This year was indeed a different kind of travel year! If we look back, conditions have changed time and time again, and we humans adapt. Now autumn is here and it's time to adapt again.
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A different kind of travelling year
The 2019 travel year saw us visit ten European countries and two non-European countries. The previous year was probably not that different, and perhaps the year before that as well. But 2020? We visited a travel fair in Tallinn in February and then, as is well known, all travel outside the country's borders was suspended. For a while, you even had to stay within the county's borders.

Travelling domestically and internationally
It's strange how people adapt. Last spring we were given restrictions to stay within the county, and preferably outdoors. We started (like many others) to explore nature reserves and parks in the neighbourhood. It became a little "adventure" to look for new destinations and then get there by car or electric bike.
When we made our first 'overseas' trip, it was to pick up the campervan from winter storage in Värmland. Wow, how exotic it suddenly felt to be travelling 'abroad'.

Summer and 1TP5Vacation
Like many others, we discovered Sweden this summer. The fact that we were not alone on the holiday roads was noticeable because it was almost hopeless to get a place on a campsite or a pitch. But apart from that little challenge, it was fantastic. Göta Canal, Trollhätte canal and Dalsland canal - they all delivered!

And then autumn came ...
At the end of the summer, the situation in Europe was a bit better. We ventured out on a Viking Line cruise (which felt very safe!) and then we rolled with the motorhome to Poland and the Czech Republic. Wow, what fun to travel in Europe again!
But, now it feels like we are once again getting used to increased infection rates and caution. Although the restrictions are not as strict as they were in the spring, you can feel the tide turning in the wrong direction. It is once again difficult to plan.

What to look forward to now?
It is sad to see that the infection is increasing around us again, but we hope that we are a bit better equipped now. We also hope that people will remember to still try to keep their distance. But what to look forward to as the autumn darkness descends?
I think we humans are quite adaptable. Perhaps we have already switched from big trips to smaller excursions in our minds. Such as when we suddenly thought that "foreign" was close to being exotic. Or you have planned your trips abroad in a way that you feel works today.
We are currently set for the morning jog in the Karlber Park, hearty autumn dinners, cosy evenings in front of the TV and exciting excursions in the local area. We are also open to travelling and adventures further afield, if and when it feels right. We take it as it comes, and it feels completely ok!

