How will Swedes holiday after corona? Although the pandemic will eventually fade away, we don't think Swedes will travel or holiday in the same way as before. 2020 - the year of the pandemic - has probably affected us and made us look at the world and ourselves in a different way.
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Swedes love their holidays
Although we don't top the league, Sweden is one of the countries in the world with the most statutory holidays per person per year. And Swedes love their holidays! Many spend a large part of the year planning for and looking forward to those weeks when you get to do almost anything you want, within the available budget.
A large proportion of Swedes tend to travel abroad at least once a year, and some go outside the country's borders much more often than that. This year, these habits have been broken and many have instead stayed at home in Sweden. But what will happen when the pandemic calms down and begins to subside? "People will of course start travelling again, but we don't think it will be quite the same as before.

Holidays after corona? - 5 tensions
During this pandemic, which is far from over, many people have probably started to rethink things in different ways. You may have experienced that it is possible to holiday in other ways, and you may have had time to acquire new interests. Or you are desperate to travel, but feel that you want to be a little more careful than you might have been before.
We have entered into a partnership with the Skåne-based company Fivecation, which offers holiday homes abroad, which are really feels exciting and fun. During a video meeting with them, we ended up in an engaged discussion about holidaying today and after corona. Here are 5 holiday trends we believe in for 2021:
1. outdoor recreation
One positive thing about the coronavirus pandemic (if you can allow yourself to look for such things in the midst of the misery) is that we Swedes have become better at discovering nature. When not travelling or mingling in bars, we have instead sought out national parks and nature reserves. In nature we have had fantastic experiences, without having to worry about crowds or viruses. We will probably take these new experiences with us to a post-corona world. We will continue to live outdoors!

2. Motorhome or caravan
During the coronavirus pandemic, having a motorhome has been fantastic. One good thing is that you can quickly adapt and change your destination. Even if you had planned to spend your holiday in Germany or Spain, you can change your mind. The motorhome goes wherever you steer it, and it's easy to change your plans to a holiday in Sweden. Another advantage is that you have your own house with you and can keep a social distance without major problems.

3. summer house
During the corona pandemic, when people could not travel, many took the opportunity to buy a summer cottage. If you have now invested money in a summer house, which you may also have fallen in love with, you will of course continue to want to spend time there, even if the infection rate goes down. A summer house also requires, as you know, constant maintenance. And maybe you want to build a terrace, repaint the bedroom or start growing vegetables.

4. House or apartment abroad
Many Swedes are probably longing for a warmer climate abroad with swimming in the Mediterranean, sun-ripened tomatoes and a glass of wine in the shade on the balcony. But if we now have to live with the pandemic for a while, how safe will we feel about constantly moving between different hotels? Just as many have invested in a summer cottage in Sweden, many will certainly invest in a house or apartment abroad.
A variation on this theme is to buy into several properties abroad together with other families, as can be done through the company Fivecation. Their concept is to join 14 other families in owning three dream homes: one in Provence, France, one in Valencia, Spain, and one in Marbella, Spain. This gives you access to three luxury holiday homes, which you can use for a total of nine weeks per year. The model is already common in Denmark, and will probably soon become popular in Sweden as well.

5. Boating
Of course, we must also mention boating! In 2020, many Swedes became new boat owners. They are of course looking forward to a new season when they can use their new favourite and enjoy life at sea. In between, of course, there is a lot of work to be done to take care of and maintain the boat.

Bonus tracking: Sharing economy
We conclude with a bonus feature on the sharing economy, which is a common thread throughout the feature. Whether it's motorhomes, boats or holiday homes, arrangements to rent, share or borrow things instead of owning them are becoming more and more common.

As for the Fivecations holiday homes, we'll be taking a trip this spring to check them out and report on what to see and do nearby. Don't miss it!
What do you think about post-corona holidays?
What do you think about post-corona holidays, or in a world where COVID-19 has started to decline and restrictions around the world are easing?
Matts+Torebring says:
Travelling by motorhome, whether it's a holiday or just a weekend, is the best option for us. Everything changes over the years and after moving into our dream home, the need to get away and relax is not felt in the same way. We enjoy every weekend at home together. When the spring sunshine arrives in February, we want to get out into nature. A few months later, we'll probably have bought a boat too, which we'll launch in our neighbouring lake. I myself would like to combine all this with a hike in the forest.
22 November 2020 - 8:02
Helena says:
It almost sounds like you have everything at the same time, wonderful! 🙂
22 November 2020 - 9:15
Evy Knoph says:
Always interesting with scouting :-). But No no no.... I go to New York as soon as it works :-). However, I can probably imagine going a little more by train, now that I no longer have to think about holidays.
22 November 2020 - 9:22
Helena says:
Yes, but I understand that you want to go to New York as soon as possible! 🙂 Trains are great if you have enough time, I agree!
22 November 2020 - 9:55
diana's dreams says:
Fivecation sounded like an exciting idea, just have to get a little more free first..have just changed jobs and have so to speak the ass full.... big hugs
22 November 2020 - 9:38
Helena says:
I see, what kind of job have you changed to? Does it feel good?
22 November 2020 - 9:55
Ama de casa says:
When we bought our apartment here in Spain on impulse in 2002 (we moved in 2003), we wanted to come here every (longer) holiday. But we also felt that we hadn't seen the world yet. We solved that by moving here in 2006 and then leaving to look around the world.
Now we can't wait to continue looking around a little further afield, but right now we're stuck here as we're not allowed to travel between regions and also have to avoid unnecessary travel within our Valencia region.
May things get a bit more normal again soon!
But, but. We are still doing well in the middle of the miserable situation that prevails now 🙂 .
22 November 2020 - 10:02
Helena says:
This is a strange year, indeed. We hope that you will soon be able to move around more freely again!!!
22 November 2020 - 19:51
Lena+in+Wales+and+Spain says:
Sharing economy, where I learnt another new Swedish word!
I think a lot of people will be very keen when all hell breaks loose and everyone will be travelling like crazy. Which is good for me being in the tourism industry...
Happy Sunday!
22 November 2020 - 11:03
Helena says:
It's not easy being in the tourism industry this year! We are in the travel industry, and it has also been a challenge. Wishing you a nice Sunday!
22 November 2020 - 19:53
BP says:
Fivecation sounds like time-sharing which was very "in" in the 1980s, but then only with one accommodation not three. Great that you have already "arranged" a trip in the spring. Hoppass, hope that C-19 is a memory then ...
22 November 2020 - 16:51
Helena says:
Yes, there are similarities, but the fun thing about this is that you get access to several different places, I think. Well, let's hope that you can travel in the spring!
22 November 2020 - 20:02
Lena - good for the soul says:
Things will certainly look different when it comes to where and how you holiday in the future. It's both convenient and nice to have your own, no matter what. Those accommodations look fantastic.
Hug Lena
23 November 2020 - 5:39
Maria/Magnolia Magis says:
Owning a share of an apartment was something my mum and dad did in the 80s in the south of France. Not long ago they sold their share. Quite ok to go down 2 weeks in the autumn and have accommodation near Cannes...? Holidaying at home or being more in nature I think will remain after the corona. Motorhome is also convenient!
24 November 2020 - 18:17