Kyrksjölöten Nature Reserve is located around Kyrksjön in Bromma, in the municipality of Stockholm. There are lots of birds and plenty of amphibians, and you can walk on nice wooden footpaths through nature.
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Kyrksjölöten nature reserve in Bromma, Sweden
Kyrksjölöten nature reserve is located in the middle of Norra Ängby's villa gardens in Bromma. Despite being close to the centre of Stockholm, this is an area that offers great nature experiences. It was almost like a fairytale when we entered the reserve through the small flower tunnel.

The Kyrksjölöten nature reserve is located in Riksby, Norra Ängby and Bromma Kyrka in the north-western part of the Bromma neighbourhood, in the municipality of Stockholm.
Church Lake
In the centre of the Kyrksjölöten nature reserve is Kyrksjön. The water in the lake is clear and at its deepest it is around two metres. Around 65 different bird species are usually sighted here every year, and the place is popular with birdwatchers. At both ends of the lake there is a jetty where you can take a break or watch the birds. If it gets cold enough in winter, the lake is ploughed for ice skating.

Birds and amphibians
Part of the Kyrksjölöten nature reserve is protected as a Natura 2000 site, an EU network for the protection and conservation of biodiversity. There are plenty of birds in the reserve. Here you can see birds worthy of protection, such as osprey, heron, goshawk, stone-curlew, house sparrow, lesser spotted woodpecker and black-crested grebe.
Kyrksjön is surrounded by one of Stockholm's largest wet deciduous forests. The amphibians thrive here, and in order for them to thrive... yet better, the city has dug two frog ponds. They have also built two 'frog tunnels' to allow the frogs to move easily between spawning and hibernation sites. Here you can find toads, bullfrogs, common frogs, great crested newts and lesser crested newts.

On wooden walkways through nature
Nice trails go around a large part of the nature reserve, and through the wettest areas you can walk on nice wooden walkways. We really liked this, fantastic! Apparently you are not allowed to cycle here (only on marked cycle paths), but according to a lady we met, it is possible to lead the bikes.

Ice age and 19th century memories
The ice age is reflected in the Kyrksjölöten nature reserve through large boulders and De Geer moraines. The long narrow moraine formations were formed during the melting of the inland ice sheet about 10,000 years ago.
The area also includes an Iron Age burial ground and the so-called 'Russian Wall'. It was previously thought that the wall was built by Russian prisoners of war in the 18th century, but later investigations have shown that the wall is a 19th century crop circle.
Candlelight evening with candles around Kyrksjön lake
We have a friend who lives near Kyrksjön, and she told us about a nice event that happens in the autumn. One evening the Mälar Scouts light candles all around the lake and everyone who lives nearby goes wild. You can read more about the event at The Mälar Scouts. Sounds great!

