Now we are home in Stockholm again, and that's not a bad thing either. This week we have had time for a trip to Roslagen with the motorhome ... and Peter has been seen on TV. Happy Friday!
Table of contents
At home in Stockholm
For us, being at home in Stockholm means above all hanging out in the houseboat in the Pampas marina. But we have actually also been in the city centre and in the South. So oh how charming some alleys in Söder are! It's almost hard to believe that you walk in the centre of Stockholm sometimes ...

Surprise party in the archipelago
Last weekend we went to Blidö in the Stockholm archipelago, where Peter's brother Micke and his wife Nilla live. As Nilla recently turned 60, Micke organised a surprise party. His daughter called Nilla in for extra work at their hostel Haraldsgård ... but instead of work, there was a party! It was a fantastic afternoon and evening, with good food and lots of talk and laughter.

More caravanning in Roslagen
We then stayed in Roslagen for a while, or at least I (Helena) did. Peter left me and the motorhome at Svanberga bathing area in Norrtälje, while he travelled with his brother up to their mother's house to help her with some practical matters.

Here I worked and connected to video meetings. Nothing wrong with the workplace view, right?

We also had a night at Norrtälje camping, as we needed to charge batteries and fill water and stuff. Here we met motorhome friends from Instagram. Fun!

Events and mingling at last
Yesterday afternoon/evening Visit Britain hosted a mingle with live music and fish 'n' ships. So nice and fun to meet bloggers, journalists and others that we have not met for a long time. By the way, Britain is a relatively white spot on our map, with the exception of Northern Ireland, so we should do something about that at some point!

Peter on TV
A slightly more weird thing from the week is that Peter has been on TV, in the programme Parliament on TV4. Well, it was a picture of him being there. The participants were joking about glassblowing and the programme chose to illustrate it all with a picture of Peter as he blowing glass in the Czech Republic. A bit of fun, but still a question ... can TV borrow pictures from blogs without asking for permission? We as bloggers must always be so careful ...

Best this week
It was of course very fun and nice to be able to participate in the celebration on Blidö last weekend. Otherwise, we have worked a lot and got a lot done in terms of work (a lot of accounting among other things!), and that's also nice! What has been the best part of your week?
The week ahead
We are at home in Stockholm during the coming week, and have plans for some smaller excursions in the neighbourhood. We also have still things left to tell from the Skåneresan trip (including some of the best experiences) so you can also expect reports on that here on the blog!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the End of trip, newspaper interview and new travel plans
Ditte says:
What an eventful and varied week you have had. I wonder what TV's answer to the question about taking pictures without asking. They can't "steal" music, but they can steal snippets of music, the authors of which, e.g. in adverts, are paid.
I recognise the picture from Söder. I go there often. Here in Söder and in the neighbourhood where I live there are so many nice old areas.
Best thing about this week? Nice weather, boat trip to Vaxholm and the visit there, nice work and meeting with friends. And the walks at home in Söder of course.
He wants a
17 September 2021 - 9:13
Helena says:
One wonders what they would answer? It was relatively harmless use, but still strange if they don't have to follow rules like the rest of us ...? Because surely they can't have completely different rules? A boat trip to Vaxholm sounds nice!
17 September 2021 - 19:13
Ama de casa says:
Fun with a surprise party! How surprised she must have been and happily surprised!
Fun with Peter in Parliament, I think, but very strange that they just stole the picture without asking for permission...
The best part of this week is all the meetings - both planned and spontaneous - with good friends in all the restaurants and bars here in town. It's great that so many "celebrities" are coming here now.
17 September 2021 - 9:36
Helena says:
Ka jon looked surprised, to say the least!!! 😀 So fun with all hits, such things have been a bit starved for!!!
17 September 2021 - 19:14
Åke+Hammarbäck says:
I recognise the image support thing.
Saw a picture of me in the magazine Till fjälls a few years ago, showing me skiing on the Syterskalet above Tärnaby in Västerbotten.
The crunch, however, was that under the picture it said "Härliga Härjedalen"!!!
Talk about the wrong way round...
No one asked me about the publication either, but there were a number of people on the tour taking photos so it's a bit difficult to keep track.
Happy holidays from camping in Skåne.
17 September 2021 - 12:41
Helena says:
But how strange with the picture from the ski slope! In our case, we know who took the photo, i.e. me ... but it's not me who uploaded the picture to TV4!
17 September 2021 - 19:16
BP says:
There was certainly nothing wrong with your week:-) Fun with the party on Blidö and your remote work from Norrtälje. Lovely with such freedom.
If tv4 stole the picture from your blog without asking for permission, that's really bad. It wasn't exactly a public place. Almost like you should complain - if you have the energy, which you probably don't.
17 September 2021 - 17:22
Helena says:
Freedom is wonderful, I agree! But isn't it strange about the picture? It doesn't hurt us directly, but feels a bit strange if they don't have to follow rules? Can they take any pictures they want, whenever they want...?
17 September 2021 - 19:19
Monica says:
So nice week you had at home too. Agree about the South, think sometimes you can't live in some little red cottage there🙂but they are too selected.
About the photo, it was quite strange that it appeared like that. Strange indeed, but could the photo have been in several newspapers, perhaps as a report because you may have been on that type of trip and the photo became public?
The most horrible thing in that way I have memories of. A young colleague, only 30 years old died, she first suffered from streptococcus type A with tonsillitis and then crashed kidneys leading to death. There had just been a funeral and I opened a medical magazine and in the description of various things they had put several photos of her and that she would continue to participate in this and wrote names etc. I called the editorial office immediately and told them that she was dead and that her husband was a lawyer. They were going to withdraw the magazine and make corrections. They hadn't checked anything and asked, well they couldn't, ask her but they had checked and then they would have known... It was very unpleasant and now there are more clear laws anyway. Needed.
17 September 2021 - 17:53
Helena says:
Yes, the photo is a bit strange, isn't it? It's not in any newspapers that we know of but only on our blog (and can be found by googling). What a terrible story you tell! In our case, the whole thing is much more undramatic BUT your story also shows why it is so important to check pictures before using them!
17 September 2021 - 20:13
Daniel on FlyingDryden says:
As far as the theft of the image is concerned, it is obvious and you should of course invoice them for the use. I pursued a similar case last summer where a YouTube channel borrowed one of my images without permission and despite acknowledging it from the first email, their willingness to pay was unnecessarily delayed. Even if TV4 has the power on its side, you have the law on your side. It doesn't really matter whether it's a YouTube film with a few hundred views or a major TV channel with an audience of millions, and you might think that the people behind a production like this should know the current rules. But then we can also assume that this is not the first time this has happened either. Sad.
17 September 2021 - 20:41
Monica says:
I think you should contact TV4 and, in a diplomatic but clear way, tell them what applies because you know that. And also get answers on how they work and also miss laws that apply to everyone. And get compensation.
17 September 2021 - 22:41
Daniela | Discovering The Planet says:
I have to agree. A friendly enquiry and reference to a private image. And provide a price for single image use :). I think.
22 September 2021 - 19:18