When can you travel abroad again? And when do you really want to go abroad next? We're thinking about the future of travelling, and we'd love to hear your thoughts!
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What is the current situation for travelling abroad?
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs currently advises against non-essential travel to all countries, and the advice is valid until 15 July. We don't know what will happen after that. But why don't we start by dispelling some myths?
Myth 1: It is forbidden to travel abroad
No, travelling abroad is not prohibited. MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS advises against from non-essential travel (tourist and visitor travel). An advisory is just an advisory, but should of course be taken seriously as it is a signal of a serious security situation. Normally, travel insurance does not apply if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against travelling and additional insurance may be required to cover you if you decide to travel despite the Ministry's advice.
Myth 2: There are no flights anyway
You sometimes hear that you can't travel because there are no flights, but this is not entirely true. Of course, there are far fewer flights than usual, but some people still travel, for example for work or other important errands.
Myth 3: When the MFA lifts the advisory, travelling is free.
When the MFA lifts the advisory, it means that Sweden sees no obstacles to travelling. But then you have to investigate whether you are welcome in the country you plan to travel to, and that is a completely different issue.

When can you travel abroad?
Technically, you can already travel abroad, but it's probably complicated, the destinations are limited, you have to be quarantined in some places and you won't have insurance. To begin with, we can say that it's wise to wait until the Ministry of Foreign Affairs lifts the advisory (and, of course, the advisory may be lifted from some countries and not others).
Europe is starting to open up ...
Around Europe, restrictions are being eased and many countries are also cautiously opening their borders. For many countries in southern Europe, summer tourism is extremely important for the economy and this year, after months of lockdown, the income from tourism is more important than ever. With the death toll dropping, it's no wonder they want to seize the opportunity to open up and save the summer.
But what happens if there is a second wave of the coronavirus and there is a rapid spread of infection again? Will shops and restaurants suddenly close again? Will the medical services in the holiday resort have enough resources? Will the flights run and the routes home be open?

And what is travelling really like?
While many countries want to welcome tourists, they want to be cautious and prevent a second wave of infection. Many airlines require face masks throughout the flight and will not serve food or drink. This is fine if you want to get from A to B for necessary reasons, but how do you cosy is it really?
You can also read that many hotels are planning for large distances between sunbeds and strict procedures for guests to collect their own towels without coming into contact with the staff. Perfectly reasonable and good in many ways, but wool is it even possible to tour if you have to think about distance and extreme cleanliness every minute of your holiday?

When can you travel abroad again? And when do you want to?
Of course, we don't know when you can travel abroad again. We think that you at least should wait until the MFA has lifted its warning and (of course) until the host country says you are welcome. For our part, we are in no hurry to be the first to arrive after that either. We can wait a bit and check out the situation.
Of course we are keen to travel abroad again, but that will come when it comes. We also think it's nice to have a motorhome. It feels like a perfect way to travel in these times, and when the weather opens up, we can imagine rolling with the motorhome.
What are your thoughts? When do you think you can travel abroad again? When wool Are you travelling abroad?

