Motorhome life for 15 years, that's what we've done so far. During these years, we have experienced fantastic trips and adventures, in Sweden and many other countries. We've also had the chance to talk about motorhome life, both on and in other channels.
Table of contents
The great motorhome life
It all started with a trip to New Zealand in 2006/2007, when we rented a motorhome to travel around. Then we were stuck in the motorhome life. We barely had time to go back to Sweden before we got our own dear "FREEDOM". Since then it has been with us, through thick and thin, our motorhome. It's a few years old now, but we've put both money and effort into maintaining it, so hopefully it can continue to take us on adventures for a long time to come.

Do we write about travel or motorhome life on
Sometimes we are asked if our magazine,, is really about motorhome life. After all, we also write about other types of travelling? And yes, that's right. Our background is that we loves travelling. The motorhome is a great way to travel, but sometimes it's better to travel in other ways. We also make sure that we write for all independent travellersWhether you're travelling by motorhome, caravan, car, motorbike, plane + local transport or in your imagination. Everyone is welcome!
In any case, we can say that motorhome life has meant a lot to us over the past 15 years. And it certainly hasn't diminished. Quite the contrary! We believe that today we use the motorhome - and get involved in motorhome life - more than ever. Here's a little summary.

Motorhome life in 2007
Motorhome holidays
- Around New Zealand with a rented motorhome: Our very first experience with a motorhome is when we rent a motorhome on the New Zealand and discover the North Island and the South Island in three weeks. We're completely seduced by the campervan craze!

Motorhome life in 2008
Motorhome holidays
- We get our Freedom motorhome: Back in Sweden, we decide to get our own motorhome. We buy a second-hand Adria (1 year old) and immediately start to give it our own design by foil, fix lighting, Changing the upholstery etc.

Motorhome life in 2009
Motorhome holidays
- Sweden: We start with short motorhome trips in Sweden, to Trosa, Strängnäs and various campsites.
- Europe: Our first trip abroad with the motorhome is to Italy, and on the way we experience Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland for 6 weeks. We have our youngest son Billie and his cousin in the motorhome.
- Sensation White in Copenhagen: We go to the "Sensation White" party with eldest son Robin and his girlfriend.
Motorhome life: Blog/magazine
- We launch In March, we're launching the freedomtravel blog to document fixing and travelling with the motorhome.

Motorhome life in 2010
Motorhome holidays
- Poland: This summer we are travelling to Poland ourselves and experiencing the Polish Baltic Sea coast for several weeks.
- Northern Sweden: We take youngest son Billie and his cousin on a round trip northwards, returning to Piteå Havsbad for canoeing, horse riding and rafting adventures.
- Sweden: We continue to live the motorhome life by visiting Linköping, Vaxholm, Furuviksparken, Smögen etc.
Report on our motorhome life
- Amelia Sommar: About our motorhome life, under the heading We love the crowds!

Motorhome life 2011
Motorhome holidays
- Sensation White in Oslo: We go to the "Sensation White" party with eldest son Robin and his girlfriend.
- Europe: We drive south, first half of the trip with youngest son and friend, second half with oldest son and girlfriend for 6 weeks. We visit Poland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Italy.
Report on our motorhome life
- Expressen/All about travel: About our motorhome life under the heading Do you want to get fancy and go camping?

Motorhome life in 2012
Motorhome holidays
- Sweden: We drive the motorhome to different campsites around Mälardalen.
- Poland: We visit the Polish Baltic Sea coast and live the campervan life with our sons and Peter's brother and his family.

Motorhome life in 2013
Motorhome holidays
- Sweden: We drive to various campsites on the coast of Småland.
- Bråvalla Festival: The campervan gets a taste of festival life when we take the eldest son and his girlfriend to a festival.
- Öland: We drive to Öland, where we holiday with our youngest son and his girlfriend.

Motorhome life in 2014
Motorhome holidays
- Poland: We are travelling to Poland with the motorhome, together with friends, transporting their catamaran on the roof.
Report on our motorhome life
- CampingSverige: About our blog under the heading An extraordinary travel blog.
- Swedish Radio: Metropol Morgen interviews us about our motorhome life.
- Nomadic life: About our motorhome under the heading The motorhome with extra everything.
- Vagabond: Insider tip: Europe's best motorhome holidays

Motorhome life in 2015
Motorhome holidays
- 1 year around Europe: We are doing our dream trip that we have been planning for seven years, a 365 day motorhome trip in Europe. We are travelling in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, (also Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily for 3 months) Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, Austria and Germany.
Report on our motorhome life
- Hemmets Journal: About our motorhome life, under the heading We are always on the move - and we love it!
- Kvällsposten: About our campervan trip under the heading They get around Europe - in a house on four wheels.
- Helsingsborgs Dagblad: About our campervan trip under the heading Freedom with Freedom on Europe's roads.

