breaks ...
... are you going to do now? In fact, I think we're going to watch a little bit of TV for a change.

Ama de casa says:
Fun list! Nice to know a little more about you 😀.
20 February 2020 - 12:23
Snows says:
Nice list and nice to know a bit more about you 😀.
20 February 2020 - 13:40
Anna, New York - My Bite of the Big Apple says:
Oh, how nice that you also answered these questions! 🙂 Thanks for the link.
Here I also got a lot of new information about you. It's always fun to get to know each other more this way. Love the humour in the answers too. 😀
But oh dear, the harassing person is still there?! 🙁
20 February 2020 - 14:04
Helena says:
Thanks for the inspiration! Yes, he's still there, but the fact is that he's been quiet for a while 😉.
20 February 2020 - 18:40
Maria/ Magnolia Magis says:
So much fun! Always fun to read!
Since we don't write a blog anymore, here is the list....
*Mother's cake * soon chickens *wholemeal porridge with raisins, soft bread with cheese and peppers and tea *no *garden, henhouse, sewing room *no *yes *Little dark chocolate.
*no idea *spring, grandchildren *authorities *both
Which one?
*Burda (sewing magazine) *pass *november *spring and autumn *no idea
*reads and writes here *honest and happy *everyday training *finish writing children's book *soon bonus grandmother *37 *24 good deeds by Jenny Fagerlund *continue crocheting baby blanket.
20 February 2020 - 16:28
Helena says:
What fun! 🙂 Chickens!? What fun!!! Writing a finished children's book also sounds exciting! 🙂
20 February 2020 - 18:43
Maria / MagnoliaMagis says:
Who knows! Maybe a chicken named Freedom...?! ;D
20 February 2020 - 20:26
Anna / says:
fun list! We will follow! I like lists that open up more of the personalities 🙂 .
20 February 2020 - 19:27
BP says:
The second really "personal" post in a row. Very much liked:-) The questions were even so funny that I borrowed them - of course;-)
Hope you feel better now. Hardly know anyone who does not have a cold right now, including myself who has not had a cold in ten years. Have probably worked up to it now;-)
It will be exciting to read what travel adventures await you. In the meantime, you are welcome to continue with personal posts:-)
20 February 2020 - 20:11
bmlarstravellingblog says:
I like lists of all kinds, so we'll have to follow this one!
It's fun to see other people's answers and think about your own opinions and characteristics.
20 February 2020 - 22:39