Anna / boihusbil.se says:
We want to go south in Europe in September, but if it feels unsafe, we'll wait a few months and see how it feels then.
27 May 2020 - 6:29
Lisa says:
Flying is not at all appealing and last night German TV showed a report from the check-in at Frankfurt airport and there were no distances but congestion. On the plane as crowded as usual and the mouth guard if there was one was taken off when the passengers ate. About 4 minutes, droplets from coughing and sneezing circulate in the system according to the same report. A little discouraging?
Motorhomes are best in these times we think and if all goes well we have a booked place in Herradura in November.
27 May 2020 - 10:36
Helena says:
Lisa, no, flying doesn't really sound appealing right now, at least not if it's crowded. We are soooo happy with our motorhome right now!
27 May 2020 - 18:00
Jennifer says:
It would be nice to be able to take a train to Italy, you get to see a lot then.
11 July 2020 - 15:50
Helena says:
Anna, it's good to be flexible!
27 May 2020 - 18:00
Lena in Wales says:
You want to travel, especially for me to visit family and friends in Sweden.
Even when Europe starts to open up, I think you have to be a bit cautious. How will you be received in the country you arrive in? Is it just a government decision or are the people behind it?
Also have a plan B, in case the situation changes.
Sweden does not have the best reputation for corona, with high death and infection rates. The same goes for the UK, which is probably also important to consider.
Take care!
27 May 2020 - 9:18
Helena says:
If you have family in another country, it is more difficult to wait to travel! I agree that you should probably be a bit careful.
27 May 2020 - 18:01
Ama de casa says:
Of course we want to travel again! But abroad will probably take some time... We plan to travel domestically and then sponsor the tourism industry when the go-ahead is given for us to go a little further away. But we are of course careful to follow advice and restrictions.
27 May 2020 - 10:01
Helena says:
You have to take one thing at a time! And yes, the tourism industry certainly needs all the help it can get, everywhere!
27 May 2020 - 18:07
Ann-Sofie says:
Yes, one wonders about that. We booked a place for two coming winters in Spain when we were last down there. One consolation is that it is a long way to Oct-Nov and anything can happen. You simply have to be patient and wait and see.
27 May 2020 - 10:16
Helena says:
Well, it's still a while away, so we'll just have to wait and see!
27 May 2020 - 18:07
Ann says:
Where do you plan to take your campervan this summer?
I think it will be a motorhome holiday for our part too during the summer, it feels super cosy! 🙂
27 May 2020 - 11:03
Helena says:
We haven't decided for sure because we don't know what the recommendations are. That is, should we stay within two hours, or can we travel longer? We do have some plans ... 😉 Glad you're thinking about a motorhome, it's cosy and free!
27 May 2020 - 18:09
Maria's memoirs says:
I don't even think about when I can or want to travel right now because I have no idea when it will happen. The only small question mark is what it would look like to travel to Sweden in August, but it also looks pretty dark right now. So I suspect that I will travel within Finland instead in August if possible. I am not thinking about the autumn and beyond at all at the moment.
27 May 2020 - 11:05
Helena says:
You just have to wait and see ... Eventually it will ease up, but you don't know when or how.
27 May 2020 - 18:09
Kenneth Risberg says:
Of course you want to travel, but as long as there is no vaccine (not snus then) it feels unsafe. Covid-19 has affected 188 countries and which feels safest to travel to?
Going on a trip and risking being quarantined in your hotel room is not a good idea, regardless of whether you have been advised or not.
Do not think we are completely safe in 2020 as all countries have different restrictions. Those who now open are to get tourists but have great rules of behaviour and how fun is it to walk around with a face mask and maybe disposable gloves. For my part, I wait until next year.
27 May 2020 - 11:51
Helena says:
No, if you're going on holiday it should be nice, otherwise you can save the money for another time. You have to follow the situation. Of course, we want to travel, but we won't be in a hurry.
27 May 2020 - 18:12
Anna, New York - My Bite of the Big Apple says:
I fully agree with your forecast. It will probably not be until next year that you can travel "as usual" again. As I said, you have to be aware of what you are travelling to. It will be a long time before my favourite destination, New York, is back on track as a bustling and attractive city. Now most things are closed and then everything falls (in addition to the actual problem with the risk of infection, of course).
27 May 2020 - 15:39
Helena says:
Yes, oh how different everything was! I realise that it will be a while before New York becomes "normal" again, if anything is normal? Everywhere the world is affected in one way or another. Hopefully not just in a bad way.
27 May 2020 - 18:14
BP says:
The header image is fantastic, despite being macabre...
Yes, I don't want to fly right now. Nor would I want to travel to a country that is/has been severely affected by corona. It's just tempting fate. In addition, Swedes are not so directly welcome in some countries either. Best to stay at home, where it is not so stupid at all to have a motorhome right now.
27 May 2020 - 20:43
Anonymous says:
Difficult to travel when you don't have family in Sweden
Missing them
But you have to be careful now that there is a pandemic.
27 May 2020 - 22:26
Annika in Spain says:
I hope to travel to Sweden for Christmas, but we'll see. In any case, this summer it will not be 🙂 Right now I like to stay in Spain, it feels safer.
28 May 2020 - 2:15
Lena - good for the soul says:
It's very difficult to even guess when you could travel abroad again. And it will certainly vary from country to country. We have the dream trip booked. Safari in Tanzania in November. Right now it feels very uncertain. Fortunately, we can rebook.
Hug Lena
29 May 2020 - 7:11
Anna says:
Today I booked a ticket to Portugal 29/6 I intend to go to my friend and then rent a van there and travel around. The idea is also not to come back to Sweden for a few years so take the chance when I get it and hope it works 🙂.
04 June 2020 - 1:52
Mr Stefan says:
I plan to invest my holiday money in an extra week in the mountains this spring. Mountain holidays are fantastic for body and soul.
22 July 2020 - 10:11