Can you free camp in Spain? We've recently read about yet another Spanish town restricting free camping, and to be honest, we're not surprised. Fricamping can be wonderful, but it must be done with respect and caution, or the opportunity will disappear everywhere.
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Torrevieja restricts free camping
Torrevieja, located on the Spanish coast, has taken measures to limit the uncontrolled parking of motorhomes. You can read about this at the motorhome company Furgo Casa.
Recently, fences have been erected to prevent camper vans from parking on the coast. The municipality's intention is to prevent motorhomes from occupying the privileged coastal strip. "However, the 'war' against motorhomes is limited to La Mata beach, while other areas can still be visited by motorhomes.
The municipality's action was prompted by complaints from local residents. The complaints relate to foreign tourists, mostly from northern and central Europe, spreading out with chairs, tables, hammocks and deckchairs.

What is free camping?
When you caravan, you spend the night with your motorhome in a place other than a campsite or car park. This can be in the countryside or in a car park. Many people prefer free camping because it offers a wonderful experience of nature. Others may see an advantage in not having to pay.
Can you have fricamp?
The rules for free camping are different in different countries. You must always follow signs and parking rules. In many countries (but not all) it is possible to spend the night in a parked car, but you often have to be careful about removing outdoor furniture. You may also need to be careful in national parks, for example. We usually try to summarise the rules at the bottom of each page. country page on pitches and campsites.

Can you fricampa in Spain?
With the number of motorhome travellers in Spain increasing every year, local authorities are becoming more restrictive and less lenient. You can't camp in Spain on beaches, in nature reserves or where there are prohibition signs.
However, you can park your motorhome in a car park (as long as you are inside the lines) or along a street, and you are allowed to sleep in the parked vehicle. There are now many popular 'free camping' sites in Spain where you may be able to stay overnight if there is no prohibition sign and if you follow local rules.
Difference between parking and camping in Spain
If you are planning to sleep in your motorhome in a regular car park in Spain, it is good to know what you can and cannot do.
- This can be done in a car park: Sleeping, cooking, opening the roof hatch and using wheel chocks if it's leaning.
- This cannot be done in a car park: Folding down support legs, emptying water or drains, setting out tables and chairs, unfolding awnings or opening windows so they are out of the way.

Why are there more and more bans on free camping?
Seriously, if we motorhomers are to continue to free ride in Spain and other countries, we need to get our act together. Most countries wool have tourists. What they do not want is people littering, emptying drains and spreading out in places where you are not allowed to spread out. If we behave this way, there will be even more bans.
How is it possible to fricamp every day?
From time to time, we read comments on Facebook where motorhome owners describe how they never use campsites or pitches. We also free camp sometimes, but in between we roll into a campsite to charge batteries, fill water, empty the toilet cassette and drain the grey water. So, now we have to ask: How do you do this if you always fricampar? For example, where do you empty the grey water?

Sure, we can fricassee, but ...
If we cannot agree that we:
- Doing our best to comply with parking and camping rules
- Avoid taking out tables and chairs when we are in a regular car park.
- Not littering
- Not emptying our grey water into nature
- Not emptying our toilet tank in nature
It should be pretty obvious, shouldn't it?

