Why do we celebrate Easter in Sweden? While many of us know that Easter is a Christian holiday, it's not entirely clear how the hares and the Easter rice come into play. We try to figure out why we celebrate Easter, why we eat eggs and why kids dress up as Easter bunnies.
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Why do we celebrate Easter in Sweden?
Easter is an important holiday in Christianity and is celebrated throughout the Christian world by both Protestants and Catholics. Easter is also celebrated in Judaism, where it is called Pesach and commemorates the Jewish exodus from Egypt.
The Christian Easter holiday commemorates the fact that, according to the New Testament, Jesus suffered on the cross, died and then rose again so that believing people could be forgiven for their sins and have eternal life.
Easter in Sweden is thus essentially a Christian holiday, but the celebration is inspired by many different times and customs. Even before the Nordic countries were Christianised, the spring blossom was celebrated at this time. Today, when Sweden is secularised, old folk beliefs, Christian traditions and new elements are mixed ...

Why do we celebrate Easter in the Christian tradition?
According to Christianity, on the Thursday before the crucifixion (the day we now call 'Maundy Thursday'), Jesus had a last meal with his friends. The next day (the day we now call 'Good Friday'), Jesus was sentenced to death and brutally executed by crucifixion.
On the third day after the crucifixion, some women went to Jesus' tomb and found it empty. At first they thought the tomb had been robbed, but an angel told them that Jesus had been resurrected. Today we call this day 'Easter Day', and it is the day we celebrate the resurrection.
The following day, which we now call 'Easter Sunday', Jesus appeared to the disciples and their reactions ranged from joy to doubt. The story of Jesus' victory over death spread, and according to Christian belief, he has now also conquered death for all people. Everyone could now believe in the resurrection and the kingdom of heaven.

Why do children dress up as Easter bunnies?
According to Swedish folklore, the Easter Bunnies are witches who fly to Blåkulla on a broom on Maundy Thursday. The idea of the Easter Bunnies probably comes from the witch trials of the 17th century, although the Easter Bunnies later evolved and acquired their typical attributes in the form of a broom, a coffee pot and a black cat.
In the past, people liked to scare away witches, using fires or rifle shots. This can still be seen today in the form of Easter bonfires or Easter crackers. Do children dress up as Easter bunnies? They have been doing that since at least the 19th century.

Why do we eat eggs?
Eggs are an important part of Easter and we eat everything from real eggs to different kinds of chocolate and candy eggs. We also like to fill large paper eggs with all sorts of goodies. There are also many traditions related to eggs, such as painting eggs or pretending that the Easter Bunny has hidden the eggs and then letting the children look for them.
But why do we eat eggs at Easter? Spring is the time of year when nature is reborn, which in many cultures is celebrated with fertility rituals. Eggs symbolise rebirth, which fits well with the message of Easter. In addition, eggs were often available at this time. Chickens would start laying in the spring, and after a period of fasting, there might be an extra supply of eggs.

Why do we decorate with Easter rice?
A tradition at Easter is to bring in birch branches and decorate them with colourful feathers and eggs. It is a symbol of springtime greenery and rebirth, but can also be linked to Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and the palm leaves strewn before him.
In the past, rice was also used as a way for the father to whip the other family members, reminding them of Jesus' suffering on the cross. This was often a more jocular form of whipping, and this tradition still exists in some parts of central Europe. The rice can thus be linked to Easter in several ways...

Why do Easter bunnies exist?
The Easter Bunny is known from the late 17th century and originates from Germany. In the 1850s, the hare was heavily promoted by the candy and toy industries as the Easter equivalent of Father Christmas. In Sweden, the Easter bunny never became as important, although it has established itself on Easter cards and ornaments, as well as in the form of chocolate and marzipan. In some families, children also look for Easter eggs ... perhaps hidden by the Easter Bunny.
But how are hares linked to Easter? According to some, it is the hare's legendary reproductive powers that make it associated with spring fertility rituals. Others believe that it was bread meant to represent lambs that was simply misinterpreted ...

Why do we drink Easter mustard?
Easter malt may not be as important in Sweden as Christmas malt, but almost. Every year, Swedes drink around 50 million musts, and Easter is the second biggest occasion for drinking must. But why do we drink Easter must?
Påskmust has been drunk in Sweden since the end of the Second World War, when it was advertised in many newspapers. The drink first became popular at Christmas, as a non-alcoholic Christmas drink. By being classified as a 'soft drink' instead of a 'malt drink', it also initially received a lower tax rate.

So, why do we celebrate Easter in Sweden?
The short answer to why we celebrate Easter in Sweden is that Easter is a Christian holiday commemorating the death and resurrection of Jesus. The long answer is that Easter, like almost all holidays, has evolved over a long period of time and over time has become a mixture of traditions.

Sources and more to read about Easter and Easter traditions
Sources for this article include the Church of Sweden, Nordic Museum and Wikipedia. We have written about Easter and Easter traditions in the past. You can read more here:

Why do we celebrate Easter in Sweden - and how do you celebrate?
Do you have more thoughts on why we celebrate Easter in Sweden, and where different traditions come from? How do you celebrate?
Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
I wish you a happy Easter.
10 April 2022 - 9:21
Helena says:
Thank you very much! Wishing you a happy Easter!
11 April 2022 - 7:10
Torebring Matts says:
Thank you for a nice post and not least about Christianity.
Happy Easter to you!
10 April 2022 - 10:56
Helena says:
Glad it was appreciated! Wishing you a nice Easter!
11 April 2022 - 7:10
Lena+in+Wales+and+Spain says:
Very nice post. Thank you very much!
Happy Easter!
14 April 2022 - 11:07