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Malta fever - and finally a newsletter!

You may have noticed that we had Malta fever this week? That's what happens when you start rummaging through the archives! It's been fun, and it's certainly given us the travel bug. Just as fun is the fact that we finally got started with newsletters. Don't miss the chance to be a member of our VIP team!


Malta Fever

On the blog we have really had Malta fever. It wasn't really meant to be. It all started when we wrote that post about Nature experiences in Malta. Then I realised that we had visited a lot of cities in Malta that we had never written about. This resulted in three blog posts:

What wonderful memories came to life! We have visited Malta three times, and we remember each visit with great pleasure. And it makes you want to travel and discover the world again!

Mdina på Malta

Walk on Kungsholmen

In fact, we don't walk far from our houseboat. We jog or walk almost every day. To be honest, we're getting a little tired of our walks, but we trying to vary ourselves. This week we took a walk around Kungsholmen that we don't usually do. Some photos:


The biggest thing that happened this week is that we (drum roll!) started a newsletter. Many years ago we had a newsletter for the industry, but it fell by the wayside. We have long thought that we should have a newsletter for readers, and many people have asked us about this. And now, finally, we've got it!

We plan to send out about one newsletter a month, plus possibly something extra if something special happens. The idea is that everyone who signs up for the mailing list will be part of a small VIP group. For example, you can expect:

  • Advance information on new products in our online shop
  • Possibility to pre-book products
  • VIP discounts in the webshop
  • Tips for most interesting blog posts
  • Advance information on new adventures
  • Information on competitions, events and travel

Great if you want to join the team! You can sign up for the newsletter here:

#mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. */

Subscribe to our newsletter and get a discount in the online shop!

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Best this week

The best part of this week is that we at last got that newsletter up and running. How long we have been thinking about this! Has anything good happened during your week that you can tell us about?

The week ahead

We'll tell you more about what's going on in the webshop, while getting ready for the first newsletter. This feels really fun!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Winter weather and meetings on new products

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