There's no such thing as bad weather ... right? We were so eager for adventure, so when we realised it was going to be below zero, there was no stopping us. It's great to get out on a little local adventure! Happy Friday!
Table of contents
Cycling tours and local adventures
This week we've gone on a bunch of bike rides and local adventures, and we haven't let sub-zero temperatures or snow stop us! You get cold when you cycle long distances in the cold and wind, but we have simply put on everything from coveralls to hats. It was two really nice excursions:

Nice video presentation - but not the same as mingling
Last Tuesday we were invited by the travel magazine Vagabond to a video presentation of this year's Travel Barometer, which we wrote about in the post "How did Swedes travel in 2020?". Interesting to read!
When we checked the participants, we could see that a lot of travel bloggers we know were there, in the drop-down list. Nice, but it is not the same as meeting and mingling for real. It used to look like the picture below. It feels like another timeright? Well, we are healthy. Happy Friday!

Break from 'health day'
We have decided to take a little break from our "health day". I have had a mixed feeling all along. I work with food and health, and am passionate about the issues. At the same time, this blog has a different focus, and reader interest has perhaps also been a bit moderate.
We're taking a break on Wednesdays, but of course we can return to the theme of health whenever it suits or is requested! The last post was about whether food has to be cooked from scratch to be good enough..

Best this week
The best thing this week is definitely all the trips we made with the electric bikes! We actually got to see even more than we had time to write about, so we'll be back with more soon. What has been the best part of your week?

The week ahead
We haven't had time to write about all the trips we made yet, so there will be more about Solna and Sundbyberg here on the blog. We've also been reading up on Sicily, so you can expect some Sicilian inspiration. For our part, we hope to be able to pick up the motorhome from the workshop soon after the burglary and make some new weekend trips! What are your plans?

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Spring sunshine in Fredhäll and new excursions in sight
Lena - good for the soul says:
Will miss your health posts, but all respect to your choices of course!
The best thing for me has probably been that we finally ordered awnings for the house construction. Check on it.
What about the plan for the future? Well, let's put it this way. The planned hiking day tomorrow to celebrate our one-year engagement will be a picnic on the living room floor. Sort of 🙂
Hug Lena
12 March 2021 - 6:16
Helena says:
Glad you liked the health posts! It may return when inspiration strikes, but not every Wednesday. Wonderful that the construction is progressing! And how cosy to celebrate your engagement day! Wishing you a nice weekend!!!
12 March 2021 - 16:30
4000mil says:
I read, as I think I wrote earlier, with great interest what is written about health if it is an initiated person writing with science behind it. I have therefore read all your posts on health. Yes, I think you can return to the theme of health from time to time when you come up with a good topic? 1 time a week might be a lot for a travel blog.
We will break our isolated lifestyle and our habit of slavishly following all pandemic recommendations and now at the end of March travel (!) to Gävle and visit my newly vaccinated father. Hopefully the weather will allow for some different excursions from there. Imagine that you would get into the situation that you are completely excited about the idea of visiting Norberg in Västmanland! 🙂
12 March 2021 - 9:22
Helena says:
Glad to hear you enjoyed the health posts Gunilla! Good idea to do as you say, I can return when inspiration strikes, but not once a week. Nice that you get away to your dad and that he is vaccinated! It sounds like a reasonable trip! Yes, it is interesting that you get so excited about small, small adventures 😉.
12 March 2021 - 16:32
Ama de casa says:
The idea that there is no bad weather is just nonsense if you ask me. When our big rain storm attacked us the other day, I refused to leave the apartment 😉.
The best of the week was probably our little trip to Alicante (panic! the nespresso capsules were out 😉 ). Then we took the opportunity to combine business with pleasure 🙂
Next week is still a blank slate. We are waiting for new information on what restrictions will apply after 14 March.
12 March 2021 - 9:23
Helena says:
It's probably mostly that we try to convince ourselves that the weather won't win, but it depends on the circumstances of course 😉 Lovely with a trip, but less lovely with panic 😉 And yes, the future is generally a bit uncertain ...
12 March 2021 - 19:43
Lena+in+Wales+and+Spain says:
I have already started to miss your food and health posts. They were a blast!
I really like your thoughts on food and health. Thank you for the ones you wrote!
Have a nice weekend!
12 March 2021 - 11:10
Helena says:
Thank you Lena for your kind words about my posts! I got a good idea from Gunilla above to return to them when I have inspiration, although it will not be every week. Nice weekend!!!
12 March 2021 - 19:44
Elisabeth says:
Nice that you soon have the motorhome back home! always fun to be able to take a trip. We have not started planning yet, but it will certainly be in the local area to begin with. Waiting for a little more heat before we leave.
12 March 2021 - 17:11
Helena says:
We are looking forward to motorhome trips, but have to wait for the workshop and for some milder weather (as we don't have winter tyres). But soon so! Nice weekend!!!
12 March 2021 - 19:45
BP says:
No, it does not;-) But you were well pointed out for your tours. However, I hope that you were not on the move yesterday when the snowstorm hit Stockholm at 16 o'clock. Your pictures are so nice - spring feelings on G:)
12 March 2021 - 19:46
bmlarstravellingblog says:
"Happy Friday" again! I realise every Friday how fast time flies even though we mostly walk around here at home.
The best part of the week is that our house sale has started and we have pulled out our weekend bags to pack for a little adventure.... To be continued....
12 March 2021 - 20:20
Solan says:
Enjoyed your health posts, but understand that performing every Wednesday can be tough. But once in a while would be interesting.
Following with pleasure your excursions in the local area ... that's about what we enjoy too. There will be a lot of walking. But now the bike is pumped and ready to start, so then it will be full roll towards the big city...👍.
The motorhome will have to wait!
12 March 2021 - 23:14