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Now you can become a host scout at Acamp - and earn extra money!

Acamp is a Nordic marketplace with over 100,000 active users, where campers find more personalised places to stay. In connection with their establishment in Norway and Denmark, they are also launching their brand new host scout programme, which we have tested!


Become a host scout - and earn money while travelling

Thanks to Acamp's new scouting programme, anyone can now register as a host scout and earn £1000 for each new host they discover, who then chooses to register with Acamp. So you can make money by recommending farms/entrepreneurs who might be interested in offering parking spaces for motorhomes.

We believe that there are many motorhome enthusiasts out there who, like us, like to find new places to camp - and who can now also earn some extra money from it. If you're a frequent camper, we also think it could be a fun challenge to not only try to recruit new hosts - but also partly finance your holiday through it.

Öjje Holt, one of Acamp's founders

What is a host at Acamp?

An Acamp host is an entrepreneur who offers a place for campers, such as motorhomes, to stay for the night. These can range from large farms to small personal sites, sometimes with options such as renting the farm's canoe or buying freshly laid eggs from the henhouse. By joining Acamp, hosts have the opportunity to be listed on the Acamp booking site, and thus be found by new visitors.

Vidinge gård - hundvänligt boende i Småland med naturupplevelser och packraft
Vidinge farm in Småland, which we visited last year, is one of Acamp's hosts.

Becoming a host scout - we tested the 'Scout Panel'

To become a host scout, you register on the "Scout Panel" at Acamp. We've tried it, and have to say it was very simple and straightforward. Now we know exactly what to do if we find a host who might be suitable - and who seems interested. We can help them get new business, while we can earn some money ourselves. Want to register as a host scout too? Here's how:

  1. Register at Scout panels
  2. Wait for your application to be accepted
  3. Find a potential host
  4. Talk to the potential host and see if they would be interested in joining the Acamp network.
  5. Invite the host on the Scoupanel by clicking on "Invite host".
  6. Wait and see if the host accepts the invitation, and is authorised to host.
  7. Receive your reward (€1000), paid every Monday
Scoutpanelen - bli värdscout hos Acamp

Acamp welcomes new hosts in the Nordics

Acamp started in Sweden and has now also entered the Nordic market. So far there are hosts offering pitches in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Now even more hosts are welcome in the Nordic region.

We have an open mind about the type of new hosts that may now join our family, but we have an extra preference for smaller and more personal places. Preferably places that combine nature experiences with, for example, food and drink crafts or outdoor activities - but the most important thing is probably that you have the right attitude as a host: that you take care of nature and your guests. Then you are just the right match for us.

Öjje, Holt

Do you have suggestions for hosts?

Many times we've stopped at places around Sweden - maybe to shop or have a coffee - and thought "they could have a caravan park here". Have you experienced the same thing?

At least now we know what we can do next time. We can tell them about the Acamp network and ask if they are interested. If they want, we can suggest them in the Scout Portal, and if there is a match, it will be a win-win for everyone. Acamp gets a new host, the new host gets new customers, and we get 1000 SEK as a thank you for the help.

We will keep our eyes open in the future. What do you think about the idea of the Scout Portal? Is it something for you? Do you already have tips for hosts?

Scoutpanelen - bli värdscout hos Acamp

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