You may remember that we told you that we had problems with the grey water in the motorhome? Now we have finally solved the problem, and it is largely thanks to great and wise tips from you readers! Instead, we now have a small problem with the glow ignition.
Table of contents
Problem with grey water in the camper van
The grey water is the water that comes from the sink in the kitchen and the sink in the bathroom, and we usually empty this by opening a knob under the motorhome. The knob was connected to a wire, but the wire broke, and it suddenly became very difficult to open and close. Not fun!
We asked your readers and we got several really good tips. One tip was about installing a ball valve, which Peter thought he could try. Big, big THANK YOU to everyone who came up with suggestions and tips!!!

Here's what we did
The old "stop" in the sewerage pipes is a little way in. We made sure this was open and fitted a new stop further out on the pipe. In our motorhome this pipe is 38mm. We bought a shut-off valve at Hornbach - mostly used for swimming pools - which was also 38 mm.

To attach the valve to the sewerage pipe, we bought a 40 mm double sleeve, which we could thread over the pipes. We also bought a 90 degree bend, also 40mm, to finish it off. To make sure everything stuck properly, Peter used some silicone.

Does it work? Yes, it works! Now we can use the grey water drain as usual, very nice!

New silencer - money back
While we're on the subject of technical motorhome issues, we can tell you what happened with the new silencer we had installed. When Peter first asked Kihlströms in Spånga, he was told that the replacement of the silencer would cost 7500 SEK. When we then came there to pick up the car, the bill ended up at SEK 13,600. Not a pleasant surprise! We told him that we had been given a different price from the beginning, but still paid nicely. After all, we needed our motorhome.
A few days later, Kihlströms called up. They told us that they had miscalculated, and welcomed us back to pick up 4400 SEK, which we had paid too much. A little messy you might think, but we are of course happy that they recognised the mistake and that we got a large part of the money back!

Problems with the glow ignition
Now we have another, slightly strange problem. Normally, in our motorhome, when you turn the ignition, the glow ignition lamp lights up - and when it goes out, it's time to start the car. Now this has stopped working, so when we turn the ignition, the glow ignition light starts flashing instead. It does not go out, but Peter usually waits 10 seconds and then the car can be started. The light then continues to flash for around 30 seconds.
"We can start the car without problems, but it doesn't feel quite right. Peter asked Kihlströms in Spånga and was told that the whole thing can be fixed, for a small sum of about SEK 30,000 - 35,000. Wow! We have already spent a lot of money on the motorhome, so unless it becomes an emergency, this will have to wait. Is there perhaps someone who recognises this or who has experienced something similar?

New campervan trip
We have now embarked on a new motorhome trip. It will be a "Freedom mix" with a mixture of castles, ruins, nature and cities. Follow us here on the blog and on Instagram at @freedomtravelnews.

