This will be an extremely short post! I (Helena) have had, and have, a terrible migraine episode and spent a bunch of hours in the emergency room yesterday. Very difficult to write when I came home in the middle of the night.
Tough week
So it's been a tough week for me with a terrible migraine. When your head explodes, no medication helps and when you vomit up even water, you don't really know what to do.
At the same time, Peter has been up in Tierp, together with his older brother, helping their mum to clear up before the move. It has been extremely hard work, and they are completely physically exhausted. There are also a lot of costs with lorry hire etc.
Hope your week has been better!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Holidays, travelling abroad and new additions to the webshop
Anki says:
Poor you, migraines are terribly annoying!
Get well soon!
04 September 2020 - 6:04
Helena says:
Thank you very much! A little better today!
04 September 2020 - 11:46
Role o Carina says:
Terrible with migraines, the wife has had them for many years, ugh!
But has now disappeared with age thankfully!
Get well soon ......
04 September 2020 - 8:45
Helena says:
Thank you very much! I'll have to focus on getting older 🙂
04 September 2020 - 11:46
Ditte says:
What a shame! Hope you got some help for the migraine and that it will soon ease. Wish you at least a good weekend as possible.
04 September 2020 - 9:05
Helena says:
Thank you very much! I got help at the hospital, so I think things are turning round now.
04 September 2020 - 11:47
Goatfish says:
I have never had a migraine, but my eldest son has. I don't know how he takes his medication, but he exercises a lot. There must be some kind of migraine medicine, right?
Get well soon!
Kram, Gerd
04 September 2020 - 10:15
Helena says:
Thank you very much! Yes there are medications. I have tried most of them and take medication regularly (see a neurologist). Unfortunately, the medications sometimes do not work for me.
04 September 2020 - 11:48
bmlarstravellingblog says:
Poor you and hope it has time to pass until you leave in the motorhome. Hopefully there will be a little less stress then and that should be favourable.
Our week up here in the north has been so lovely, but now we are starting to head south and home.
04 September 2020 - 10:20
Helena says:
Thank you very much! I think, and hope, that things are turning around. It looks like you had a great trip!
04 September 2020 - 11:50
Ama de casa says:
But fy how hard! Hope the stupid migraine goes away as soon as possible!
Keep moving!
04 September 2020 - 10:44
Helena says:
Thank you very much! I believe and hope that things are changing.
04 September 2020 - 11:50
Husis blog says:
Ouch, the owners realise that migraines are a bitch to have.
Hope you feel better soon!
All good.
04 September 2020 - 10:54
Helena says:
Thank you very much!
04 September 2020 - 11:50
Titti/Umeå/Huay Yang says:
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
04 September 2020 - 11:38
Helena says:
Thank you Titti!
04 September 2020 - 11:51
Sandra says:
Poor thing! I have also suffered from migraines for the last 35(!) years. Not fun at all! The preventive medications do not work at all for me but thankfully the others. At least after I came to a neurologist who prescribed hefty doses. Like twice what my GP said was the maximum.
04 September 2020 - 12:03
Helena says:
I'm glad you found medication that works! Mine works sometimes, but sometimes it doesn't work at all. I'm also seeing a neurologist.
05 September 2020 - 21:51
Lisa says:
What a shame to get so much pain that you vomit. I hope the medicine helps and that you get Peter home so he can look after you a bit. Sick and alone is not a good combo.
We have had some fantastic days on Hönö but now we are back home again. Wishing you a nice weekend without headaches and moving worries.
04 September 2020 - 13:16
Helena says:
Peter came home the same evening as I was in the hospital, so that was nice! Great to hear that you had a great time on Hönö!
05 September 2020 - 21:52
Ninny says:
Ugh, so hard with such a headache... I really hope it's better now and I wish you both a really nice weekend after a hard week. Rest and enjoy the first early autumn days!
04 September 2020 - 15:39
Helena says:
Thank you so much Ninnie! It's better now.
06 September 2020 - 8:39
Annika in Spain says:
What a week you've had! I hope the migraine is soon over! Someone wrote that it gets better with age, and it may be true, my aunt's migraine seems to have disappeared, finally! Get well soon!
04 September 2020 - 16:27
Helena says:
Thank you very much! Yes, I also hope it gets better with age. My grandmother's migraine disappeared after 90... (but mum's got better earlier)
06 September 2020 - 8:40
Anette says:
So hard, have read about your migraine before but now it seemed to be worse than worst.
I hope you get help with medication so you can stop the attack if/when it happens again.
Wishing you a peaceful and enjoyable weekend.
04 September 2020 - 17:58
Helena says:
Yes, now it was really worse than bad. I got help at the hospital and after another night it slowly subsided.
06 September 2020 - 8:41
BP says:
Soooo hard! I know how it feels, or not. Because I have never had to go to the emergency room. I feel very sorry for you and sincerely hope that the migraine goes away by now.
04 September 2020 - 20:29
Helena says:
It felt a bit silly to go there, because I know it's not "dangerous". At the same time, I don't know what to do when it never goes away, when I can't sleep and when I can't even get a drop of water ... Thank you, that's better!
06 September 2020 - 8:42
Lena - good for the soul says:
But oh, dear! Migraines are NOT fun. I know that all too well. But I have never suffered enough to end up in the emergency room. I don't think I've ever heard of that either! Fy fasiken. Really hope it's gone!
Hug Lena
04 September 2020 - 20:42
Helena says:
Normally, of course, I don't go to the hospital. But I didn't know how to break it in the end. I try to get fluids a teaspoon at a time and stuff like that, but it doesn't work, and sometimes I don't know how to turn it around. But now it's better, thank you very much!
06 September 2020 - 8:44
Emma, sun like sun? says:
And yet you write a post! I don't know whether to applaud or shake my head. You know that everyone has the right to feel bad and no one expects a post during a migraine attack. My God, Helena!
Hope you are now feeling better. As someone wrote above, hope it gets better with age. My husband had migraines when he was younger, pain until he vomited, but now it's been a long time since he had an attack, only sensations he has been able to control.
04 September 2020 - 22:34
Helena says:
Yes, I vomit too, incessantly and once it starts I find it hard to turn it around and get fluids. Thank you for your concern! Of course, I could have not written, but when I came home from the hospital it was a little better and I still wanted to write a greeting, took only 10 minutes and then I slept until well into the morning the next day. At last!
06 September 2020 - 8:47
Mrs Inger Hansson says:
So sorry to hear that! Get well soon!
04 September 2020 - 22:58
Helena says:
Thank you, that's better!
06 September 2020 - 8:47
Ann-Louise Paulsson says:
Ugh, how annoying with such a terrible migraine. Hope you feel better now!
05 September 2020 - 20:35
Helena says:
Thank you very much, yes now it is better!
06 September 2020 - 8:47
Madeleine Krans - First Morning says:
Ugh, suffer with you. I've had migraines since my early teens, but now I take beta blockers and have only had migraines a couple of times since last autumn. A new life! Have you tried it?
06 September 2020 - 9:06
Lena in Wales and Spain says:
Oh, how awful for you!
I sympathise with you.
Hope next week will be better!
06 September 2020 - 12:50