We love that there is such beautiful nature so close to Stockholm. Have you been to the Kyrksjölöten nature reserve? Tell us about it!
Facts about the Kyrksjölöten nature reserve
- Address: Church Lake
- Size: 50.5 hectares
- Formation: 1997
- Borough and municipality: Bromma district administration in Stockholm municipality
- Sea: Church Lake
- More info: You can read more at City of Stockholm website
Nature in Kyrksjölöten Nature Reserve
- Nature: Moist deciduous forest (holly and silver birch)
- Plants: These include beech, holly, dogwood, bracken, willow shrubs, heather, ferns, sedges, dogwood, nettles, raspberries and wood fungi. The bottom of the lake is covered by the red-listed coralline algae, red seaweed.
- Birds: Rich bird life with, among other things, brown duck, vigg, moorhen, mute swan, heron, goshawk, osprey, stonechuck, lesser spotted woodpecker, bearded woodpecker, black-crowned woodpecker, lesser spotted woodpecker, robin, starling, chaffinch, wren, blackbird, nuthatch, barnacle, nightingale, blackcap, marsh warbler, warbler, reed warbler and sparrow.
- amphibians: Toad, field frog, common frog, great crested newt and lesser crested newt.
- Butterflies: Aurora butterfly, cabbage butterfly, lemon butterfly, nettle butterfly and peacock butterfly.
- Other insects: Dragonflies, warthogs, grasshoppers and more.
Activities at Kyrksjölöten Nature Reserve
- Hiking/walking: Fine paths for walking. Among other things, there is an illuminated jogging track in the south-eastern part.
- Cycling: You can cycle on the signposted route within the reserve.
- Fishing: You can fish (ruda and possibly perch) in Kyrksjön if you have a sport fishing licence.
- Bird watching: There are around 65 different bird species here. You can watch them from the two piers. The northern jetty is accessible.
Rules in Kyrksjölöten Nature Reserve
In addition to general regulations and prohibitions in laws and regulations, it is prohibited in the Kyrksjölöten nature reserve to:
- Bringing an unleashed dog
- Operate motorboats or motorised model aircraft/boats
- Riding a bicycle or moped on a road other than a designated road
- Tenting and camping
- Deliberately disturbing birds and mammals, for example by climbing nest trees or taking close-up photographs of nests/shelters.
- Making a fire
- Breaking branches, felling, pruning living or dead trees and shrubs and otherwise damaging vegetation.
- Destroying/damaging fixed natural objects or surface features, for example by digging, drilling, carving, blasting, burning or painting.
- Putting up boards, posters or signs. However, signposts, orienteering screens and tip-offs may be set up temporarily, and must be removed immediately after the end of the event.
Find the Kyrksjölöten nature reserve
- On foot or by bike: The entrances on the north side are accessed via Spångavägen. The southern parts are accessed, for example, via Bergslagsvägen.
- Car: Parking is available at Vultejusvägen. There are also car parks at Åkeshovshallen, for example.
- Bus: You can take a bus to the Kyrksjölöten, Urban Hjärnes väg or Salixvägen bus stops. Check the traffic on
- Underground railway: Take the green line of the metro to Åkeshov.
snort says:
In times like these, it's nice to discover everything they actually have quite close to us. A wonderful excursion destination and it is probably similar excursions you can invest in this summer. Even if it were possible, we are not travelling this summer. It would not feel safe.
14 May 2020 - 8:32
Helena says:
There is a lot to discover in the local area, so now you have to take the opportunity! 🙂
14 May 2020 - 15:55
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
Ängby camping is close by and there is a bathing area nearby.
14 May 2020 - 8:56
Helena says:
It's not that far away! However, Ängby camping is even closer to the other nature reserve in Bromma, Judarskogen nature reserve,
14 May 2020 - 15:56
Ruth in Virginia says:
I've really enjoyed your visits to the various nature centres.
reserves in the Stockholm area. It's fantastic
that there are so many great places to visit.
Also likes old houses and castles.
The tree trunks look very appealing.
I am so happy, that I can virtually be with you.
-what a fun "tree tunnel
14 May 2020 - 15:23
Helena says:
I'm glad it's appreciated! We ourselves think that discovering the local area is more interesting than expected. We like to combine nature with a bit of culture and history.
14 May 2020 - 15:57
Anna, New York - My Bite of the Big Apple says:
What a lovely and, as it seems, different destination!
We've been doing a lot of bird watching in our family, at least the sons as the eldest son is a real expert. However, we have not been to this place.
So nice and smart with the wooden bars (yes, I know that wooden bars are also correct but I'm so used to writing bars, haha)! That light event also sounded exciting.
Imagine how much there is to discover in our own country.
and in your neighbourhood!
14 May 2020 - 15:47
Helena says:
Glad you have a bird watching expert in your family! 🙂 We definitely do not (unfortunately), but we have friends who are birdwatchers. And yes, I double-checked that it was also ok to write woodpeckers before writing 😉.
14 May 2020 - 15:58
BP says:
Western Stockholm is one of the parts of Stockholm where I'm not "at home" at all, and yet I've been playing football for Brommapojkarna at Ängby IP for three years ...
So glad you are exploring the western part of Greater Stockholm for me:-)
14 May 2020 - 21:38
Karin Niklasson Crying says:
Nice blog post about Kyrksjön! I've been lucky enough to live within walking distance of Kyrksjölöten for a few years now, and I'm falling more and more in love with this little gem of a nature reserve!
27 March 2021 - 19:51