Today we would like to say thank you to all our amazing readers! Why? Well, read on and we'll explain why we were so excited this week. We can also tell you about the positive response to our first press release and about sushi on a conveyor belt. Happy Friday!
Table of contents
A big thank you to all the great readers!
On Wednesday we published a post that engaged and evoked strong emotions. We received lots of long comments, with different points of view. It's great to see so many people getting involved, but what we're most happy about is that everyone is expressing themselves with respect for each other and others - even when their views are completely different.
We know that the climate of debate can sometimes be harsh and aggressive online, especially on Facebook and other forums. That's why we're delighted that those of you who comment here are expressing your views in such a respectful and constructive way.
Different opinions are of course welcome and as long as you both listen and present your own points in a sensible way, different perspectives can contribute to increased understanding, instead of increased gaps. THANK YOU for being so fantastic, wise and generous!
Positive response to our first press release
Last week, we sent out a press release (our first!) which you can see in the our newsroom on Mynewsdesk. We weren't sure what kind of response we could expect, but we received a lot of positive feedback in the form of emails, phone calls and even a few publications.
Amongst other things, our news can be seen on By the way, don't miss this site if you are interested in motorhomes! You'll find lots of well-written and informative articles, especially on all the technical aspects of the vehicle.

Even the neat and informative website CampingSweden has chosen to highlight our story. Great!

Museums, shopping and sushi
This week we have had a mix of museums, shopping, sushi and meetings. This week's museum was the nice and interesting Historical Museum in Stockholm. During this visit, sushi was served in Fältöversten on Karlaplan.

Another day we went shopping in the giant shopping centre. Mall of Scandinavia in our home municipality Solna. I (Helena) had gift vouchers for clothes at both Vero Moda and H&M that I wanted to use. Did I find anything? No, the fashion was quite boring now, we thought, so I took the opportunity to shop for underwear, linen and socks. Such things are always needed!
Then it became sushi on a conveyor belt at the Budda Khan Teppanyaki restaurant. This isn't the best sushi we've had, but the conveyor belt thing is kind of fun, so we still like coming here. You pay a fixed amount for lunch and then you can eat as much as you want.

Best this week
Best this week is you, our fantastic readers!!! We have also talked a lot about FREEDOMtravel's future, both with Peter's brother who works with us as an ad salesman, and with our web developer. Fun and exciting!
We are also pleased to have two fine reports written by our guest writers: Three Swedish-American places to visit in the US by Ann-Louise Paulsson and Tips for new campervan owners by Marlene Rindå Jikita. What has been the best part of your week?

The week ahead
Next week there will be work and meetings, and we will also try to see if we can get the third vaccine dose. Here at there will be another city guide to a Swedish city among other things. Which one? Yes, you will see if you look in during the week!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Interview and first press release
Ama de casa says:
Yes, you had many things to be happy about this week - congratulations!
In the part of the blog world where I walk around, I have (almost) never seen any nasty attacks, which is very nice. Wonderful with response and of course you can have different opinions, it would be sad otherwise.
Have a nice and happy Friday! Here the sun is finally back which makes me happy 🙂 .
28 January 2022 - 9:30
Helena says:
I agree, in the part of the blogging world where we are, there is a nice and warm climate, which I appreciate a lot! On Facebook you see a lot of other things I think. Wishing a nice weekend with lots of sun!!! 🙂
28 January 2022 - 20:14
Maria / emjis says:
How wonderful to hear about the week! Have a nice weekend🤗
28 January 2022 - 14:01
Helena says:
Thank you very much Maria!!!
28 January 2022 - 20:15
BP says:
Nice that you got such a great response to Helena's article. Fortunately, if you have a high quality blog and/or a "nonsense blog"/everyday blog, personal attacks are very rare. Thank goodness!
I have eaten "conveyor belt sushi" once in the shopping centre. Of course it's fun. Then you can put up with a little less quality.
28 January 2022 - 19:36
Helena says:
That's probably true! We have had a weirdo who has stalked us for many years (miserable person) but apart from that, the readers are fantastic, which we appreciate incredibly much. And there is the same great discussion climate on many blogs around us too!!! We have missed the conveyor belt sushi in Gallerian, interesting! 🙂
28 January 2022 - 20:17