Why so much hate on the internet? We have asked ourselves this question many times recently. Why do people have to add mockery and abuse to their comments, and why do they express themselves differently behind the computer than in real life? How do you think?
Table of contents
Harsh tone and hate on the internet
What do you mean, you can't have different opinions, you might ask. Well, of course you can. But what's wrong with expressing your views without resorting to name-calling, mockery and hatred?
Harsh tone in Facebook groups
In particular, we have heard the harsh language in various Facebook groups. When group members have different opinions, they often end up with creative insults, sometimes escalating to expressions I'd rather not repeat. It's usually worst on Friday and Saturday nights... maybe after a few glasses of wine?

Our experience with hate on the internet
In a way, you could say that we are spared. We have a loyal readership, who always express themselves in a nuanced and respectful way, whether we share the same opinion or not. We have an online troll who has persistently harassed us since the summer of 2013 (when we moved into the houseboat), but apart from his daft hate comments, things are usually relatively calm.
What does he write, by the way? Well, that we should drown ourselves, that the boat will probably sink soon, that we are white trash, that we have ugly clothes, that he is looking forward to harassing us all year, that he knows the name of my boss and similar "imaginative" things.

Recent harsh tone and hate on the internet
We have reacted to recent events, as we have found the tone to be harsher than usual. This happened, for example, when we shared the story of the Ulrika and Gunnar who were robbed in their motorhome. They wanted to tell their story to warn others, so that no one else would have to go through the same thing.
Many people got caught up in a discussion about whether or not it is possible to use gas to put people to sleep in a motorhome (which is an interesting discussion in itself), but perhaps forgot that two people had suffered something terrible. Where did kindness and consideration go? Why did it go so far that the administrator of one of the groups felt compelled to ask for "good behaviour"?
We can have different views and thoughts, but can't we think about how we express ourselves? Can I hurt someone? Can I make someone sad? Note! Many people also wrote nice comments here on our blog, but we reacted to the tone on Facebook.

We reacted again when we published the post about the The coronavirus and travelling to Asia. Again, many people wrote nuanced comments on our blog, but things got out of hand on Facebook. The interesting thing was that both sides were equally upset - both those who thought no one should set foot on a plane heading east and those who laughed at the fact that more people are dying from the common flu and that it is more dangerous to take the car.
There's nothing wrong with having different opinions, but why did one of the discussions have to end with ... "stiff in the cork", "in your little know-it-all world" and "you twat"? We also received comments on the blog (which we didn't publish) such as "idiot" and "should be locked up in an asylum", as well as an email asking us to "look for a new job as a faggot" (yes, that's what it said).

We are responsible publishers - we do not publish everything
We are responsible publishers for the freedomtravel.se website, which means that we are responsible for what is published there. We review all comments before they are published. Apart from the comments from our web troll (which we never approve), it is relatively rare that we feel compelled to throw a comment in the trash.
We would like to see a comment field that is open to different opinions. However, we do not approve comments that include hate speech, and we also remove comments where the writer feels compelled to write "IDIOT" in capital letters or talk about how other people should die or be hospitalised. We simply don't think it belongs in our comments section.

If your comment disappears
Note! If your comment disappears even though you have not threatened anyone with death or insanity, it may have been sent to the trash by mistake. We have a system that sends spam comments to the trash automatically, but sometimes the system makes mistakes. In this case, please contact us!
Why can't we just be more friendly?
Seriously, can't we just be a bit kinder to each other? We're sometimes a bit shocked that people spread so much hate on the internet, because that's not how you express yourself in real life, is it? Or is it? What is it that makes the tone so much harsher because we talk to each other through a computer?
Is it because we don't look each other in the eye, or is everything we say simply becoming harsher in writing? Or is it that the tone of society in general has become harsher - after all, we are always faced with so much negative news?
Please tell us, do you have the same experience as us? Do you also find the tone harsh at times, and what do you think is the reason? Or do you think we are exaggerating?

PS. Thank you because the vast majority of you (our readers) are wonderful, wise, reflective and kind-hearted people!
All images in the post, except the photo of us, are from Pixabay.
Anna / boihusbil.se says:
You can have all the opinions you want. But expressing them everywhere is something else entirely. Many people lack that knowledge. It's good that you raise this, it can't be done too often.
08 February 2020 - 9:40
Helena says:
It's nice that it's appreciated, maybe it's at least good that it's being talked about!
