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Why do we have adverts on the blog? (and some inside information)

Why do we have adverts on the blog? We are sometimes asked why we have sponsored articles on the blog. Sometimes we are also asked why we choose the advertising we choose, why we design it the way we do and so on. Relevant questions! We're answering them today, and at the same time offering some "inside information" from behind the scenes.


Why do we have adverts on the blog?

There are blogs that are completely ad-free, so why isn't our blog ad-free too? This question is actually quite simple to answer. If you run your blog as a hobby (and thus have your full income from other sources) then you can freely choose to run the blog without income. If, like us, you only work part-time alongside your blog and are dependent on blog income to cover your monthly expenses, then you have to make sure you make money somehow.

If you run your blog as a hobby, you might not choose to spend so much money on it. We invest a lot in our blog, in terms of time but also in terms of money. This year we've been paying a web developer every month to rebuild various features on the blog and on the website. web shops. Other costs include web hosting, technical equipment, software, various contracts related to the webshop, etc. etc. We have to raise money from somewhere to cover the expenses.


Can't we raise revenue in other ways?

As far as we know, newspapers are monetised either by advertising or by subscription/paywall. Since we not If you want to charge your readers, we think it's advertising we have to go for. Some newspapers also combine with some kind of sales. We are also trying this now that we have a web shop. So far it has cost very more than it has generated (that's what happens when you start a new business), but it is an opportunity for the future.

Another possibility, of course, is that we both start working full-time at other jobs and run the blog as a hobby. But that would be something completely Other. We would no longer be able to travel or write as we do today. And honestly, I think we would lose the spark. This is our passion!

Why don't we just advertise relevant things, like travel?

Well, why don't we just take in adverts and sponsored partnerships that are about motorhomes, travel, outdoors and other things that are relevant and fit the blog? Great question! That is of course how we wish that it should be, and that's the kind of collaboration we're always looking for. But it's not that simple!

One collaboration request out of 50 is about something really relevant and exciting, while the other 49 are much more boring. "We email back and forth, and many collaborations fall through for some reason in the end. Perhaps they don't agree with us labelling it an "advert collaboration", or they don't want to pay what we ask for.

Maybe we should be more "on" ourselves and look for good advertisers and partners, but that's another task that takes time. Every day, our email inbox is full of around 10 new enquiries, and we usually don't have time to do more than reply...

Helena jobb

But, isn't it still reprehensible to advertise certain companies?

It is common knowledge in the blogging world that gaming companies and loan companies are the most "on" for ordering sponsored posts. The approach is different. When we occasionally do collaborations, we don't really see it as advertising. for companies, but more like they are sponsoring an article we want to write. For the most part, we can write about something we find interesting and exciting, while giving the company visibility in the form of a link.

If we write the article ourselves, we always mention the gambling or loan companies in a very neutral way. If they write the article (in which case it says at the top that it is a guest article!) the wording is left to the advertiser. We have now added extra wording at the bottom to clarify this further: This post is a guest post. Please note that any opinions expressed in the article are those of the author.

By the way, we have two different price lists, one for games/loans and one for more relevant companies. This way we keep the number of posts sponsored by game or loan companies down, while at the same time thinking that the ones we bring in are worth the payment.

We sometimes think about the irony that radio shows, TV programmes, newspapers and even football matches are sponsored by or advertise gambling and loans without anyone reacting. Sometimes it feels like bloggers are under more scrutiny, like we have to be "a little better" to be good enough?

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Why don't we just have "banners" instead of sponsored posts?

Some people wonder why we don't have traditional adverts (banners) instead of sponsored posts. The answer is that we are happy to include traditional banners. We currently have two on the home page, but the demand is not nearly as high. Out of 300 requests we receive, one is for banners and 299 are for sponsored articles.

Ok, but what if you as a reader don't like advertising?

We respect that there are readers who dislike advertising and we can certainly understand that position. Unfortunately, we are not able to remove all advertising. The sponsored posts allow us to afford and write the following all those other unsponsored the posts.

To make it easy for you to quickly and easily see which posts are sponsored, there is always a purple line at the bottom of the top photo of sponsored articles. On the left side of the line is "Advert collaboration" (which means we have been paid for the post) and on the right side is the name of the company that has paid. OM the post is written by someone other than us (not very often, but it happens), it is also listed at the top of the title:

Today we present a guest post by xxx

Many of the sponsored posts are posts that we have worked hard on and are proud of. Sometimes we work with tourist offices, for example, and then we get help with tips and information, which really makes the posts stand out. even better. We also work hard on many other sponsored articles to ensure that the results are exciting and informative.

MenOf course, you can decide for yourself which posts you want to read and which you don't. However, we hope that we make it easy for you to quickly assess the article and decide what to read and what not to read.

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Thank you to all the wonderful readers

Finally, we want to thank all of you wonderful readers who comment, question and help us develop! Whilst we understand that we can't live on air, we would also like to encourage you to keep thinking, asking, questioning and commenting. That's what makes blogging so much fun!

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