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Cheap and healthy - can you eat healthy on a budget?

Cheap and healthy, is it possible? Can you eat healthy on a budget? I (Helena) continue my Wednesday series on food and health, from a public health expert's perspective. Today we'll have some thoughts (and tips!) on eating healthy when you have to keep a tight rein on your wallet.


"I can't afford to buy good food"

Every now and then you hear people say "I can't afford to buy good food", usually referring to the fact that good food is expensive while "junk food" is cheap. I would like to challenge this statement a bit! But first, I want to confirm that there are of course challenges in having a limited budget. However, I think those challenges are due to more things than food prices.

Baked fish parcels with prawns, potatoes, carrots, onions, mushrooms and broccoli

Having a limited budget

There are of course different reasons for having a limited budget. For example, you may be single, unemployed, have a low-paid job, have many children at home, be on sick leave or be a student. All these circumstances are linked to a wide range of conditions that can affect your opportunities. We've both been in situations where we've had to keep an extra tight rein on our wallets, so we know it can be tough.

You may have a less flexible job or work inconvenient hours, making it difficult to organise family meals together. Maybe you don't have a car, so it's difficult to get to a better and cheaper shop. Perhaps sick leave or unemployment is linked to other, much more difficult problems, so you don't have the energy to think about cooking healthy food.

There can be many different challenges, but I don't think the biggest challenge is really the price of healthy food. Unless other things in life get in the way, it's possible to cook good food on a limited budget.

Fish soup with sugar snaps, peas and peppers

Healthy food is not always more expensive than unhealthy food!

It is of course possible to highlight examples where healthy food is more expensive than unhealthy food. For example, cod loin is more expensive than barbecue sausages. But there are also many examples where the opposite is true, such as:

  • Tap water is cheaper than soft drinks
  • A homemade fish and potato dinner is cheaper than takeaway pizza
  • A bean casserole is cheaper than a beef steak
  • A moderately sized portion is cheaper than an oversized portion.
Hälsosam mat - kan man äta billigt och nyttigt?
Fish dish with boiled potatoes, broccoli and mushrooms

16 tips for eating cheap and healthy - at the same time

Here are our top tips for eating cheap and healthy at the same time. We don't eat perfectly by any means, but we try to choose good food as often as possible, and then leave some room for our favourite things (we don't want to give up wine, for example!). Anyway, here are our top tips for eating cheap and healthy!

  1. Do not spend money unnecessarily on supplements such as vitamins and minerals. - Instead, spend your money on nutritious food. (Here you can read about who needs extra vitamins and minerals.)
  2. do not eat red meat (beef, pork, lamb, game) too often - Beans, lentils and chickpeas are affordable and healthy options.
  3. Do not buy more than about 125 grams of meat per person per meal - Complete the meal with rice or potatoes, root vegetables, vegetables and maybe some bread. Then everyone will be full!
  4. Buy occasionally even less meat per meal - Add beans, chickpeas or lentils, for example, to the stew or meat sauce.
  5. Making pots and soups - Casseroles and soups can easily become both healthy and affordable. Fill with beans, root vegetables and greens.
  6. Enjoying potatoes - Potatoes have an undeservedly bad reputation. Potatoes are a source of vitamin C, vitamin B6 and potassium, and are very filling.
  7. Variety of root vegetables, which are cheap and healthy - Carrots, parsnips and beetroot are fantastic ingredients. We think carrots are absolutely delicious when baked in the oven!
  8. Choose vegetables and fruit in season - Choosing by season is good for both price and the environment.
  9. Look for special prices at the fish counter - Many fish counters can offer good prices on selected fish every week. Frozen fish is also a good option.
  10. Trying fish in different forms - Not all fish has to be expensive. These days, for example, salmon is at a good price. Try making salmon burgers instead of hamburgers. Soooo good!
  11. Making soup from prawn shells - Sometimes you can find good prices for prawns. If you save the shells, you can make great soup with them the next day!
  12. Choose ready-made sauces and mixes with care - The shops are full of fancy jars with sweet or fatty contents. Instead, we usually buy sour cream and flavour it in different ways. Works just as well!
  13. Reducing food waste - How much food do you throw away? It's easy, but reducing food waste is good for your wallet and the environment.
  14. Choose tap water as a mealtime drink - Chill in the fridge and flavour with a little lemon if necessary.
  15. Choose your restaurant visits with care - Eating out always costs money, and this also applies to lunch restaurants, fast food restaurants and takeaways.
  16. Choose sweets and snacks carefully - Of course, sometimes you should treat yourself to something a little extra good! Buy a little less and enjoy it properly!
Soppa på räkskal
Shrimp shells about to become shrimp soup

How do you think about eating cheap and healthy?

How do you think? Have you encountered any challenges that make it really hard to get good food on a limited budget? Or perhaps you have more tips on how to eat cheaply and healthily?

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