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Corona in Sweden - when everything shuts down

Now we have corona in Sweden, and from one day to the next it feels like everything is shutting down. Conferences, fairs and sports competitions are cancelled. Most things in our calendar have been cancelled and we just have to adapt to new conditions.


Corona in Sweden

Now there is no doubt that we have corona in Sweden. A total of 775 cases have now been confirmed in Sweden (13 March). Many have been infected abroad or by people who have been abroad, but now people are also being infected in Sweden. The figures change from day to day, and you can check the current situation here:

Corona i Sverige

Cancelled journeys

This week it became very clear to us that everything is shutting down. We had to cancel our trip to Tunisia. The same day we learned that our planned trip to Bielefeld, Germany in May was also cancelled. I (Helena) was supposed to lecture at an international week at the University of Bielefeld, but the week was cancelled. Very sad of course!

Corona in Sweden - events cancelled

Even here in Sweden, events are being cancelled. With the job, I (Helena) was supposed to speak at several regional and national conferences in the spring, but all of these are cancelled.

We were supposed to attend several travel events last week, but three out of five were cancelled. It is also noticeable that there are fewer people in town than usual. The streets are quiet, and we have seen, for example, that the gym chain SATS has closed down to reduce the spread of infection.

Corona i Sverige

Which events are closing down?

On 11 March 2020, the government decided to stop all public gatherings and public events with more than 500 people. The aim is to reduce the spread of infection that can occur when many people meet in the same place. The new rules mean that many large events will be closed, such as conferences, theatre performances, sports competitions, markets, fairs and demonstrations. In addition, some choose to close down smaller gatherings as well.

Can you travel by train and bus?

Public transport, workplaces and schools are not covered by the ban on major events (13 March). The Swedish Public Health Agency has concluded that, for the time being, it is still important that public transport works and that healthy people can travel to work and school. However, it is important to stay at home if you feel ill.

tunnelbana - corona i Sverige
Metro station Solna Centre

The waiting day will disappear

Another measure implemented to reduce the spread of the coronavirus in Sweden is the removal of the waiting period. This means that employees will receive sickness benefit from the first day they are home from work.

Why don't schools close?

In many countries, schools are also closing. In Sweden, this decision has not (so far) been made. It may come at a later stage, but in Sweden it is of course a difficult decision to make. People with important jobs (e.g. in healthcare) will find it difficult to get to work if their children are at home, and what happens then?

Corona in Sweden - what are we doing?

Our planned trip to Tunisia is cancelled, so we will be home in Sweden without doing anything special. We will be hanging out in our houseboat and on Monday I (Helena) will go back to work (have regretted the holiday). Maybe there will be some small excursions in the local area?

We are doing our best to avoid large crowds and we are trying to be careful with hand hygiene. Otherwise, we think you should adapt to the situation and wait out the misery in peace and quiet. Maybe take the opportunity to work, blog, read or watch good TV series?


Corona in Sweden - what do you do?

What do you do now that we have corona in Sweden? Have you had to cancel or replan? Have you changed your habits? Or are you perhaps abroad? Please tell us!

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