08 February 2020 - 11:51
Lisa / let's go explore says:
The FB groups in particular can be completely hopeless. I wonder where all the angry people come from. How sad!
You have a wonderful and inspiring place here on the big web, cherish it and delete comments freely I think. Different opinions and dialogue yes, unpleasantness etc. no.
Hugs ❤️
08 February 2020 - 9:47
Anita Wag Agrimanaki says:
It seems to me that from time to time in Facebook groups in particular, things get out of hand. I don't know if it is the case that those who become unpleasant and raise their voices really want to have the last word regardless of how it is done. Sometimes you can see that those who want the last word eventually leave the discussion with the words that they leave the "sandbox" or even leave the group and of course they tell you in big letters that they are leaving too. When it comes to really horrible trolls that threaten, it gets really scary. I have had a few comments on the blog that I have chosen not to publish.
08 February 2020 - 10:01
Helena says:
Yes, I really do recognise what you describe on FB. I just don't really understand why it so often happens? But of course, for some it may be important to have the "last word", that may be the case.
08 February 2020 - 11:53
Lena - good for the soul says:
Agree completely. I used to be in a FB group that I "had" to leave because there was so much craziness. And in fact, the vast majority of those who expressed themselves clumsily or maliciously were "older" judging by the FB pictures. It was kind of a common thread in that particular group. Of course it's not like that everywhere and not all "older" people are like that. It was just a bit interesting.
Somewhat similar to the issue of expressing yourself more cruelly and clumsily behind the screen than in real life is how some people transform behind the wheel. Oh my God! Calm down! I feel.
I'm glad you're spared from stupidity for the most part.
Hug Lena
08 February 2020 - 10:23
Helena says:
Yes, it is very different in different FB groups, so it is perhaps nice to leave the ones where it is worst. Then there are FB groups with good and nice atmosphere too, fortunately.
08 February 2020 - 11:55
Monica says:
I totally agree. And I am delighted that you are raising the "netiquette" issue again. I am in many groups, both Swedish, English and French, and with subjects as diverse as "drawing and painting", Swedes abroad and medical groups. In almost all of them you keep a good tone, you have fun together, you give tips, help, send links, tell about your own experiences that can help or inspire others. I have also written a blog for many years and had to moderate comments myself. This is the fun part of the internet - you become part of the world in big and small ways. It's just as fun to follow the search for the little kitten in our former French village as it is to learn about and discuss the coronavirus. But then there's the sudden switch to a language you don't think is possible, which you exemplify well. If I see the word "idiot" in a comment, I immediately consider leaving the group unless the administrators correct it. I was also the one who told Helena about our friends Gunnar and Ulrika's horrific robbery experience in their motorhome in Spain. They wanted to warn others and told here in a nice interview what happened to them and also the same on Facebook. And they were subjected to a completely awful attack that they had faked their story, expressed in a really unpleasant tone. I, who personally heard the whole story, was, like other Swedish-French friends, really upset and spoke out. Like Ulrika herself. Thankfully, it all stopped then, but one asks the question: where is the empathy, the respect for the fact that we have different opinions but that they do not need to be expressed in harsh and questioning terms. And above all that you should not call someone you don't know an idiot or worse derogatory things. Many young people are also exposed to this online hate with death threats and other things - it is a completely unsustainable development! Thankfully, there are counter forces, so thank you again for highlighting the issue!
08 February 2020 - 10:27
Helena says:
So well described by "the fun part of the internet", that you become "part of the world". Can only agree! Ulrika and Gunnar's story was so interesting and important I think, and nice that they shared! Incomprehensible that some people wanted to express themselves so hard back, I think, when they wanted to be helpful and warn others. Even if you do not believe in the gas as a method, you can express yourself respectfully to someone who has experienced something as nasty as a robbery / burglary when you sleep, I think?
08 February 2020 - 12:03
Anette says:
When we lived abroad, I was a member of a group on FB, "Swedes in Thailand". There were sometimes questions and comments that made me feel ashamed of being Swedish. The administrator had a full-time job keeping the group clean.
09 February 2020 - 14:47
4000mil says:
How can there be so many people out there who have not learnt to argue objectively and without personal attacks?
I think the situation has escalated now after the New Year actually.
