What a wonderful motorhome trip we made in Småland - in November! At this time of year, we have often finished the motorhome season, and therefore it feels extra luxurious to have just been on the road. And yes, we like to go motorhoming in late autumn. Happy Friday!
Table of contents
Lovely motorhome trip in late autumn
We have, in collaboration with Glasriket, discovered the area in Småland where glass is produced in a number of large glassworks and smaller glasshouses. It has been really fun to be on the road with the motorhome again, and not least it has been fun to discover a region that is nice to travel around, even now in dark November.
We think we've always been warm and cosy in the motorhome, although of course it uses a bit more gas than when travelling in the summer. However, we have found a pitch or campsite with an electric pole every night. If you also have a motorhome, how much of the year do you use it?

Art ...
The Glass Kingdom offers a lot of art, especially in the form of glass, but also in the form of painting and all kinds of crafts. We showed some in yesterday's post about Kosta Art Galleryand we will also show more in the future. Below you see a super nice Christmas goat, made by the glass artist Lennart Nissmark, who works at Bergdalahyttan.

and adventure!
But Glasriket not only offers glass and art, but also nature and adventure! Among other things, we drove the motorhome through Kosta Safari Park, where we saw all kinds of wild animals. A moose looked a little surprised at us as we drove along. What would he do? Would he be scared?

No, he took the opportunity to stick out his tongue. He was not afraid of FREEDOM!

We have also stayed at a dog-friendly farm, from where we made a lovely bike ride. Now we do not have our own dog, but during the bike ride we got to "borrow" the farm's nice dog Kenny. It was a really wonderful nature experience, and we will tell you more about this soon!

Best this week
Best this week is of course our fantastic week in Glasriket! We appreciated the mixture of art and nature, and perhaps not least all the wonderful and enthusiastic people we have met! When I (Helena) write this, we are on our way home in the motorhome and we are travelling with a big smile on our faces.
And now we want to hear about your week! Big or small, what can you highlight as positive from the past week?

The week ahead
During the coming week we will be at home in Stockholm. I (Helena) will be working and Peter has a lot of meetings booked. On FREEDOMtravel.se you will be able to read about our experiences in Glasriket. We have so a lot left to tell!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Release party, fair and trip to the Glass Kingdom
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
We look forward instead to going out with the Motorhome have it as a Hotel room so it will certainly be a few more days. Now I have 3 shots will see how it will be with vaccine passports, really hope that the pandemic does not start again.
We finished the Gubba dinners on Tuesday, when even the wives could join in.
19 November 2021 - 11:38
Helena says:
So good with three shots, nice!!! Of course we hope that the pandemic will stay calm! Nice that the wives were included this time!!! 🙂 Have fun!
19 November 2021 - 17:49
Ditte says:
What a nice trip you made and can imagine you have many nice experiences and new experiences with you. home.
Best thing this week? That yesterday I received Covid vaccine dose 3.
But also dinner with daughters in a restaurant. theatre and walks in beautiful Stockholm.
Have a nice weekend
19 November 2021 - 14:16
Helena says:
Yes, really a nice and interesting trip! How nice that you got dose 3 of the vaccine, it sounds good! Nice weekend!
19 November 2021 - 17:50
BP says:
So nice to be able to say that you leave a destination with a big smile on your lips. And it was a great idea to gild the most boring month of the year with a trip to the glass kingdom: -)
19 November 2021 - 18:42
Helena says:
Really! We often think that November is grey and boring, and now the experience was completely different, really fun! 🙂
19 November 2021 - 19:37
Only British says:
It's great that Småland is showing its best side, I'll be back soon. In the meantime, I have enjoyed a goose dinner and champagne bar in Malmö with its wonderful range of food and drink.
19 November 2021 - 21:11
Helena says:
Goose dinner and champagne bar, how lovely it sounds! 🙂 Hope you have a nice trip to Småland too!
20 November 2021 - 10:48
Åke+Hammarbäck says:
Hi, Now we are with the motorhome at Kaxholmen a little north of Jönköping tonight, travelling to Blekinge and Skåne for a week of free camping.
Happy Husbils travels.
20 November 2021 - 20:19