It's time for a list, right? A summer list is making the rounds in the travel blog world, and we're joining in. We hope you enjoy reading the answers to the questions. Maybe you want to make your own list and answer them yourself, in the comments section or on your blog?
Table of contents
A list ...
It was the travel blogger Annika, with the blog Resfredag, who started the this list. She has a very nice travel blog by the way, so feel free to check it out! If you want to see more answers to the questions, you can read our other blog colleagues. Dryden and Discovering the Planet. We can admit that we changed some of the questions slightly, but ... stay tuned!
Where did our last trip go?
Our last trip was to southern Sweden: Skåne, Blekinge, Småland and Öland. Absolutely fantastic indeed! Maybe we have underestimated Sweden before? There is an incredible amount to see and experience, whether you like nature, history, culture, food ... In addition, the weather has been fantastic!

What TV series are we watching right now?
During the spring motorhome trips we didn't watch TV at all, as we don't have a TV in the motorhome. When we got back to the houseboat, we gave the Norwegian series "Ragnarök" another chance, and now we liked it! Because Norse mythology is so exciting!
Then we started watching the Star Wars TV series on Disney+. We just have to admit that we like fiction. You're busy with reality anyway, so sometimes it's nice to escape into "unreality".
Number of blog drafts waiting?
Not so many! I (Helena) rarely work with drafts, but usually finish writing while I'm doing it. Men right now we have written a few posts in advance to back up during the Bulgaria trip. And yes, some half-finished works are still lying around waiting for better times...
What about blog inspiration?
The blog inspiration is at its peak actually! We like to write about travel destinations and for two months we have been travelling and discovering a lot in Sweden, which of course makes us want to write. It's just the time that gets in the way sometimes ...
How is your appetite for travelling?
It says good with the desire to travel. The good thing about the challenges of the past year is that we have learnt to appreciate Sweden as a travel destination. If you suddenly in addition can travel abroad, it just suddenly feels like a bonus.

This makes us happy!
We are delighted by people who help each other and others, and by people who are generous in spirit. It doesn't have to be about big things. Sometimes a smile or a positive conversation makes you feel good.
This is our favourite thing to eat in the summer:
Some people say in the heat that "I don't get hungry when it's hot". I (Helena) never understand that, because I'm just as hungry as usual. Men, we appreciate cold food and less mess. We like sushi, salad and 'pick and mix' plates. Some summer favourites: melon, avocado, cold cuts, salmon, asparagus and Mediterranean fish. seabream.

We're looking forward to it right now:
Since we're currently on a press trip in Bulgaria, we can't wait to go elsewhere. After all, it is exactly this we want to do.
We are tired of this:
The comment "You never regret a bath" is often said in a slightly encouraging tone. Can't you just choose whether you want to bathe or not, without nagging and social pressure ...?

This is trending in our feeds right now:
We see a lot of foreign travel in the flows now actually. It is mainly Greece that is glimpsed past, as well as motorhome trips to or in Croatia.
Best quote right now:
There is no "righ time", there is just time & what you choose to do with it.
Latest purchase:
Just before we travelled to Bulgaria, I (Helena) bought a little mini handbag at Rizzo on Drottninggatan. This little thing only cost 350 SEK, but I already feel that it will be useful in many contexts.

This is what we are thinking about right now:
What about travel and viral mutations? If it doesn't help just to stop flying, how will we organise the environment? Do we have too many parties in Sweden? Why do coots have such big feet?
This is what we prefer to train this summer:
We have had to realise that we are periodic. We had a long period when we jogged continuously, and we also had training programmes we followed. But now? No, not at all unfortunately. We have to answer "walks" and "city walks".

Sharks in summer 2021?
Although we see some foreign travel in our feeds, it still feels like it's "Swimming holidays" that are the big thing, whether it's by motorhome, boat or in a cottage. Some words that have appeared extra often: Österlen, hiking, Dalsland ...
How do we feel right now?
Thank you for asking, we feel pretty good actually. We would certainly need to get started with better habits again, but the feeling is still good. The sun and the summer heat have done their bit for our well-being this summer!

How do you feel and what does your summer look like? What do you associate with summer 2021? Is there anything that makes you particularly happy, or perhaps upset or annoyed?
Travel Friday/Annika says:
Hooray for lists, and thanks for the nice words. Looks like you are very happy with your trip, great to get away for a while. Nice continued summer!!!
22 July 2021 - 9:58
diana's dreams says:
Fun list hugs and enjoy Bulgaria/Diana
22 July 2021 - 20:16
BP says:
A fun list, also suitable for non-travel oriented blogs.
Just like you, I do not write drafts, but daily posts. If there are old drafts, the posts feel outdated in my opinion;-)
Funny by the way with your bag from Rizzo. We have Rizzo in Täby Centrum and I also bought a bag there a few weeks ago. It is bigger than yours and I was happy that it was 70% reduced;-)
22 July 2021 - 20:49
Daniela | Discovering The Planet says:
Hahaha... I should have included the bathing thing too. People can't understand that I NEVER swam in our pool... or the sea here. I'm just not a swimming person... should it be so hard to understand 😀 😀 😀 .
25 July 2021 - 19:47