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Campingbio goes on tour this summer - free cinema on campsites

This summer, Campingbio is touring the whole of Sweden, visiting 33 campsites. At each site, they offer free cinema along with other happenings. We met two of the enthusiasts behind Campingbio, and can tell you about their summer tour schedule.


Lunch with Camping Cinema

Yesterday we met with Katarina Tjernström and Malin Wiktorsson from Camping cinema at the Scandic Grand Central in Stockholm for lunch and a chat, as the start of a collaboration. Campingbio is a concept that existed between 2006 and 2010, but was then put on hold because SF Bio, the organisation behind the event, changed its focus.

A few years ago, Katarina and her colleague Josefin Söderlind decided to start the whole thing again, but just as they were ready to go, the ... pandemic hit. Everything had to be cancelled. But now they are back on track, and this summer there will be camping cinema in Sweden again!

Katarina Tjernström and Malin Wiktorsson from Campingbio.

What is camping cinema?

Campingbio is a free outdoor cinema, shown at campsites around Sweden. The film is shown on a huge screen and the audience sits down on the grass or on their camping chairs. Each campsite shows a matinee film in the afternoon and a family film in the evening.

In addition, a number of other happenings (such as food tastings) accompany the event. This year's main sponsor is Stacky's, which serves vegetarian and climate-smart food that is suitable for the barbecue. The picture below shows the whole set-up!

This summer the camping cinema is touring

This summer's tour starts on 28 June at Pite Havsbad in Piteå. The tour then continues around the country, including Öland, Skåne and Halland, before ending in Linköping in early August.

We'll see if we can join you at one of the screenings during the latter part of the tour. That would be great! Are any of the campsites and dates suitable for you?

Have you ever seen a camping cinema? What do you like about the concept?

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