Matts Torebring says:
This was the only way, to urgently solve the tap to the drain and it turned out really well... The risk is just great that it will freeze as soon as it gets minus degrees outside. Peter may have already fixed a heating cable. Another option should be to add a bottom plug, inside the grey water tank, then the risk of frost damage is gone. Without a handyman like Peter, it is not cheap to have an older vehicle. Good luck on new adventures
11 April 2021 - 8:15
Helena says:
Thank you very much for the tips Matts! We don't really understand why this solution is more likely to freeze compared to the previous one? We usually do not use it when it is minus but usually drain the water then. But maybe something we should check, thank you!
11 April 2021 - 16:09
Matts Torebring says:
Previously, you closed the flow closer to the tank. Now you have water all the way to the tap. As soon as you get sub-zero temperatures, the tap and pipe will freeze if the tap is left open.
11 April 2021 - 16:54
Helena says:
Ah ok, then we understand what you mean! That sounds reasonable! We will think about what we can/need to do. Thank you very much!
11 April 2021 - 20:28
His O says:
Can recommend that you request a quote from another workshop than Kihlströms, e.g. Dahlgrens Auto in Uppsala, one of Sweden's absolute best Fiat workshops, with good prices.
29 April 2021 - 22:57
Role o Carina says:
It's a shame when things get complicated and cost a lot of money!
But lucky Peter fixes it all with the tap.
The other thing about glowing was the big money to be made.
pay, there must be a cheaper solution!
We have a good Fiat workshop here in town that can do most things.
namely Kroons is their name in Borlänge!
Check with them, a phone call could be a start!
Take care and good luck on your journey....
11 April 2021 - 9:19
Helena says:
Thank you so much for the tips!!!!
11 April 2021 - 16:09
Mr Lennart gustafsson says:
Check glow plugs one may be broken the car must be very hot usually loose then put on some graphite paste and dr. lagom the engine very hot if the engine heater is available put in then about 5 hours. before have the good times.
12 April 2021 - 22:53
Bengt says:
Glow plug warning in the display and it takes a while for the warning light to go out. We got this problem last autumn before we put the car in. Have talked to several technicians, may be an alarm due to deviating values against inst. Does not have to be broken glow plugs. The pins are not expensive but there is a risk they will break when replaced. Then it will be expensive. There is technology for replacement so they release a little easier. Still haven't decided what to do
11 April 2021 - 9:21
Helena says:
Very interesting! Thank you for telling us Bengt!
11 April 2021 - 16:10
Jussi Lundell says:
Or beat in a splash of Glycol (Pre-mixed is available at biltema) in all water locks, Then you drive a turn so it gets blown around a bit then you empty the tank so glycol comes through the ball valve....Of course, it should not be emptied into nature .....Functions very well here in Norrland....
11 April 2021 - 9:30
Helena says:
Ah thanks, interesting tip!!!
11 April 2021 - 16:10
Mr Henrik Lund says:
NEVER glycol!!!
You can use regular windscreen washer fluid
12 April 2021 - 21:09
Ditte says:
Nice that the tap could be fixed and also hope that you can get some answers and help regarding the glow ignition. It seemed very expensive to get it fixed at a workshop. Nice that you got money back from the company regarding the muffler.
Wishing you a great trip and no technical mishaps.
11 April 2021 - 9:39
Helena says:
Thank you so much Ditte!!!
11 April 2021 - 16:11
Husis blog says:
You must sometimes feel like my owners when one thing after another keeps popping up, but will it ever stop...?
Glad that my owners (and many others) were able to give a good tip about the grey water, which you took forward and solved in a good way. I hope that it will now work out well.
I hope you solve the problem of the "glow" because that sum was not very inspiring.
My owners have sometimes gone to Kylinge bilservice, which is very good. Now this is not the closest route for you, but you can see it as a tip among many others.
Nice trip with "FREEDOM-mix"
All good
11 April 2021 - 11:03
Helena says:
Yes, you do feel that way sometimes! Maybe it's just to realise, when you have a slightly older motorhome, that problems occur continuously. Thanks so much for the tips, again! 🙂
11 April 2021 - 20:30
Nils-Åke+Hansson says:
It's not just old cars that are malfunctioning. I have a warning light that lights up has been to the workshop but it came back. The fault is in the fan electronics!
Have a nice trip.
11 April 2021 - 11:26
Helena says:
It's true, new cars have problems too! (Even if it risks being more frequent in older cars.) Hope it works out for you!
11 April 2021 - 20:31
Lasse Persson says:
Solan and I have the same "problem" with the flashing light for the glow ignition.
Found this site with good information on glow plugs/glow ignition.
11 April 2021 - 11:51
Helena says:
But thank you so much!!! We will take a closer look at this!
11 April 2021 - 20:32
JoY says:
It's good that you got the grey water right. Luckily there is a Handy-man in your family too. I hope you won't have any more problems, it's no fun having lights on.
11 April 2021 - 11:53
Helena says:
Yes, you have to be a bit handy when you have an older motorhome! I'm sure there will be more errors, but I hope they won't be too frequent.
11 April 2021 - 20:33
Goatfish says:
It's difficult, the technical stuff. Cars and stuff should just work! But I remember some details from our caravan life. However, we had new things all the time, but even new things can cause problems.
Hope you get a solution and I wish you a nice trip, wherever it goes <3 I'm a little jealous.
Sunday hugs!
11 April 2021 - 12:22
Helena says:
Thank you very much! Camping life is wonderful! But you can do without the hassle 😉.
11 April 2021 - 20:38
Urban Malm says:
Glow plugs cost about 1000kr each plus labour about 4000kr.
11 April 2021 - 16:12
Helena says:
Ok, interesting to hear! Thank you, we will do more research and look further.
11 April 2021 - 20:39
BP says:
It's a good thing Peter is so handy and can fix a lot of things himself on the Freedom. I wouldn't dare drive on a bumpy gravel road with the grey water drain so close to the ground....
How very nice of Kihlströms to call up and admit their mistake. Quite right, of course, but they could have avoided informing you. This is called customer service and is a good way to retain customers.
Great to have another motorhome trip, hopefully without technical mishaps.
11 April 2021 - 17:16
Helena says:
It is good that he is handy! 🙂 It's probably not much closer to the ground than before, I think. And agree, good of them to call up! They didn't have to do that, so it was neat and increased our confidence in them considerably!!!
11 April 2021 - 20:42
Mr Tommy Andersson says:
If the light flashes, it warns of bad engine oil (only engines with DPF, Diesel Particulate Filter). You can continue driving but change the oil soon. ... The light also warns of a low brake fluid level. If it comes on while driving, stop immediately and contact Fiat Service.
Hi can this be of any help also saw on car forums for other brands that this light is often used to indicate other faults even for Ww broken brake light so maybe much less money 😊 in expenditure.
13 April 2021 - 10:03
white mixer tap says:
Good reading when we go out with the car 🙂
15 April 2021 - 13:19