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How did Swedes travel in 2020? - travel barometer 2021

How did Swedes travel in 2020? The pandemic year 2020 was a year in which foreign travel was put on hold, but Swedes did not stay at home but made an average of ten leisure trips within the country's borders. We present the results from this year's edition of the Travel Barometer.


Travel Barometer 2021

Yesterday we were invited to a digital presentation of the Travel Barometer 2021. The Travel Barometer is produced by Resource for Travel and Tourism on behalf of Vagabond travel magazine, the insurance company European ERV and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (The questions about travelling abroad were answered by over 2 000 people and the questions about travelling to Sweden were answered by over 4 300 people. Here are the results in a hopefully easily digestible version.

Hur reste svenskarna 2020 - Resebarometern 2021

How did Swedes travel abroad in 2020?

It may not be surprising, but travelling abroad plummet Between 2017 and 2019, Swedes made between 11 and 12 million trips abroad per year. In 2020, we instead made 1.9 million trips abroad. This is a decrease of 84 per cent compared to 2019.

Where did Swedes travel abroad in 2020?

After all, when we travelled abroad in 2020, where did we go? You can see the top 5 below. Keep in mind that many of the trips (e.g. to Thailand) were made at the beginning of the year, just before the pandemic broke out properly.

  1. Spain
  2. Denmark
  3. Finland
  4. Germany
  5. Thailand
Spanien, El Templo del sol

Did Swedes take advantage of the MFA's travel information?

One of the things that Swedes became better during the corona year 2020 was to check the UD's travel recommendations before departure. 54 per cent did so compared to 14 per cent in 2019.

Did the need for insurance change?

A total of 40 per cent did not change their views on insurance. 19 per cent thought that insurance has become more important, 16 per cent recognised the need for insurance and 14 per cent said they had already reviewed their insurance for the future.

The panel discussed, among other things, whether the insurance applies when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against non-essential travel. The insurance may still cover some things, but not as much as in normal cases. For example, it may not cover you if you are affected by COVID-19.

Hur reste svenskarna 2020 - tankar om försäkring

How many trips did Swedes make in 2020?

When it comes to leisure travel, the average Swede made 0.5 trips abroad with an overnight stay and 3.5 trips in Sweden with an overnight stay. This can be compared to the average Swede in a 'normal' year making just over 2 overnight trips abroad.

When in 2020 did Swedes travel?

Normally, the travel peak occurs during the summer months. 2020 was not an ordinary year and the peak occurred in January and February, i.e. before the pandemic started in earnest.

hur reste svenskarna 2020 - vår besök på Tourest 2020
We went to a travel fair in Tallinn in February - then we more or less stopped travelling abroad.

How did Swedes travel in 2020?

When it comes to travelling abroad, Swedes primarily chose to fly (61%). For holidays in Sweden, car was the preferred choice (66%). Both abroad and in Sweden, 4 per cent chose a motor home.

Who did Swedes travel with in 2020?

Most people travelled with members of their own household, both on trips abroad (55 %) and in Sweden (61 %). These figures are relatively similar to other years.

Hur reste svenskarna 2020 - med hushållet
Travelling with the 'household'? Well, so do we!

Where did Swedes "swim" in 2020?

In 2020, we made almost 80 million leisure trips in Sweden, corresponding to around 10 trips per Swedish adult (both overnight and day trips). But where did we travel? You can see the top 5 list below! The panel discussed that admittedly avoided big cities, but many trips were made within their own county.

  1. Stockholm County
  2. Västra Götaland County
  3. Skåne County
  4. Dalarna County
  5. Halland County
Hu reste svenskarna 2020 - inom Sverige

How much did Swedes spend on their trip to Sweden?

According to the survey, Swedish households spent an average of SEK 5507 per person. on destination and 4326 SEK on the way to the destination.

How will Swedes travel after the pandemic?

It seems that Swedes have discovered Sweden! A total of 37% plan to travel in Sweden as before, but 31% want to travel more in Sweden and 14% will travel less abroad.


Do we recognise ourselves? And do you recognise yourself?

Of course, we have all been affected by the pandemic. We travelled to Moravia and Silesia in the Czech Republic in September, but otherwise it was a lot of Sweden. Among other things, we discovered all the nice places along the Göta Canal and Dalsland canal. How was your travel year 2020 and how do you think about travelling in 2021?

Hajstorp selfie

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