Sleeping well is important. A good night's sleep will keep you energised throughout the day, while a bad night can be the complete opposite. We often sleep well (especially in the campervan!) but sometimes we sleep badly, and this has got us thinking about how to improve our sleep. Here are some ideas and tips.
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Sleeping well
Isn't it important to sleep well? We often sleep best in our motorhome, while it can be more up and down at home in the houseboat. Whether it's the bed, the temperature in the room or general stress levels, we're not sure. We've checked out what the research says about sleeping well, and added some reflections of our own. Here are 12 ideas and tips.
1. Choose a good bed, comfortable pillows and a cosy duvet.
A good bed, which is just the right amount of soft or hard for you, is of course an excellent starting point for sleeping well. For example, you can check out different beds at Nordiska Rum, which has a wide range of continental beds. Comfortable cushions and a cosy blanket can also help, as long as they keep you warm without making you sweat.

2. Become regular as a clock
A common tip if you have trouble sleeping is to become regular like a clock. By going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, you set your biological sleep clock.
3. Be careful about sleeping in the daytime
Sometimes we can find it really nice to sleep during the day, at least for a short while. However, if you have trouble sleeping at night, you may want to be careful with those naps - if you do take them, they should be short.
4. Expose yourself to daylight
The change between light and darkness affects our circadian rhythm. Therefore, it can be good to experience the light during the day - and switch off the lamp at night. In the dark Nordic countries, it is not light for long in the winter months, so it is important to get out for the little time the sun is up.

5. Switch off the light in the evening
Just as we need light during the day, we need darkness at night. Make sure that lights are switched off and curtains are closed if there are lights outside.

6. Set the right temperature in the room
Many people believe that you sleep best if the room is slightly cool. In our case, it's different - Helena likes it to be cool while Peter wants it to be warm. Find a temperature that is right for you.
7. Exercise more
Exercising makes your body tired, and also releases stress hormones, making it easier to relax. Exercising during the day can make it easier to sleep at night. However, it may be wise to avoid exercising in the last few hours before bedtime - it can be difficult to wind down.

8. Eat the right amount before going to sleep
Do you recognise that it can be difficult to sleep when you are hungry? But it can also be difficult to rest when you're stuffed. So just the right amount of food can be best!
9. Be careful with coffee and alcohol
Both coffee and alcohol can disrupt sleep. People are of course differently sensitive, but it's not just about falling asleep, but also about how deeply you sleep.
10. Unwind before bedtime
Many people say that you should relax before going to bed. How you do this can of course vary. Some people may find it more relaxing to read for a while, rather than going straight from work to the computer. For others, reading a newspaper or listening to calm music may be more appropriate.
11. Make the bed a place for sleep
Go to bed when you are tired. If you are awake and can't sleep - get up and do something else for a while. Read a book or listen to music, and go back to bed when you feel tired.

12. Take care of your snoring
Snoring can disrupt your sleep, both for you and for the person you may be sharing a bed with. Occasional snoring is perfectly normal, especially if you have a cold, are extra tired or are under the influence of alcohol. You can try sleeping on your side or on your stomach. If the problem continues, or if breathing stops, you may want to consult a doctor.

What are your top tips for sleeping well?
How do you sleep? Do you have more tips for sleeping well and waking up refreshed in the morning?
BP says:
We all snore, but few people admit it. It is a bit embarrassing to snore;-)
A good bed is essential for a good night's sleep. The thickness and hardness of the pillow is also important.
Yes, there are a number of pensioners who treat themselves to a nap every afternoon. I can safely say that I haven't got there yet;-)
30 November 2021 - 17:21
Helena says:
So maybe it is? We both snore sometimes, but not very often, mostly if we sleep badly, are ill, etc. Totally agree that a good bed matters! Our bed was good when we bought it, but now we've had it for a long time and it's not what it used to be... Would probably need a new one really!
01 December 2021 - 7:36