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Destination of the Year 2022: The Kingdom of Glass and Kosta


The destination of the year 2022 has been chosen by FREEDOMtravel, at the fair "Husbil Stockholm 2022", and the winners are ... Glasriket and Kosta! A big and well-deserved CONGRATULATIONS we say! Here you can read more about the motivation, as well as how to best discover the destination.


FREEDOMtravel announces "Destination of the year"

For many, many years, we at FREEDOMtravel have been travelling by motorhome in Sweden and Europe. We are often asked which destinations we like, so we decided to choose the "Destination of the Year" - that is, the destination we liked best during the previous year. By destination we mean a town, region or other geographical area.

We decided on four criteria:

  • Plenty of pitches and/or campsites
  • You feel welcome with a motorhome
  • Unique experiences and attractions
  • A destination that can be visited throughout much of the year

To recognise and honour the winner, we created a glass award in the shape of a motorhome. This year the prize is awarded to a destination in Sweden. In the future, we plan to recognise one destination inside and one outside Sweden.

Årets Destination 2022

Winners 2022: Glasriket and Kosta

The winners in 2022 were - drum roll - Destination Glasriket and Destination Kosta. These are Småland destinations that we visited in November 2021, and which we became very fond of. The prize was awarded at "Husbil Stockholm 2022", at Kistamässan on 19 March at 13:45. The motivation reads:

To offer a wonderful destination for motorhome travellers. There are experiences in the form of glassworks, art, culture and nature - at any time of the year! Motorhome drivers feel welcome and it is easy to find pitches and campsites.

The award was given to Kosta and Glasriket jointly, as they work together in the same area. Two representatives of Glasriket, Mia Lundholm and Henrik Karlsson, were present to receive the award.

Årets destination 2022 - Glasriket

The award is well deserved and we highly recommend all motorhome travellers a trip to the Glasriket in Småland.

Årets destination 2022 - Glasriket

Discover the Kingdom of Glass and Kosta

Want to discover the Glass Kingdom and Kosta in Småland? Read our report with tips on things to see and do in the Glass Kingdom:

You can travel around Småland's Glasriket for an experience that combines glass, art and culture with nature and adventure.

Orranäs Glassworks in the Kingdom of Glass
Utflykt från Vidinge gård
Cycling from Vidinge Farm in the Kingdom of Glass

The fair "Husbil Stockholm 2022" continues at Kistamässan also today, Sunday 20 March. Please come to our two lectures:

  • 11.00: Magical travel destinations in Germany
  • 14.00: Road trip in fantastic Switzerland
All our top tips for holidays in Småland

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