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Problem with the gas in the motorhome (no motorhome trip yet)

We were supposed to go on a motorhome trip on Friday, but problems with the gas in the motorhome put a spanner in the works. We thought we had already had all the problems you could have, but apparently you could have one more.


We had planned a campervan trip ...

We had planned to at last go on a motorhome trip this weekend. We have worked for a long time to fix all the faults and get our motorhome fresh again, so now it felt really fun to go out. Considering everything we've fixed, there couldn't be any more faults right now, could there? In addition to cleaning, plastering, replacing windows, repairing lighting and getting a new interior, we have, among other things, fixed:

  • Major service including cam belt replacement
  • New brake pads and a new clutch cylinder
  • New connection
  • New starter battery and new habitation batteries
  • New front tyres
  • New LPG hose

After all this fixing, we thought the motorhome should be ready for new adventures. But no, we wouldn't have that much fun ...

Problem with the gas in the motorhome

To prepare for our motorhome trip, we switched on the gas, and then we discovered the new problem. The gas was not reaching the hob, oven, fridge or heating system. No matter what we did, it was completely "dead". And who wants to go camping without LPG? In our motorhome, we need the LPG to ...

  • Cooking on the stove
  • Cooking in the oven
  • Keeping the fridge cold (even electricity works, when we have a cable connected).
  • Get heat inside (even electricity works, when we have an electric cable connected).

Since nothing worked, we realised that it might be a problem with the LPG regulator. The regulator sits between the LPG tubes and the pipes in the motorhome, and regulates the gas pressure.

Without LPG, neither stove nor oven works ...

Trying to solve the problem

We first drove to Gasolfyllarna in Järfälla. The man in the shop was very helpful and accompanied us to the motorhome. He couldn't solve the problem but suggested we do a LPG test at the car test centre or go to their shop in Örebro, which would have better resources. What should we do?

We drove past the nearest car test centre, but they didn't have time at the time. Instead, we called Gasolfyllarna in Örebro who thought we should "reset" the regulator on the "yellow button". We later realised that there are yellow buttons on other regulators, but ours had none... But if it was the regulator that was wrong, could we simply buy a new one?

Problem med gasolen i husbilen
The regulator, which regulates the pressure from the LPG tanks into the motorhome.

CampService in Haninge

We called Caravanhallen in Haninge. They said that they usually have this type of regulator, but that they did not have any at home right now. Instead, they recommended us to contact CampService in Haninge. We called, were told that they had ONE regulator of the right model, and off we went. It turned out to be the right decision.

Problem med gasolen i husbilen

Replacing the gas regulator

At CampService we were told that regulators can deteriorate over time. The greatest risk, according to them, is apparently if you fill up with LPG instead of buying new tubes, as oil can then accumulate in the regulator (if we understood them correctly). We have always bought new tubes, but on the other hand, the motorhome is a few years old.

We bought a new regulator (1765 SEK) and stood in the car park outside CampService and installed it. We hoped for a miracle, but .... no. The stove was still completely dead when we tested!


On the new controller there was a "yellow button", so we tried to press this, but it didn't help. The stove was as dead as before.

Problem med gasolen i husbilen - byta gasolregulator

We went back into the shop, looking (probably) a bit disheartened, and asked if we could possibly make an appointment for service. The man in the shop looked a bit puzzled. He said they were short of time before midsummer, but dropped everything in the shop and followed us out.

He peeked both inside and outside, then did the trick of "pressing the yellow button and". twist". Voilá, suddenly the cooker, fridge, oven and everything worked. Fantastic!

This was our first visit to CampService in Haninge, and it was a very positive visit. We really appreciated the personal treatment and that they took the time to help us. Can highly recommend a visit here sometime if you need to!

Den nya gasolregulatorn på plats

How did our motorhome trip go? No, this day there was no tour, but maybe we will try again today.

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