Christmas 2020 will not be like other Christmases. In some ways, this Christmas feels like a strange end to a strange year. At the same time, many people have taken to sweeping and decorating more than ever. We are curious about your thoughts on Christmas 2020!
Table of contents
Christmas and traditions
Some people are very traditional at Christmas, and others are not. We probably belong to the latter group, who have travelled abroad for Christmas, if possible. For example, we have celebrated Christmas in Morocco, Malaysia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. Sometimes we have been home in Sweden, and then we have usually picked out some Swedish Christmas food and met some relatives and friends.

Christmas 2020 is different - for everyone
The strange thing this year is that Christmas is different for everyone. Not only those who usually travel abroad will have to change their plans. Even those who usually celebrate traditionally at home have to think about it. This year, the coronavirus year 2020, people should socialise as little as possible. You look at the restrictions and then you think ok, what do we do now ...?

Restrictions for the Christmas holidays
On 14 December, new strengthened national advice and emphasises that everyone, both individuals and managers, has a duty to try to reduce the spread of infection. Some things to try to follow this Christmas:
- Only socialise with people you normally see or a few friends.
- Always keep your distance from others and preferably socialise outdoors.
- Shop alone and do not stay in shops longer than necessary.
- Avoid meeting new contacts while travelling and at the destination.
- Be careful when visiting people aged 70+ or belonging to a risk group.
Just four days later, on 18 December, the tighter restrictions for the Christmas holidays. Some of the things that will apply from 24 December:
- Max 4 people at a table in a restaurant
- No alcohol sales after 20:00
- Limiting the maximum number of visitors in shops, gyms, etc.
- Physical stores urged to avoid midweek sales

Christmas 2020 for us
Christmas isn't hysterically important to us, but when we're at home, we appreciate some peace and quiet, good food, seeing family and friends, and catching up on work we haven't had time for. This year the problem has been thinking about which relatives and friends we can meet. whenso as not to inadvertently spread the infection around.
In fact, we're still not finalising our plans, so everything is preliminary and subject to change. As it stands, we won't meet anyone until we meet Peter's sons around Christmas. Then we'll have to wait a while and maybe meet another family member or relative around or after the New Year.
The rest of the time we will be at home, and the plan is to buy some extra good food that we ourselves appreciate. It may not be so much traditional Christmas food, but maybe a little more focus on delicious seafood.

