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Why so much hate on the internet?

Why so much hate on the internet? We have asked ourselves this question many times recently. Why do people have to add mockery and abuse to their comments, and why do they express themselves differently behind the computer than in real life? How do you think?


Harsh tone and hate on the internet

What do you mean, you can't have different opinions, you might ask. Well, of course you can. But what's wrong with expressing your views without resorting to name-calling, mockery and hatred?

Harsh tone in Facebook groups

In particular, we have heard the harsh language in various Facebook groups. When group members have different opinions, they often end up with creative insults, sometimes escalating to expressions I'd rather not repeat. It's usually worst on Friday and Saturday nights... maybe after a few glasses of wine?

Our experience with hate on the internet

In a way, you could say that we are spared. We have a loyal readership, who always express themselves in a nuanced and respectful way, whether we share the same opinion or not. We have an online troll who has persistently harassed us since the summer of 2013 (when we moved into the houseboat), but apart from his daft hate comments, things are usually relatively calm.

What does he write, by the way? Well, that we should drown ourselves, that the boat will probably sink soon, that we are white trash, that we have ugly clothes, that he is looking forward to harassing us all year, that he knows the name of my boss and similar "imaginative" things.

Troll och hat på Internet

Recent harsh tone and hate on the internet

We have reacted to recent events, as we have found the tone to be harsher than usual. This happened, for example, when we shared the story of the Ulrika and Gunnar who were robbed in their motorhome. They wanted to tell their story to warn others, so that no one else would have to go through the same thing.

Many people got caught up in a discussion about whether or not it is possible to use gas to put people to sleep in a motorhome (which is an interesting discussion in itself), but perhaps forgot that two people had suffered something terrible. Where did kindness and consideration go? Why did it go so far that the administrator of one of the groups felt compelled to ask for "good behaviour"?

We can have different views and thoughts, but can't we think about how we express ourselves? Can I hurt someone? Can I make someone sad? Note! Many people also wrote nice comments here on our blog, but we reacted to the tone on Facebook.

Facebook och hat på internet

We reacted again when we published the post about the The coronavirus and travelling to Asia. Again, many people wrote nuanced comments on our blog, but things got out of hand on Facebook. The interesting thing was that both sides were equally upset - both those who thought no one should set foot on a plane heading east and those who laughed at the fact that more people are dying from the common flu and that it is more dangerous to take the car.

There's nothing wrong with having different opinions, but why did one of the discussions have to end with ... "stiff in the cork", "in your little know-it-all world" and "you twat"? We also received comments on the blog (which we didn't publish) such as "idiot" and "should be locked up in an asylum", as well as an email asking us to "look for a new job as a faggot" (yes, that's what it said).

Hat på internet

We are responsible publishers - we do not publish everything

We are responsible publishers for the website, which means that we are responsible for what is published there. We review all comments before they are published. Apart from the comments from our web troll (which we never approve), it is relatively rare that we feel compelled to throw a comment in the trash.

We would like to see a comment field that is open to different opinions. However, we do not approve comments that include hate speech, and we also remove comments where the writer feels compelled to write "IDIOT" in capital letters or talk about how other people should die or be hospitalised. We simply don't think it belongs in our comments section.


If your comment disappears

Note! If your comment disappears even though you have not threatened anyone with death or insanity, it may have been sent to the trash by mistake. We have a system that sends spam comments to the trash automatically, but sometimes the system makes mistakes. In this case, please contact us!

Why can't we just be more friendly?

Seriously, can't we just be a bit kinder to each other? We're sometimes a bit shocked that people spread so much hate on the internet, because that's not how you express yourself in real life, is it? Or is it? What is it that makes the tone so much harsher because we talk to each other through a computer?

Is it because we don't look each other in the eye, or is everything we say simply becoming harsher in writing? Or is it that the tone of society in general has become harsher - after all, we are always faced with so much negative news?

Please tell us, do you have the same experience as us? Do you also find the tone harsh at times, and what do you think is the reason? Or do you think we are exaggerating?

PS. Thank you because the vast majority of you (our readers) are wonderful, wise, reflective and kind-hearted people!

All images in the post, except the photo of us, are from Pixabay.

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