Motorhome life in 2016
Motorhome holidays
- Hired lorry in Croatia: In cooperation with the Croatian Tourist Board, we fly to Croatia, rent a flatbed and travel around Istria for a few weeks.
Report on our motorhome life
- Radio P5 Stockholm: Interview on the campervan trip.
- Motorhome & Caravan: About our campervan trip, under the heading A year with a motorhome in Europe.
- Interview in the Travelling podcast: About our motorhome trip in Europe.

Motorhome life in 2017
Motorhome holidays
- Poland and the Czech Republic: We take another motorhome trip in Poland and the Czech Republic, where we discover new places.
- 12 motorhomes to Germany: We organise a motorhome trip to Wismar in Germany, and eleven teams follow suit.
Fairs and lectures
- Caravan Stockholm: We talk about By motorhome in the Czech Republic and Poland and By motorhome in France and Croatia
- Caravan Club member meeting: We drive down to Husbilslandet and give a lecture about Travelling by motorhome in Europe.

Motorhome life in 2018
Motorhome holidays
- Hired labourer in Ireland: In partnership with the Irish Tourist Board, we discover Ireland and Northern Ireland by motorhome for three weeks.
- Europe: We do a motorhome tour with stops in Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, France, Switzerland and Belgium. 55 destinations in 7 countries in 60 days.
Fairs and lectures
- Caravan Stockholm: We talk about By motorhome in Corsica and Sardinia and By motorhome in Albania and Macedonia
- Elmia Caravan Motorhome 2018: We visit the Electricity Fair and report on motorhomes and accessories.
Motorhome life articles for other magazines
- All about caravanning and camping: Shop for wine in Valpolicella and Beer, spa and agent 007
- My motorhome: Historic autumn in Stockholm, Ireland by campervan, Amsterdam and Among Czech castles and vineyards

Motorhome life 2019
Motorhome holidays
- 7 mobile homes in Germany: In cooperation with the German Tourist Board and Stena Line we make the motorhome trip "The beach basket challenge" with borrowed Swift caravan.
- Estonia: In cooperation with the Estonian Tourist Board, we are travelling around Estonia for three weeks.
Fairs and lectures
- Caravan Stockholm: We talk about 7 countries and 50 destinations in 60 days
- Elmia Caravan Motorhome: We talk about Tysk's beautiful Baltic Sea coast, Around Estonia by motorhome and Regions of Zadar
- Camping cruise: We talk about Germany's beautiful Baltic Sea coast and Around Estonia by motorhome
Motorhome life articles for other magazines
- All about caravanning and camping: The beach basket challenge

Motorhome life in 2020
Motorhome holidays
- Swedish channels: We live the motorhome life along Göta Canal, Trollhätte canal and Dalsland canal for 6 weeks.
- Poland and the Czech Republic: In cooperation with the Polish and Czech Tourist Board, we are travelling to new places by motorhome.
Motorhome life: blog/magazine
- We start online shop: Together with the company Pufz, we develop potholders, dishcloths and key rings with motorhome and caravan motifs.
Motorhome life articles for other magazines
- All about caravanning and camping: Estonia - the East at its best

Motorhome life in 2021
Motorhome holidays
- Around Lake Mälaren: We discover castles and towns in the Mälardalen region, using the campervan.
- Southern SwedenWe live the motorhome life in Skåne, Blekinge, Småland and Öland.
- Uppland: We discover the Roslag coastline and visit vallon farms and castles.
- The west coast of Sweden: Discover the west coast of Skåne and Halland.
- The Glass Kingdom in SmålandIn co-operation with Destination Glasriket AB
Motorhome life: blog/magazine
- FREEDOMtravel Magazine: We publish our own magazine about travelling with a motorhome/caravan in 100,000 copies, distributed to 600 campsites in Sweden.
- More products for the online shop: Together with Pufz, we develop with our own design blankets, bed sets, towels, potholders, and more with campervan and caravan motifs made in China and India.
Motorhome life articles for other magazines
- Motorhome and caravan on the road: Rowing in Roslagen

