How do you keep your mobile phone charged while travelling? And what about taking a power bank on a flight? The mobile phone, and also our power bank, has become part of our most important equipment when travelling. Here are our top tips and a checklist for flying with a power bank.
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Mobile phones on the move
The mobile phone has become an important companion nowadays, which is perhaps not surprising given that it is used for so many different purposes. A mobile phone is not just a phone but can also function as a computer, camera, GPS, calculator and notebook.
Since we got our new mobile phones (iPhone 11) we use them even more than before. The big difference for us is that the camera on mobile phones is now so good that we can use them to take photos. Some things are still better with the real camera, but a lot of times we get by with the mobile phone.

Powerbank while travelling
We could never do without a power bank, which is a portable battery for charging technical equipment. We use our mobile phones a lot and we have noticed that two activities in particular take a lot of energy: filming and using the GPS. Also, when travelling, it often happens that it takes a long time to recharge. Our power bank has often been our saviour.
When we went sailing in Poland and Germany last summer, our powerbank broke just before departure. On board the sailboat there were limited possibilities to charge (while we wanted to take lots of photos and videos!), so we had to buy a new powerbank in a shopping centre in Swinoujscie.

Our tips for mobile phones and power banks when travelling
Here are a few things we've learned to keep in mind to keep your mobile phones charged while travelling:
- New mobiles are better - New mobiles have better cameras and longer battery life.
- Charge your mobile phone in the evening - Make sure your mobile phone is always fully charged before setting off on your day's adventure.
- Bring a mobile phone cable - Take the mobile phone cable with you on day trips - you can charge when you get the chance.
- Check for electrical outlets - Electrical outlets can be found on trains, aeroplanes, restaurants etc. Take the opportunity to recharge before there is a crisis.
- Bring a power bank - With a power bank on excursions, you can charge even if you can't find an electrical outlet.
- Charge the power bank - Don't forget to charge the power bank well in advance before taking it with you.
- Utilise all electrical outlets in hotel rooms - For example, look for extra sockets by the coffee maker and bedside lamp.
- Load via computer - Your mobile phone can be charged via your computer if necessary, for example if you don't have an electrical outlet.

Can you pack your power bank on a flight?
Some people ask if you can pack a power bank on an aeroplane. The answer is yes, you can. However, it must be kept in your hand luggage and there is a limit in Wh (watt hours). MyTrendyPhonewhich sells accessories for mobile phones, has produced an infographic showing what to look out for:

Ama de casa says:
Hmm... What the phone is least used for nowadays is as a phone 😉.
My mobile phone is self-charging, right when I look at it, the battery is fully charged without me doing anything. Though I suspect that Anders may have a hand in the game actually 😉.
Anders always has a lot of charging stuff and cords with him on trips that solve most "problems" with charging / wifi and such. I didn't think we had a power bank, but apparently we have that too. We were told that we don't have much use for it, but at a hotel in Cartagena the wiffi reception was really bad inside the room. Then Anders put the "manikin" (a wireless router) right by the door where the reception was decent. Since there was no electrical outlet nearby, he used the power bank there. Smart solution actually. Haha! What an "interesting" story huh? 😉 😀
Yes, I'm very spoilt as I always have the computer department with me when travelling 😀.
Have a nice little Saturday!
06 May 2020 - 10:41
Helena says:
Yes, you can perhaps question the word "phone" haha ... And sooo perfect to have your own data department! Not entirely surprised that you have a power bank actually 😉 .
07 May 2020 - 7:12
Emma, sun like sun? says:
Yes! A mobile phone with a low battery can make you very stressed! Imagine how you're wired, really.
06 May 2020 - 16:05
Helena says:
Well, you might ask yourself that ... At the same time, you need your mobile phone for everything nowadays!
07 May 2020 - 7:13
BP says:
I don't have a power bank, which is probably just as well because all the technical specifications were pure Chinese to me. But I always have the "charging cord" with me and always have the iPhone on charge here at home. I guess I take the safe before the unsafe I guess;-)
06 May 2020 - 21:51
Helena says:
The charger can save you in many situations too!
07 May 2020 - 7:13
Ann-Louise Paulsson says:
I recently bought an iPhone 11 and compared to my iPhone 6 (which I ended up having to charge all the time) the battery life is a dream so I haven't had to use my powerbanks for a while. But otherwise I do exactly as in your tips. Interesting infographic too, haven't thought about having them separately, I often have three with me if we are travelling and have them in the same small bag. I have to think about having them separately in the future (when it now becomes relevant to travel somewhere).
07 May 2020 - 20:22