How do you feel about this different year of travelling? How do you feel about your ability to adapt?
Daniel on FlyingDryden says:
I have made three trips in late summer and autumn, which have been very successful so it does not stand completely still... Rome (preciiiiiis at the right time it seems), Abisko and Österlen two weeks ago. Very nice. Sitting and planning a trip to the west coast but can't really decide whether it's a good time or not, especially when I'm going to meet a bunch of 70+ people down there, a.k.a. parents.
It's easy to think that the money you don't spend on long journeys now is instead put in a pile. But believe me, the fridge broke down and solved that problem quite easily. 😉
22 October 2020 - 8:37
Helena says:
It's great that you still managed to do some good travelling! And yes, for some reason the money is spent on all sorts of other things ...
22 October 2020 - 17:11
Sandra says:
Was looking at pictures the other day from my last trip abroad which was a year ago pretty much. Felt almost unreal. But it was a fantastic diving trip in Oman. We have probably changed very well in the family and got a dog (like so many others). But the longing away and out in the world is there constantly on the lurking and I work hard not to let those thoughts out. Now we focus on getting up to Åre for two weeks at Christmas / New Year. I really hope it will work out.
22 October 2020 - 9:04
Helena says:
Remember your diving trip to Oman, so exciting! And how strange it has become that such trips are suddenly completely impossible. Really hope you get away to Åre!
22 October 2020 - 17:13
Ditte says:
I think we have adapted quite well. Since my physical health is not quite ok, this spring and summer there would not have been any longer trips anyway... But we have met friends walked a lot made shorter trips and experienced a lot in Stockholm. But of course we miss travelling. Very much. Let's see what happens now around. I have friends who are now travelling in Slovakia, among other places, and a lot of things were shut down there, so they had to get to Poland quickly.
But it does pull on the traveller's gut.
22 October 2020 - 9:10
Helena says:
You have been very active this year after all, I must say! Interesting what you say about your friends travelling in Slovakia. You can't really know what happens if you are travelling now.
22 October 2020 - 17:14
Ama de casa says:
It has certainly been a different kind of travelling year!
We managed to visit seven countries at the beginning of the year (cruise Caribbean, so it was a bit of cheating maybe 😉 ). Then the shitty virus came and they put us in quarantine, we were not allowed to go outside unless necessary (shop for food and medicines). Seven weeks we walked up and down the garage in the house. Really hard work! Yes, not the walk itself but not being allowed to go OUT!
When they finally let us out, we got slot times depending on which age group we belonged to and we were allowed to walk a maximum of 1 km from home. Restaurants and bars were still closed, but after a while were allowed to reopen but only outdoors and with limited occupancy. When they opened, our 1 km restriction and slot times were removed.
After midsummer they eased the restrictions so we could start moving within and between regions.
Since midsummer we have made 8 mini trips (about 1 week per trip). Checked the other day and we have stayed over in 31 cities / villages, of which 27 were completely new to us. Of course, we have checked the situation as best we could and avoided places where the infection was widespread.
So we have spamestrat this year. As "luck" was ( 😉), Anders had broken his arm on the ski slope just before the infection set in so we had no trips at all booked. Had looked at a long trip, but never had time to book.
We have adapted to the rules, which has not been easy. The adaptation itself we manage well, but keeping track of the rules has been a pain in the arse because they change all the time and it's been difficult to get information about what applies. There are local regulations...
On the whole, we have been fine after the quarantine and I really hope they don't put us in prison again, because we haven't actually done anything! It's crazy to lock people up like that and the economy is going down the drain.
But as I said. We are fine and healthy, that's the important thing now 🙂 .
22 October 2020 - 10:36
Helena says:
Well, it has certainly been a different year for you too! In Spain, it affected life extremely for a long period. However, it's fantastic that you managed to take so many mini-trips! I have experienced that this year, that it does not always have to be so long trips to be nice breaks 🙂 Hope you avoid more "prison"!!!
22 October 2020 - 17:17
Ama de casa says:
Wow! How long it was. Sorry... Maybe I should have put pictures in the comment too? Then it would have become a whole post of the whole thing 😉 😀 😀
22 October 2020 - 10:37
Helena says:
You can just copy and paste it into your own blog, and you have a blog post ready 😉.
22 October 2020 - 17:17
4000mil says:
I am not the type of person who likes to complain. And it seems presumptuous to do so when you haven't lost your job, have a family member who has died or have been seriously affected by Covid-19. Many people have suffered so much worse.
But since you ask. 🙂 My life has become SO much worse and more boring because of the pandemic. I was constantly on the road somewhere in my previous life. Within or outside Sweden. Always an open bag somewhere in the home. At work, for the blog, for holidays, to meet family, friends, etc. Sure, I can and do adapt, but I feel terribly down when I imagine a whole long winter in this. My honest answer.
22 October 2020 - 11:11
Helena says:
I understand exactly what you mean by not wanting to complain, but by writing it, you are also aware that those who are hardest hit by this are those who get sick, die, lose their jobs, go bankrupt, etc. But despite that, you can be allowed to reflect on how your own life is affected. Yes, it is important to find things, even if small, to look forward to this winter!
22 October 2020 - 17:23
BP says:
Humans are creatures of habit, so we adapt to the current situation and try to make the best of it. Not that we have any choice. Compared to Spain, we've had it really good, I think.
I don't think I have suffered directly, except that we have perhaps eaten less in restaurants and had coffee out more rarely. The summer was glorious, and I have enjoyed it to the fullest.
Now the restrictions for us old people have been eased (completely stupid in my opinion, as the spread of infection is really worrying right now), but now there is a long and dark winter waiting for us. So then it will probably be trickier. Do not want to travel to Spain, for example, where the infection is worse than here at home. And outdoor meetings are less fun when the temperature is around zero. So I think the next six months will be a test for everyone.
22 October 2020 - 17:15
Helena says:
I agree that it feels like a slightly tough period now, not least because it is more difficult to socialise outdoors. I think it's important to find different little glimmers of light, but it's certainly tough for older people who are lonely, for example.
22 October 2020 - 17:27
Lena - good for the soul says:
It has really been a different travel year. It almost felt a bit solemn when we went to Idrefjäll in midsummer 🙂 .
So longing for this pandemic madness to be over so it's ok to socialise and travel! Longing!
Hug Lena
25 October 2020 - 7:01