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Full steam ahead again - we're not used to stress!


We are in full swing right now. How did that come about? We had almost gotten used to this calm pace. Now we hardly know how to deal with several things happening at once ...!?


From peace and quiet ...

We've probably never had it as quiet as we've had it in the last few months. We haven't travelled, haven't run to events and haven't even been to any workplace. We have been quietly sitting at our computers at home, and to break the monotony, we have occasionally gone on an adventure in nature.

... to full roll

But now suddenly so much has happened that we have become stressed. How did it happen? We don't really know, but maybe it's just that everything suddenly happens at the same time.

When we were at our most boring one day, we came up with the idea that we should start a web shop. We have mentioned it once before, but you might think it has been forgotten? Not at all! It is lots of work behind the scenes. Fun and exciting, but also a bit nervous.

Now that we are home the camper van we are of course also working on it. A while ago we remodelled motorhome garage, and then we have been changing the shutters and windows. We'll tell you more about that soon!

Do you remember that I was going to give a lecture about my research in Bielefeld, Germany? The trip was of course cancelled, but now they want me to record and send the lecture instead. I'm working on the Powerpoint presentation right now, and trying not to think about the moment when I'm going to sit in the boat and give an hour-long lecture in English to a fake audience...

Peter also regularly travels up to his parents now, in the Gävle area. His father is ill and there is a lot to do with cars, insurance, bills, banking, future accommodation and so on. It's great that Peter and his brother can help!

Tip of the week!

Did you see the competition we told you about yesterday? Don't miss out! If you've been to the Czech Republic, it's super easy to compete by sharing a photo from the Czech Republic on Facebook and writing why you like that particular place. Tag the post with #mint Czech Republic trip you're in the running! Great chance to win great train tickets to Prague (valid until next summer!).

Best this week

The best thing this week is that it has become summer? We are also happy that we have now managed to fix more things with the motorhome. What has been the best part of your week?

The week ahead

This week we're going to take care of the motorhome and let it roll. Among other things, you will be able to read about replacing the hatches and windows on the motorhome, and about a small cycling trip that turned out to be a success. significantly more interesting than expected!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Motorhomes and e-bikes are ready for adventure

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