I wrote a bit about this in my 2019 summary post and actually have another unpublished post on the topic (which I don't know if I can publish, must be strong and rested that day? 🙂 )
I'm sorry to hear that you also get attacks on the blog. And then we both write about travelling. Not about politics, or anything else polarising like that.
08 February 2020 - 10:29
Helena says:
I'm sorry that this has happened to you too ...! And that you should even have to think that you should be strong and rested the day you publish about it ...
08 February 2020 - 12:07
Lisa says:
Kindness both online and in the real world tends to spread like wildfire. People feel happy and appreciated and continue to be friendly. Unfortunately, nastiness also has that ability, often spreads even more and no one gains from it but only generates more anger. Be kind to each other and show helpfulness instead of mockery as so often happens in various forums, then it will be a more pleasant environment for all of us.
Happy holidays and hugs from the wheelhouse!
08 February 2020 - 10:47
Helena says:
Absolutely true, we must try to help contribute to those friendly and positive rings! 🙂 Hugs from us
08 February 2020 - 12:07
Kerstin Persson says:
Have read the whole post and you are so right. It costs absolutely nothing to be nice. If I have nothing to offer that is helpful to the enquirer, why reply at all? I follow many fb groups that deal with holiday life on wheels and have a lot of fun and gain a lot of knowledge from it. But as you can see, it often gets out of hand. Often the threads are hijacked by some who start their own war about a completely different thing than what the post was about. In any case, you are doing a great job with your blog. Wishing you all the best. With kind regards, Kerstin
08 February 2020 - 10:56
Helena says:
Thank you for your comment Kerstin! Isn't it strange sometimes that things go off the rails? But maybe it is as you say, that some people have their own wars that they want to wage for some reason ... Thank you very much for the nice comment about our blog! Have fun!
08 February 2020 - 12:08
Goatfish says:
People who behave so badly are not doing well themselves but want to transfer their frustration to others who are doing well. A kind of senseless jealousy. Very sad and destructive.
Yes, I have noticed such tendencies in FB groups but that was a long time ago. The blog is clean, but there has been an occasional slip-up about ten years ago. Sometimes a stalker pops up, but that person is spamming several bloggers, so they just delete it.
I wish you a nice Saturday with your lovely blog! Light and love!
Kram, Gerd
08 February 2020 - 11:51
Helena says:
Yes, we try to think like that too. Those who have to spew out bile from time to time can't feel good themselves. Wishing you a nice weekend! Hugs from us
08 February 2020 - 12:09
Åsa says:
I, or rather we, agree with every syllable. Very well written. These are exactly the same thoughts we have. Cheers to you and cheers to you for standing up for this!????
Hugs / Åsa, husbilsresa.se
08 February 2020 - 12:13
Helena says:
Thank you Åsa for your nice and encouraging comment!!! Hugs from us
08 February 2020 - 19:07
Emma, sun like sun? says:
Surely it is a strange "phenomenon"! Many people think that what, you can think what you want but I'm not entirely sure that I agree with it in all situations. All opinions are not OK! And to also not be able to shut up about it just to feel good, or better? No, far from OK.
When my son was born, I spent a lot of time on Family Life. There you can talk about attacks, trolls and other nasty stuff. I got bored, it was so annoying. Then I found Odla, the gardening forum. Even there, trolls sometimes came crawling out of the woods. But for the most part, people were absolutely wonderful and helpful, I had so much fun there with like-minded cultivation and gardening fanatics! Then I changed focus a bit when we moved and I started my blog. In addition to spam comments, I have received ONE comment that I did not appreciate so I have been spared, on the contrary, I get absolutely wonderful comments even though we do not always think alike. Because we are simply different. But that is also what is so fun, you get in touch with wonderful people who I would never have met in ordinary life.
But why do things turn out the way they do?
I think one reason is that it really takes a very talented writer to use words and images to convey emotions that we normally use the body, face and tone of voice to convey. How many writers are educated and/or talented? Because it is an art!
The second reason is that the reader is also required to be able to understand a text correctly; it's not just a bunch of words you have to know, you have to grasp the meaning and spirit of the text. Being able to read is not the same as reading comprehension.
The third reason may be that you read too fast and misunderstand because you did not take the time to read the whole sentence. The whole text. People find it so difficult to take time for things!
Those three reasons probably cause more trouble on forums and FB (I guess, I dare to refuse FB) than on a blog.