Motorhome life in 2022
What will happen to motorhome life in 2022? We started the year by issuing a press release on Mynewsdesk and tell you that our blog has become a magazine, and that we now have guest writers, many of whom write about motorhome life.
Right now our motorhome is stored in a garage for the winter, but as soon as spring arrives we'll take it out and start travelling. We have a lot of exciting plans for both Sweden and Europe. In addition, we will be involved in both the trade fair. Freedom on wheels in March and The Electricity Fair in September - and there will be a new physical magazine. Follow us to make sure you don't miss anything!

- Facebook: @freedomtravelnews
- Instagram: @freedomtravelnews
bmlarstravellingblog says:
So many wonderful experiences Freedom has offered you during these 15 years!
We celebrated 10 years as motorhome owners last autumn and that purchase, which was our first joint investment, we have never regretted. It felt right at once and now that the snow is falling outside the window, we can't wait to get out on the road again!
01 February 2022 - 15:59
Helena says:
We have Freedom to thank for a lot!!! Without our motorhome, life would have been very different, that's for sure. Great to be able to celebrate 10 years as a motorhome owner! Certainly we long for the roads again, we also! 🙂
01 February 2022 - 19:31
BP says:
You have really made the most of Freedom. Great fun! I'm a bit surprised that neither of Peter's sons seem to have followed in their father's footsteps - namely getting a motorhome. Both of them almost grew up in the motorhome. Or maybe I'm completely wrong;-)
01 February 2022 - 17:13
Helena says:
Yes, we did! 🙂 The sons? Well, the older one probably prefers a slightly more exclusive style on his trips, I think, haha. The younger one probably focuses on completely different things 😉 But I think both have had great experiences with the motorhome!!!
01 February 2022 - 19:33
Matts Torebring says:
You've stuck with the same motorhome all this time, which is admirable. We have had a caravan and motorhome for 47 years, 23 years with a motorhome and 7 new cars. Now we hope for a nice motorhome summer.
All good!
01 February 2022 - 18:06
Helena says:
Yes, maybe admirable? Or maybe we simply can't afford to trade up 😉 Wishing you a great motorhome season!!!
01 February 2022 - 19:34
Annika in Spain says:
Nice summary! So much you have experienced with the motorhome! It will be fun to see where you go this year!
01 February 2022 - 18:20
Helena says:
Thank you!!! Yes, the motorhome has given us many fantastic experiences! So grateful for it! 🙂
01 February 2022 - 19:35
Husis blog says:
What a great resume you have created and how much you have seen, thanks to a motorhome. My owners have had me for almost 3 years and my predecessor for 5 years, so here it has been 8 years with a motorhome and it is not something they have regretted. My owners have also seen and experienced a lot and, not least, met other motorhome owners and bloggers.
All good
01 February 2022 - 19:48
Helena says:
The motorhome has been amazing! Without it we would never have been able to live the life we have lived and are living. So grateful! All the best to you too!!!
02 February 2022 - 17:35
Role o Carina says:
Imagine how much you have experienced with your Freedom!
We have had our own campervan since 2005, before that we rented 🙂.
Now we are looking forward to April when we take it out for a new season.
Too bad fuel prices have risen so much!
Take care.....
01 February 2022 - 20:23
Helena says:
Yes indeed!!! And the same here, longing for April! But agree, hard with fuel prices (and electricity prices, which we also suffered from)!
02 February 2022 - 17:36
Monica says:
Incredible with what the motorhome has been through besides you😀 You must be professionals at taking care of such a thing whichever of you it is, but a lot to keep track of and it worked for so many years.
Now we hope for short winter this side of the year and spring soon.
Have a good time in icy conditions and other misery. So tired of it.
01 February 2022 - 23:10
Helena says:
We've worked pretty hard on our poor motorhome, but we've spent some time and money on maintenance too. Also hope that spring comes early! Have fun!!!
02 February 2022 - 17:37
Reiselinda says:
Wow, what a lot you have done. We have had a motorhome for five years this summer, but it feels much longer! So flexible and so many great places to visit!
03 February 2022 - 10:11
Lena - good for the soul says:
Wow, what you have experienced with that particular mate! It will be difficult to take the step to change, I guess.
Hug Lena
06 July 2022 - 21:41