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Insure your motorhome - some companies have switched to annual insurance

Are you about to insure your motorhome? Then you may want to know that some insurance companies have switched to so-called annual insurance. This means that you pay the same premium for the whole year, regardless of whether the motorhome is parked or unparked.


Parking your motorhome and paying a lower insurance premium

Until recently, all motorhome insurance policies worked by paying one price when the motorhome was parked and another when it was unparked. When the motorhome is parked, you then have what is known as 'garage insurance' which usually covers fire, theft and vandalism.

For example, if you park your motorhome in a garage for several months over the winter, garage insurance is sufficient. In addition, many people have chosen to switch their motorhome on and off much more often than during winter storage.

Since the price difference between the two types of insurance is often large - and since it has become relatively easy to switch the vehicle on and off with an app - there has naturally been a reason to cancel the car when you don't plan to use it for a few weeks or months.

Försäkra husbilen - Husbil Freedom

Some insurance companies have now switched to "annual insurance".

Some insurance companies have got tired of motorhome owners switching their vehicles on and off from time to time (even though this is fully permitted by law) and have changed their motorhome insurance - from so-called "standby insurance" to so-called "annual insurance". This means paying the same premium all year round, regardless of whether the motorhome is used or parked in a garage for several months at a time.

We have spoken to a number of insurance companies on the phone and one told us that "it became so complicated to manually manage the cancellations and additions that they had to choose between giving up motorhome insurance or switching to annual insurance". Another company said that "it was intended that the annual insurance would be a little cheaper instead, but that was not the case".

And that, of course, is the catch for us motorhome owners. If the insurance suddenly becomes extremely expensive, with some companies, it is important to watch out.

Försäkra husbilen - Husbil Freedom

We have made calls to insurance companies

We called around to a bunch of different insurance companies that offer motorhome insurance. We asked them if they still offer a 'standby' policy or if they had switched to an annual policy (and if they had heard any discussions about this). At the same time, we asked them to give us a price for comprehensive insurance for our motorhome.

Price examples for comprehensive insurance - What do the price examples below mean?

After talking to each insurance company, we have received a price for fully insuring our motorhome with them. The price example applies to our motorhome (Adria from 2007) and with one of us as owner. Please note that the price may be completely different for you, depending on which motorhome you have, how old it is, how long you have had a driving licence, whether you have other insurance policies with the company, etc. etc.

Försäkra husbilen


Lower premium when the motorhome is cancelled? YES! Customer Service has not heard about this change.

Price example for full insurance (applies to our motorhome)

  • Set up: 655 kr/month
  • Cancelled: 113 kr/month

Safe Hansa

Lower premium when the motorhome is cancelled? YES! Customer Service has not heard about this change.

Price example for full insurance (applies to our motorhome)

  • Set up: 935 kr/month
  • Cancelled: 114 kr/month

M Insurance

Lower premium when the motorhome is cancelled? NO! You pay an annual premium, which is slightly lower per month during the summer months, and slightly higher per month during the winter months. Those who have previous cancellation insurance (with a lower premium in case of cancellation) keep this arrangement, as long as the customer keeps the insurance. In any case, customer service has not heard about other plans.

Price example for full insurance (applies to our motorhome)

  • Year-round (regardless of switched on/off): 7064 kr/year (588 kr/month)

Your insurance policies

Lower premium when the motorhome is cancelled? YES! Customer Service has not heard about this change.

Price example for full insurance (applies to our motorhome)

  • Set up: 415 kr/month
  • Cancelled: 77 kr/month

Caravan Insurance

Lower premium when the motorhome is cancelled? NO! Caravan Insurance currently only offers annual insurance. Those who have previous parked insurance (with a lower price when the motorhome is parked) have this until the end of the contract period. The price of annual insurance depends on many factors, including how many times you plan to park the vehicle and how many months you plan to use it.

Price example for full insurance (applies to our motorhome)

  • Year-round (regardless of switched on/off): 7373 kr/year (615 kr/month)

IF Insurance

Lower premium when the motorhome is cancelled? YES! Customer Service has not heard about this change.

Price example for full insurance (applies to our motorhome)

  • Set up: 734 kr/month
  • Cancelled: 140 kr/month

Questions about insuring your motorhome

As a motorhome owner, are you satisfied with your motorhome insurance? How do you feel about some companies switching to annual insurance?

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