Think of a fourth reason too! To know best! I guess I'm a bit hopeless there, I like to point out if I see something wrong, especially if it can cause trouble or be misunderstood. Few people like to be corrected but I also think it's worse if it's wrong because it lowers confidence. I hate being wrong, but I hate it even more when my blog contains direct inaccuracies. The problem then comes when (if) you point out an error and then we come back to reasons one and two.
Oops, I wrote so hopelessly long again! But it's a subject that is very difficult to deal with. The only thing is to think about your own behaviour, raise your children to behave appropriately and realise that the world is full of ... er ... less nice people too.
Have a wonderful weekend!
08 February 2020 - 14:04
Helena says:
Thank you for sharing your reflections! It's interesting what you write about how much depends on the writer. I can also sometimes think that some things can land differently in text than what you really mean. When it comes to pointing out errors, at least we are mostly just grateful. If it's just about correcting an error, it's good for us, who will continue to have the article "live".
08 February 2020 - 19:12
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
Kindness is the name of the game. Meanness and jealousy are a scourge.
08 February 2020 - 14:08
Helena says:
08 February 2020 - 19:13
Camilla says:
Unfortunately, people show their true colours when they can be anonymous. Alcohol also helps people to let down their guard. So many people are simply hateful in this world. Sad but true.
08 February 2020 - 14:28
Helena says:
Yes, that seems to be the case, and it's sad ...
08 February 2020 - 19:14
Elisabeth says:
Good post. I haven't been hurt myself, but I don't read and write comments on FB at weekends as the tone is boring.
08 February 2020 - 15:36
Helena says:
Thank you!!! Smart, but still sad that you have to think like that, that you have to avoid FB on the weekend ...
08 February 2020 - 19:14
Ditte says:
Important post! I don't have Facebook but have realised from friends that that is where the tone is the harshest. I don't think I've noticed this in Blogglandia but on the other hand I don't always read all the comments that the blogs I follow get. For my part, it's probably like yours, many returning readers and new ones joining, but there have been no boring comments. I've decided that I will approve the comments before they are published, mostly to avoid some "rubbish comments" but a lot of advertising.
If you have Facebook and are in different groups, you are free to think what you want, but you don't have to say or write it.
08 February 2020 - 15:46
Helena says:
In the blog world, I also think the tone is better than on FB, even though we sometimes get "bad eggs". Of course you can think what you want, but you don't have to hurt others unnecessarily, I think.
08 February 2020 - 19:16
Berit says:
It is about people making their voices heard at home, in an anonymous way. Too many people do not dare to stand up for their opinions. In many cases they are people who are jealous of others. A lot of them have no life of their own but resent others who have a rich life. Then there are the "orderers" who like to find fault with others and top people. I myself do not have FB so I have only heard what happens there.
But all in all, it is a very sad development!
08 February 2020 - 17:10
Helena says:
What a sad development! And you may be right. One can imagine that it's those who are jealous or dissatisfied or feel bad in some way that attack others, perhaps.
08 February 2020 - 19:17
Matts Torebring says:
In the cockpit of our campervan we have two cuddly lions, along with a third cuddly sheep. This is my standing protest against the evil, harsh, cold world we live in. My dream is that hatred and evil would give way.
Svt has broadcast several beautiful services from Härnösand's Pentecostal church. The leader of the meeting was a new Swedish dark woman. A person who had fled across the Mediterranean was interviewed anonymously by the pastor of the church. In the packed church there were an unusual number of New Swedes. What happened next...
A few days later, I read in the newspaper Dagen that the pastor and leader of the fine Pentecostal congregation had been bombarded by hate mail.
I am increasingly trying to tell myself, if I have nothing positive to write, be quiet! Evil only breeds more evil. Good wins in the end.
08 February 2020 - 17:42
Helena says:
Love your standing protest!!! There should be more such protests! What you write about, with the hate mail, so sad ... But we have to believe that good wins, absolutely right!
08 February 2020 - 19:19
BP says:
A very good post! As I still refuse FB and hardly read FB at all, I am not affected by online hate, neither there nor in my blog. Have few times suffered from long postings probably written by people with mental illness. I not only deleted them but put them directly into blogspot's spam. Problem solved!
If you read newspapers and/or watch TV, you clearly see that "violence" has escalated in recent months, not least in Sweden with explosions, fires, acts of violence, etc. When was the last time you read something positive and funny in Aftonbladet, for example... In other words, reality is also reflected on FB and blogs.
