Ferie for alle is a travel and camping fair organised in Herning, Jutland, Denmark. It focuses on everything that has to do with holidays and travel. We spotted the first day of the fair in 2022!
Table of contents
Holidays for all 2022
"Ferie for alle" claims to be Scandinavia's largest holiday fair, and that's saying a lot. The fair focuses on foreign travel, domestic travel (in Denmark), outdoor activities, golf and camping. Displays of camping vehicles take up a large part of the halls, and we chose to focus the first day on travel, so we could spend the second on motorhomes, caravans and accessories.

The fair also features restaurants and cafés, of course, as well as an intensive programme of lectures, training and entertainment.

The fair is located in Herning, in Jutland, Denmark. We took a bus from Herning city centre to the exhibition hall, which took a few minutes.
Meetings with friends
One of the most fun things about attending fairs is meeting friends. We met tourist office contacts (in many cases very good friends!) from the Czech Republic, Poland, Tunisia and Dubai, among others.
In the small right-hand picture below, you can see Monika from the Polish National Tourist Office serving Polish cider. The larger picture below shows Charlotte from the Danish travel magazine. GoTravellingwho we travelled with in Turkey last autumn.

Some of the exhibition halls were themed "Abroad", and it was of course exciting to look around. Here, for example, the company Benns presented itself, with customised motorhome trips in the USA.

There were also many 'near' destinations. Several travel agencies offered trips to Iceland and the Faroe Islands. The shipping company Fjordline also advertised taking your motorhome on the ferry between Denmark and Norway. However, Sweden was not present at the fair at all, as far as we could see.

Otherwise, you could find everything from European destinations to exotic destinations such as the Philippines and the Seychelles.

The atmosphere was very good, even though many of the people we talked to were very concerned about what is happening in Ukraine. The picture below shows the Polish National Tourist Board's motorhome, which they drove up to the fair.

A large hall focused on Denmark, and we looked around here too. In this hall you could find everything from regions (like Fyn or Bornholm) to hotels, campsites and breweries. We also tried locally produced gin!

Danish golf show
The golf-themed hall was quite large, showing everything from training to golf resorts. Since golf is not a big part of our lives, we went through this hall pretty quickly.
Outdoor activities
We stayed a little longer in the outdoor life hall. There was a wild mix of outdoor activities, outdoor clothing, canoes, bikes, binoculars, saunas and everything else. The sauna in the picture below comes from Cold Hawaii Vildmarskbad & Sauna.

More from the fair tomorrow
Tomorrow we will report from the camping part of the fair. Don't miss it!

Have you ever visited the Holiday for all fair in Herning? How was your experience?
Lena+in+Wales+and+Spain says:
Reminds me of the Turmässan that used to be in Gothenburg every year.
Many good contacts were made and many, sometimes too many, glasses were also made.
Keep up the good work with the fair!
26 February 2022 - 15:15
BP says:
Enjoy the fair! A perfect foretaste of the Kistamässan soon! However, I do not understand why Sweden was not at the Danish fair. I mean, you actually see many Danish and Norwegian cars on the roads during the summer.
26 February 2022 - 18:00