How do you plan to celebrate Christmas 2020?
How do you plan to celebrate Christmas 2020? Tell us!
Matts+Torebring says:
For us, Christmas has probably always changed, renewed and grown as the family has changed, not just this year, but never as drastically as now. It is eerily sad, the development we see. Planning this year was as usual. Celebrate Christmas in our new home, with children & grandchildren, a total of nine people. The granddaughter's kindergarten teacher in Enskede, has tested positive for Covid-19 this week. No, you can't come home, no matter how much we long to see you. Now we are only five people.
I often think back to Christmas Eve as a young farm boy in the late 1950s. We milked the cows, we had breakfast, I went to the forest to cut the Christmas tree, which was dressed a while later, mum cooked the Christmas ham, dad and I threshed oats in the barn for the cows over the weekend. At one o'clock on Christmas Eve it was Total Julefrid... After dinner we could sit and read Christmas magazines. When everything was done with the animals in the evening, we had Christmas coffee at 6pm and mum had baked "Judebröd". Dad read the Christmas gospel and we still do that today, then the few Christmas presents were distributed.
Today it sounds like a nightmare, getting everything ready on Christmas Eve.
20 December 2020 - 8:25
Helena says:
Change is the only thing that is constant, or so the saying goes. But this year, it's still a bit special, and limiting. What great memories you have of Christmas as a child! (Although I can agree that it sounds tough to do everything on Christmas Eve).
20 December 2020 - 16:59
Ama de casa says:
There were also new restrictions here that disrupted our plans for Christmas Eve. We will probably celebrate with a Christmas table out on the terrace. But it goes well too, not particularly sorry for us.
Have a nice fourth advent!
20 December 2020 - 9:59
Helena says:
You have to make the best of the situation! Thanks the same and thanks for the reminder, will soon light the fourth candle 🙂 .
20 December 2020 - 17:00
Daniel on FlyingDryden says:
It was reversed here too. The plan was for my parents to drive 70 miles up to Östersund and celebrate with us here, but it was cancelled just yesterday. "Thank God" is what I think even though it obviously sucks to not be able to celebrate Christmas with them as planned.
Since I moved away from home, I have no direct traditions, although in recent years I have really appreciated a calm and pleasant Christmas at home where we have just spent time together without fuss. I want to continue with that and maybe this year more than ever it will be realised.
20 December 2020 - 12:13
Helena says:
Of course it's sad to cancel meetings with family and relatives, but that's how it is this year. And maybe there can be some Christmas peace this year if nothing else!
20 December 2020 - 17:08
Maj Ivarsson says:
Hello and "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year".
It has really been a different year in 2020. Many things that were planned have not become feasible thanks to the pandemic. But on the other hand, then you had to rethink a little and try to find some other things to do instead. Thanks to this pandemic, we were able to save a little on the travel that was planned and instead upgrade our "LOKE". It still rolls :- []. with a little better battery capacity. Something that really became a kind of good improvement compared to before. Something that probably would not have become a reality if it had not been a pandemic. We have also shopped type "JULKLAPP" online for the first time also via the excellent Web - shop that Helena and Peter now run on their blog ... "FREEDOM travel" Sweden's largest blog about travel, adventure and camping. We also want to thank all the other bloggers who are writing. You should know that there is always someone who reads and hopefully enjoys it. But you should probably write because you want to have a diary to save and manage. If you also want to share some of it, we can think that it is just kind of wonderful. Now there is also "YOUTUBE" where you can upload films and kind of have a film - diary. For example, we can mention some who have started a little small:- [Our motorhome trips] [Annika Elgeskog type "Lilla Fina"] yes there are many many more. Many have acquired smaller motorhomes that had large cars. Type "PLATISAR". It is a bit of a shame that 2 of the big bloggers have tired of writing...or just taken a break. It would have been very fun to see and read about how it works with a small "VAN" compared to a large "HUSBUSS" or "BOBIl". In any case, we would like to thank all bloggers and motorhome friends for a relatively good year even though it has been a pandemic year.
Mvh. Maj Jan o LOKE.
PS: There will be a Christmas and New Year in our "LOKE" this year. Otherwise it would have been some warmer country. But there will be better times ahead, let's hope. This year there was no "WINTERIDE for LOKE" and that is thanks to the pandemic. "HAPPY TRAIL".
20 December 2020 - 12:31
Helena says:
What a nice and long comment, thank you! 🙂 Certainly it has been a different year! Although much has been heavy and boring, we can also agree that you have had the opportunity to think a little new. For our part, for example, it was to discover Sweden, which was not stupid at all! Nice to hear that the delivery from the web shop worked well. I also agree that it is fun with all the motorhome bloggers who keep going. Wishing you a really nice Christmas!!!
20 December 2020 - 17:11
BP says:
This year it is almost an advantage not to be "Christmassy". Then you miss out on much less, I think. Up until a few years ago, we were just like you abroad over Christmas and New Year. Since it's just us, this Christmas will not differ from previous Christmases. Oh yes, we are focusing on seafood too. Luckily there are ICA Deli and Melanders in Täby Centrum;-)
20 December 2020 - 16:59
Helena says:
Seafood is never wrong! 🙂
20 December 2020 - 17:11
bmlarstravellingblog says:
Here it will also be a different Christmas. Yesterday we got a long-awaited visit from daughter Anna and her partner, who are probably quite harmless after going through covid with antibodies. We will celebrate Christmas Eve at a barbecue area out in the forest on Lars' daughter's farm and in the evening there will probably be seafood and bubbly with us as well. If the weather is decent, there will probably be a good walk every day, which always feels good.
As Falköping is the most affected municipality around here, we want to be as careful as we can while waiting for the vaccine (as much as we miss the younger grandchildren and their parents).
20 December 2020 - 18:40
Helena says:
It sounds like you have good plans!!! Strange year this year indeed ...
22 December 2020 - 21:24
Susjos says:
Yes, this Christmas will be a little different than we thought. We often go to our sister-in-law's house with family and friends, there are usually around 15 of us.
But this year we will be at home, I work the night of Christmas Eve, so I sleep half the day. Then come the sons, a girlfriend and my nephew, so there will be 6 of us gathered, if everyone is healthy of course. I have ordered the food from Ulriksdals värdshus, refuse to stress in the kitchen, so I hope it will be good!
Merry Christmas to you both!
20 December 2020 - 23:59
Helena says:
That sounds like a good plan! Sad to reduce perhaps, but still right to be fewer this year. And sooo nice not to have to stress with the food! 🙂
22 December 2020 - 21:25
Maria's Memoirs says:
I'm used to celebrating Christmas at home, so it's not a huge change anyway. The biggest difference is that the family from Sweden is not coming here this year, which is a shame but of course understandable... And maybe the fact that the slightest cold symptoms would lead to me spending Christmas alone. A little cold or even fever has not directly prevented one from celebrating Christmas with the family before, but now there are other rules of the game... Keep your fingers crossed that you can stay healthy over the Christmas holidays at least.
21 December 2020 - 10:55
Helena says:
Hope you stay healthy! It's a strange year this year, but you have to make the best of it!
22 December 2020 - 21:26