Today we present a guest post by Patrick Mortensen
In 2020, there have been problems for those wishing to take a holiday. The most obvious of these is the pandemic, which has led to many people being hindered and unable to take their usual holidays. Above all, travelling is unsafe and often difficult. However, this does not mean that your holiday is ruined. There are many other options and you can still have a really nice holiday.
But to get started on the right foot, you need to know what your options are. To make it easier for you, read our simple guide below. We cover how to take a holiday in Sweden, what to do, and what to do if there's no holiday at all. Even though many people are living in isolation this year, that doesn't mean you have to have a boring 2020.

Table of contents
Staying at home is always an option
If you can't go on holiday, staying at home is always an option. There's a lot you can do at home and it doesn't have to be boring at all. However, it may mean rethinking your definition of a holiday. For example, many people have chosen to focus on their hobby, or have found a new one.
To begin with, you can focus on what you like to do. Many people like to play games, watch films and so on. This may sound like a boring way to spend your holiday, but for many people it is relaxing. If you want to start playing at casinos, you can look at casino top for good options. For regular video games, streaming and the like, there are many good services like Steam and Netflix.
Spending your holidays at home can also be a perfect opportunity to start exercising. It's a hobby that many people enjoy and it also keeps you healthy. Starting to exercise at home is very easy and can be a very good investment in yourself. The fact that you also look better is a clear advantage for those who are going to spend the next year abroad.

Discover your neighbourhood
You can also take a holiday in your local area. It's easy to miss out on what your own municipality or region has to offer. Try becoming a tourist in your own city or region and see what's available. In many cases, there is much more than you think. You can start by looking at the tourist scene in your neighbourhood, for example.

There are probably plenty of activities and attractions in your neighbourhood that are worth visiting. You can often find information about these on the municipality's website or through Google. If there are things you've heard about but haven't taken the time to see, this could be the perfect opportunity to do so.
Keep in mind that opening hours and the like may be slightly different during the pandemic, so it's important to check this before travelling. This is especially important if it is outside your own city, as otherwise it will lead to a completely unnecessary car journey.

There is no shortage of nature in Sweden
Sweden has incredible many beautiful places. This could be the perfect opportunity to visit some of these. You will find several good places to visit and there is something to see in all parts of the country. For example, in the north you have the High Coast, while in the south you have the archipelago and much more. Sarek and similar places also attract many people every year.
The pandemic does not prevent you from travelling around the country and if you keep your distance from other people, there are not many risks involved. At the same time, it also comes with an advantage. Very few people travel to Sweden for holidays, which means fewer tourists in these places. This means you have fewer people around you and can relax more easily.

Always an option to save for next year
Another thing to consider is keeping it cheap this year. It's unfortunate that your holiday plans have been ruined, but it can be the perfect opportunity to save money. You can then use these for next year and treat yourself to an extra special holiday. For example, a luxury holiday or something similar.
You can also use the money for something else entirely, such as saving or investing. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you enjoy your choice and that you don't neglect to relax, even if your holiday is a little different from what you had planned.
There are many options and a holiday is anything that will make you feel good and disconnect from work and other hassles in your everyday life. Treat yourself to something nice and don't let the current situation ruin your relaxation altogether.

All photos in the post are from Pixabay