Well we have been free camping for several weeks in Le Mata.
Located for 2 days on the other side of Torrevieja.
Emptying grey and toilet fill water and pay 35 crowns
Going back to the same car park,,
27 February 2020 - 7:57
Helena says:
Good that there are places where you can empty!
27 February 2020 - 17:45
Solan says:
It is important to respect signs when camping for free. Often read that "the camping ban does not apply during the low season"...
How do you know?
I find it embarrassing to hear adults talk about being taken away by the police.
Some silly adult game among motorhome owners? ?
27 February 2020 - 8:01
Helena says:
Yes, we completely agree about the police. I've heard the same thing, and I agree, it's embarrassing to find yourself in the situation of being driven away by the police ...
27 February 2020 - 17:46
Maggan says:
We often hitchhike, but follow the rules. Empty and fill up in designated areas (many petrol stations have water and sewage facilities for a fee). If we compare the number of motorhomes from 2010 to today, it has probably multiplied. Back in 2010 you could fricamp without problems in Spain, today many of our nice places have disappeared due to prohibition signs. I can understand the locals when 20-50 motorhomes block nice places and the view for them. And why should everyone be by the water? There are lots of nice free pitches with VA a few miles inland. Many nice smaller villages to discover. We like to fricamp, but not together with 50 others. Then the nice nature experience and the feeling of freedom disappears.
27 February 2020 - 9:22
Helena says:
Of course you can freestyle if you follow the rules and behave! Then it's as you say, that it gets trickier when there are a lot of people. Can also understand that it will not be so fun for the locals when it gets so full. Good tip to also look for places in the country!
27 February 2020 - 17:47
Anonymous says:
Completely rough👍
02 February 2023 - 18:02
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
Fricampa is nice but requires responsibility. Pitches and camping are convenient.
27 February 2020 - 9:33
Helena says:
Totally agree!
27 February 2020 - 17:48
Ama de casa says:
You see a lot of free campers here in Torrevieja. They do not bother me, but then I have assumed that they behave in the same way as Henning above. But probably not everyone does ...
27 February 2020 - 9:35
Helena says:
Many may do it, but not all, unfortunately. Then, of course, it becomes difficult when there are more and more of them all the time.
27 February 2020 - 17:49
Across the board says:
Good "route" We need a sharpening and not only from us Swedes but also from other countries. Even the Spaniards themselves actually. Emptying grey water in ditches and the toilet in a drain (where you open the lid) does not feel ok. But this is frequently done at some so-called free camping sites.
27 February 2020 - 10:07
Helena says:
Yes, of course it also applies to other nationalities! But it would at least be nice if we maintain a good reputation for the Swedes! And I agree, emptying should only be done in places intended for emptying.
27 February 2020 - 17:51
Anonymous says:
We also fricamp, but go and fill and empty in designated areas, sometimes at campsites. We have pointed out to hb drivers that you don't empty just anywhere, but have been scolded after notes. Don't know if they don't realise that they spoil it for themselves too. We continue to point out if we see something.
Hope for improvement.
27 February 2020 - 16:14
Helena says:
I am sorry to hear that you have been scolded for pointing this out! Those who do this kind of thing ruin it for everyone. They should be ashamed ...!
27 February 2020 - 17:52
Marianne - Glimpses of the world says:
It's a shame that a few should ruin the lives of many by leaving rubbish and grey water in the countryside. You would think that it would be a matter of course not to behave in this way, but apparently it is not for everyone.
27 February 2020 - 18:12
Ditte says:
I can clearly understand that Torrevieja wants to remove the free camping. (Have summer / winter cottage here and are often on site) Inside the city and just outside, at La Mata, there are many motorhomes and it is not exactly a beautiful sight here in the protected nature area. Know that some are not exactly careful with their emissions. Inside Torrevieja, motorhomes have had dogs outside their motorhomes that have been loose and attacked those who passed by. (However, no Swedes as far as I know, but German motorhomes) Then you park the cars so close to the edge of the sea that those who want to pass by here cannot do so. Know that this has been very annoying for many.
And if there are 20-30 motorhomes, it will be crowded.
I have not experienced that it is Swedish motorhomes that "misbehave". But I have noticed many German, Dutch and British motorhomes causing problems.
Just some thoughts because I know that Torrevvieja council and many of the people living in the area are fed up with this.
27 February 2020 - 18:21
BP says:
Reading your post and your comment, I fully understand that more cities/villages are banning free camping.
27 February 2020 - 19:37
Ruth in Virginia says:
The first photo:
Looks awful! Vehicles all over the place.
And so many nice houses on the hill behind.
Bloody hell!
27 February 2020 - 21:39
Anna / says:
Great route! We also wrote about this a while ago. It is important that we raise this issue and provide information. Thank you very much!
27 February 2020 - 23:20
Lena - good for the soul says:
That it even needs to be discussed! Should be obvious. So sad that some people ruin it for others. As in so many other areas too.
Hug Lena
28 February 2020 - 6:06
Kerstin Zackrisson Samsson says:
I fully agree with the Spanish authorities' directive. If we campers follow the regulations then this problem does not arise. My husband and I have stopped free camping, we always check in at campsites and are happy with that. We are out for 9.5 months a year, when we are in Andalucía we rent a Longstaying in Rota and then play golf for four months, then we are travellers until we are back in Sweden in June.
28 February 2020 - 15:41
Åsa says:
Great and urgent post!
01 March 2020 - 11:32
Anonymous says:
Why should you free camp in Torrevieja is it to avoid paying! We have a motorhome but could never imagine free camping in a city! We have had a house for 34 years in Torrevieja and have seen it get worse and worse!
01 March 2020 - 21:22