Extremely sad. I think FB should react much more quickly and effectively there, and ban people who behave inappropriately, to say the least. And we must not forget that it is sooooo much easier (read: more cowardly) to behave inappropriately online than face to face.
I think you should write honest comments/posts, absolutely not be PC and agree with the writer if you have a different opinion. However, writing your own, personal thoughts should never be expressed in the form of personal attacks, hatred and threats. To distinguish between thing and person is extremely important, I think!
08 February 2020 - 18:02
Helena says:
Great to hear that you like our post! Yes, you probably avoid some by being outside FB! 🙂 Then I TOTALLY agree with you, of course we want readers who write honestly! We want to know what our readers really think, and sometimes it can be super good to hear another opinion. But I can't see that it should have to include threats or mockery ...
08 February 2020 - 19:23
Daniela | Discovering The Planet says:
Good and important post. Wrote about this very thing last year. Being kinder to each other both IRL and on the web. Despite differences. But agree that the toughest environment is on FB. Think of the travel group VSGAR, for example. Where political attacks are easily made when certain countries are mentioned or "google-friendly" questions are asked. How hard is it to scroll past like :/?!
Hugs to you ♡
08 February 2020 - 18:35
Helena says:
Completely agree with you, I think it can escalate into something negative quite quickly there. And then the group is still about travel, it should be mostly positive discussions? Hugs from us
08 February 2020 - 19:25
Maria / MagnoliaMagis says:
Great post! Of course, many people don't dare to say what they think in real life, but online it's fine! I have joined several groups where there is whining and criticism. No, I opt out of these. Think those who have groups should sift out a little faster too. Dare to say stop! But in here I think everyone comments nicely and after what is discussed. Lovely bunch! More kindness to the people! 😉
08 February 2020 - 18:44
Helena says:
Glad to hear that you like the climate here! We think so too. I get a lot of positive energy from reading all the wise and reflective comments here 🙂.
08 February 2020 - 19:27
Anki says:
An important and good post ... because it's strange how some people completely forget common courtesy when they can be anonymous. This has meant that I've pretty much stopped using FB, there are some groups I don't want to be without, but I'm pretty much never there otherwise ... can't handle all the fuss!
I'm sorry to read that you've had to deal with some unpleasant people on your blog - which is unimaginable given that you're apolitical and pretty much only write about motorhomes and your various trips.
Have a nice weekend!
08 February 2020 - 19:10
Helena says:
We think so too, that we write about travelling and motorhome life and such, it shouldn't be so conflictual. In fact, it often isn't either, but it happens ...
08 February 2020 - 19:28
Cathinka- On the move says:
This is something I think about a lot. Why everything has to turn into an argument with a harsh tone instead of an interesting discussion. Why it is so much more important to win than to take an interest in other people's opinions and actually learn something along the way. A sad and sad development it is anyway. Thanks for a good post.
08 February 2020 - 20:55
Helena says:
Good description of how it often seems more important to "win" a discussion than to hear others' opinions. That's how it often feels, and it's sad.
09 February 2020 - 7:47
Wifey says:
woow, really good post
I also don't understand all the hate that is spread online
But everyone on fb is always the right one - there are only doctors, vets, dieticians, personal trainers etc etc
If you have a different opinion, you are hated or you get the funny racist card for nothing - it's really sick, isn't it?
I was blocked on Facebook until 6 April and have been since December.
I was blocked for sharing my blog - freedom is disappearing as well as freedom of expression!
08 February 2020 - 22:26
Helena says:
Wow, it sounds dramatic to be blocked on FB like that. Is there an explanation as to why?
09 February 2020 - 7:49
Ruth in Virginia says:
I dislike large motorhomes and the like very much, but I
like Helena and Peter and their blog very much.
I am very open with my opinions, but almost always
I think, "Would I say that if I were sitting opposite them?"
Sometimes it is too easy to press the "send" button.
Unfortunately, we have a president who tweets all day long.
with language, which should not be allowed. I don't want that in the
blogs I read. -
09 February 2020 - 7:02
Helena says:
You have never written anything strange Ruth! On the contrary! We really appreciate that you write your opinions 🙂 As we wrote, we would like to have high ceilings, and everyone does not have to agree with us on all issues 😉 But I can still agree that it may sometimes be too easy to "push the button". Your president was a good example actually ...
09 February 2020 - 7:52