Talk about getting to know your neighbourhood! We go for walks and hikes to get a break from the sedentary life at home. Is it the same for you? We've also been battling storms, cooking good food and ordering stuff for the campervan. Happy Friday!
Table of contents
Long walks
We have probably never walked as much as we do now. We work from home during the day - partly with my (Helena's)... job as a public health scientist and partly with the blog. Occasionally we need to move around and then we go for long walks in the neighbourhood. The photo is from one corner of Karlberg Castle Park, where we have a view of the marina where we live.

Yesterday there was a storm. The waves blew across the piers, so it was difficult to get home dry-shod. At times there were strong winds in the villages and we had to put away all the loose cans and bottles in the kitchen, to avoid unnecessary accidents and cleaning the floor ...

Good food - of various kinds
Peter has long been preparing very beautiful and tasty dinner plates filled with fruit, vegetables and, for example, halloumi or salmon. This has been perfect after work, but now (as we both work from home and eat instant noodles for lunch) I have started to whinge about and crave "real" food.

What was I offered then? Well, the Polish soup zurekwhich is filled with things like potatoes, carrots, parsnips, sausages and eggs. This definitely qualified as "real" food. Very tasty!

Best this week
We find it quite boring to spend this much time at home, but we try to create routines with working hours, walks and other activities. TV series. The best thing is that the weather has been so nice (except yesterday!) and that we in Sweden can still get out and enjoy nature! Do you have anything that you can highlight as positive during your week?
The week ahead
We will continue to go out to different nature reserves when work and weather permits. Peter has also ordered some things for the continued renovation of the centre. the camper vanso we will tell you more about that in the future. And there will be a bit about travelling (you can still dream) and about Easter ...!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the New lessons learned, natural areas and newspaper reports
Lena - good for the soul says:
Yes, it was windy yesterday afternoon and evening. And then came the snow that never came during the winter!
The best part of the week, since last Friday, is definitely last weekend. We were free on Friday and could work three days building a shed. So wonderful to be out in the sun and work with the body!
Hug Lena
03 April 2020 - 7:06
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
Agree with those of us who are Old Old, we have been told to just lie low.
I take my walks every morning, TV series and books.
We wait to drive out with the campervan.
03 April 2020 - 9:00
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
It should be the elderly elderly that the public health agency
03 April 2020 - 15:31
Ama de casa says:
Yes, we take long, lovely walks every day! In the garage... No, they are neither long nor lovely, but we move around a bit anyway. We don't understand that we are not allowed to go out without a reason, but we follow the rules that apply.
Still, there are positives. Anders' poor arm is getting better and better. We have a roof over our heads (even on the walks, haha!), good food and drink, a terrace to go out on, internet, TV and above all we have each other.
Have a happy start to the weekend!
03 April 2020 - 9:52
Mum c says:
Yes, it gets a bit samey, samey during the day, but you can dream anyway, even though the situation is as it is.
03 April 2020 - 10:41
BP says:
Was actually thinking of you and the houseboat yesterday when the wind was blowing like crazy. We know from experience you picked up all the loose items. Well done!
I've been getting worse and worse at moving in the last two weeks. I have a hard time motivating myself, and I have a bad back. So it is (too) easy for me to find an excuse not to move.
Zurek - MUMS! How hungry I became now:-)
03 April 2020 - 19:50
bmlarstravellingblog says:
Yesterday we weren't exactly jealous of your accommodation... As lovely as it is when the weather is nice.
We ourselves are trying to get a functioning everyday life in our self-imposed quarantine. Now we don't think that life will change so much in the future because we have to count ourselves among the elderly who have to stay in seclusion. We walk and move around outside every day and good food has become another pleasure now that we have plenty of time to stand in the kitchen.
The best thing this week is that my middle daughter and her partner are starting to recover after two weeks in the grip of Corona in Gothenburg. It will probably take a while before they can consider themselves healthy but it is going in the right direction...
03 April 2020 - 22:48