Greetings from Herning, Denmark! We are here to visit and report from the travel and camping fair "Ferie for alle". But since today is Friday (and since the fair only started this morning), we'll start as usual with an everyday Friday post ...
Table of contents
Some things are purely evil
On Fridays, we tend to summarise the week and think about what was the best part of the week, so that we don't allow ourselves to forget all the positives in the midst of stress and everyday worries.
Unfortunately, there are nothing positive about the situation in Ukraine, but even though our thoughts are with the Ukrainians (and even though we check the news ridiculously often), we won't talk about it today. Instead, we'll stick to our much more mundane week. But I think we'll have a chance to come back to Ukraine!
A week full of meetings
This week has also been full of meetings for us, with different partners. Almost all meetings lead to new ideas, which is fun, but also exhausting. One day we also had a lunch with our travel blog colleague Christian from ... Food and travel blog. Very nice!

We had lunch at the Orangery, which is nicely situated on Norr Mälarstrand. Just at the lunch rush, the sound volume became a little high here, but shortly thereafter it became calm and relaxed again ...

Staycation and houseboat life
We also had a staycation this week! The reason was that we were worried that the storm would pull too hard in our houseboat (which can be quite uncomfortable), but at the same time it was an opportunity for a nice hotel stay. The picture below is from our "street" in the marina. Here you can see photos from Hotel Esplanade, where we stayed one night.

A flight (=book reading)
Then it was time for our first flight in a long time. We would namely go to Denmark and the 'Holiday for all' fair. When I (Helena) fly, I usually have the luxury of reading. I like to read, but under normal circumstances it is difficult to find time.
But on the plane, when there's no internet, I usually plough through books. This time it had to be fellow blogger Matts Torebrings autobiography. This one started really interesting about the poor upbringing, and the parents' toil in Småland. I look forward to reading further on the flight home...!

Herning in Denmark ... in a hotel again!
Now we have arrived in Herning, Denmark and are staying in a hotel, again! It almost feels like this is becoming a habit. We are staying at Best Western Plus Hotel Eyde, which is very nice in every way.

Best this week
We came down to Herning in good time before the fair, which was great because we had time to look around. Exciting! We have also been able to treat ourselves to some nice restaurant visits, which we rarely do when we are at home. Cosy! What has been the best part of your week?

The week ahead
We are spending the weekend here in Herningand will be reporting from the fair and Denmark both this weekend and in the coming week. Don't miss it!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Meetings, meetings, meetings ... and soon a trip!
Matts Torebring says:
Despite the darkest week of our lives, where evil has taken control, it was still a small bright spot that my book found its way to the right boat. Feel free to review it when you finish it. You may be shocked by the poverty at the beginning of the book.
Have a good time in always cosy Denmark.
25 February 2022 - 18:13
Helena says:
How awful that one evil man can destroy so much for so many! We are very happy that the book found its way into the world! It was an interesting and poignant introduction. I will, of course, come back when I have finished it.
26 February 2022 - 7:32
BP says:
Staycation - it was a completely new and incredibly clever word. How cool and accurate:-)
I recognise Matts Torebring from the comments on this blog. He seldom takes the easy way out, which I actually like...
The hotel room is just fine, especially the cheeky painting on the wall. Good that it does not hang on the opposite side;-) The mural on the house is absolutely superb.
25 February 2022 - 19:26
Helena says:
Staycation is a smart and appropriate word! (However, not our invention;)) We liked the hotel room and you may be absolutely right about the painting, we did not think that low 😉.
26 February 2022 - 7:34