We are living on the edge right now, but it doesn't matter much. It has been an ok week with snow and sun, lots of work and great support on one of our technical gadgets.
Table of contents
Life on the edge
From time to time we live on the edge. The reason is this massive amount of snow, which sometimes settles obliquely on the roof of the houseboat. If the wind is blowing at the same time as the snow, there will be drifts, and what happens then? Well, the houseboat goes upside down ...

We (read: Peter) made a real effort and shovelled the entire roof. Now it has snowed again, so we are once again living on the edge. But what does it matter? Happy Friday!

My winter country
It's a lovely winter anyway! The snow makes it light, and when the sun comes out it's absolutely lovely! We go walking almost every day, and the photos below were taken on a walk from Pampas marina to Sundbyberg.

Great support
When technology fails you can really go crazy, and that's what happened this week. We can't print out shipping labels from PostNord (for the parcels in the box). web shops) with Peter's Mac, as the PostNord portal and the Mac apparently have some disagreements. From my PC it usually works fine ... until it decided not to be friends with the printer.
We have an HP printer and we called support. I was prepared for a queue and hassle, but got through in a minute! Solving the problem took some time, but the support guy was calm and methodical, taking everything step by step. He was also very nice. But here's the best part! Once everything was done, he offered to call back after 3 days to check if everything was working properly. And he did! Best support so far, go HP!
"Very good"
We usually tell you that we are delighted to receive nice comments about the blog from readers. But sometimes it's a bit more surprising than usual! Our post with facts about moose seems to be popular with young people doing school work. All of a sudden one of them called up! Haha, what can you say?
Hello is it FEEDOMtravel? We have done a school project on moose and this is great! How are you? Bye!
Best this week
The best part of this week is probably the winter, the snow and the sun! It really cheers you up when it's bright. What has been the best part of your week?

The week ahead
We will try to go on some (small!) adventures in the neighbourhood this weekend. As for the blog, we've also received some requests to resume the food and health theme, which I almost shut down. But now that it was requested, I started thinking and got some more inspiration, so maybe it will come.

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Winter weather and our products in a magazine
Monica says:
Lovely winter photos! And the light now which is already quite early in the morning is wonderful. The roof life looks a bit dangerous, be careful. And remember Mac and PC that were not compatible in the past, oh what a misery when I wrote on the Mac long works and "poor" students on their PCs and then we would send to each other and it was like hieroglyphics all over, haha, lucky I have a smart daughter she could solve it but I had to quickly buy a PC because everyone was so sour and the error was the wrong computer according to them but which at that time was so incredibly much better and safer. Didn't think it was a problem between them yet. And school students are very funny and enterprising nowadays, fun that they called, so there you would not have done yourself a hundred years ago. Nice weekend, now the sun is shining so incredibly beautiful.
05 February 2021 - 9:03
Helena says:
Glad you like the photos! So nice out right now! Yes, we try to be careful on the roof, thanks for your concern! I also think that PC and Mac play better today, but problems with this and that occur constantly regardless ... Wishing you a nice weekend!
05 February 2021 - 18:59
Ama de casa says:
What lovely winter pictures! But I still can't say that I miss the snow so much 🙂 ðŸ™'
Great to have such good support!
Have a continued happy Friday 😀.
05 February 2021 - 9:43
Helena says:
You probably have a wonderful time in the "heat"! I can also like warmer climates, but if I have to choose between plus 2 and minus 2, I choose minus 🙂 Wishing you a nice weekend!!!!
05 February 2021 - 19:01
Lena - good for the soul says:
Haha, "fat good", charming! Nice to get feedback from different directions 🙂
And wow, what support!
The weather must surely be the best of the week. So lovely with real winter and just the right amount of snow.
Hug Lena
05 February 2021 - 10:08
Helena says:
Haha, yes, but right? And the support was sooo good, such things give good energy!
05 February 2021 - 19:01
Nils-Åke+Hansson says:
Good support makes you happy. We don't have much snow so I need to shovel the patio roof. But today it was cold around the cheeks.
05 February 2021 - 11:33
Helena says:
Yes, but you are! It means a lot when you get good help and a positive attitude!
05 February 2021 - 19:04
Ruth in Virginia says:
The best thing that happened? I got my first dose of CORVIN vaccine!
We've had snow, but it's not as nice here around Washington as it is in the United States.
it's in Stockholm, unfortunately. But it will melt soon.
Have a nice weekend!
05 February 2021 - 14:35
Helena says:
Fantastic to hear! Lovely!!! Wishing you a nice weekend!
05 February 2021 - 19:04
BP says:
Agree with previous commentators - lovely pictures to look at in front of the computer. Maybe "living a little" on the edge is fun, but I don't know if it's so much fun to have crockery and cutlery sliding on the table;-).
Great service from HP, that guy deserves a link actually.
Well, you wouldn't have thought that your report on moose would be the basis for a school project. Nice that they called you and thanked you. I mean, you did the work for the student.
05 February 2021 - 18:14
Helena says:
It gets hard if it gets too much, but so far the crockery and cutlery are still on the table 😉 (However, we notice that the view is changing. Suddenly we see mostly sky in one direction!) And no, I probably did not think about the moose, but you never know, I have learnt that ... 😉.
05 February 2021 - 19:07