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Now the floor is spinning - when everything happens at the same time!


Now it's going round the floor, can you say that? When we came back from Poland and the Czech Republic. just everything at the same time, and we're doing our best to weather the storm. But, we are both healthy and well, so, Happy Friday!


Motorhome holidays in Poland and the Czech Republic

We have just returned from a motorhome trip in Poland and the Czech Republic. The trip was fantastic and we beloved really to be out in Europe and travelling again. But goodness knows it was an intense trip, so we probably would have needed to rest a bit when we got home. Was that the case? No, not really!

We work and maintain the houseboat

We try to focus but it is a bit messy right now. I (Helena) am trying to work (which I do from home via the computer) and Peter is trying to do maintenance work on the boat. But we get interrupted most of the time it seems.

When everything happens at the same time

The houseboat needs to be maintained with sanding and painting (we've been putting it off for a while). At the same time, the light on Peter's electric bike broke, as did the exhaust pipe and the windscreen wiper motor on the motorhome. The last time the windscreen wiper motor broke down, it became very dramatically. This time it was just very expensive.

We haven't had time to fix all the faults on the motorhome yet, as Peter's brother was going to borrow it for the weekend. Instead, we cleaned, emptied and filled the water, so we could lend it out without feeling ashamed. Soon there will be another trip with the motorhome, because then we will help Peter's mum to move and arrange all the practicalities of the move. We will also help Peter's older brother build a house. And did I mention that my mum is moving too?

Speaking of the family, we can tell you that Peter's youngest brother is about to enter the company with his business. It's not easy, and there are endless discussions with the accounting firm. We have no idea how it will turn out. At the same time, Peter's youngest son wanted to borrow money for a puppy and Peter's eldest son had a birthday. We want to celebrate that, of course!

At the same time, a thousand other things are happening. One of our neighbours is in conflict with the marina, which affects us who live here. A friend and journalist is starting a newspaper and wants us to be co-editors. Very funny of course! The "spring collection" for web shops is going on, and we have to schedule a meeting to look at materials. And then there was probably something else, I don't really remember ...

Museum tips on class trip website

As you may know, we have visited quite a few museums in Stockholm. We received a request from, a company that helps classes and teams make money, to share our best museum tips for a class trip, which we have now done. If you are curious about our museum tips for school classes, you can read them here here.


Best this week

The best thing this week is of course the trip to Poland and the Czech Republic. Great fun travelling in Europe again! What has been the best part of your week?

The week ahead

We will soon travel with the camper van to Tierp to help Peter's mum move. We will also go to Blidö to help Peter's older brother with his house construction. Here on the blog there will also be more about Poland and the Czech Republic, we have not had time to tell everything yet!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Join us on a motorhome trip through Poland and the Czech Republic!

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