Guest writer: Linda Vismer

Travelling sustainably is much more than skipping flights, eating vegetarian and avoiding all-inclusive. Sustainability is much more complex and versatile than that. Similarly, travelling by camper van is not automatically sustainable, even though it has all the makings of a way of travelling that makes a good impression!


Because sustainability can feel like an insurmountable mountain where it is impossible to do the right thing, I have broken down and simplified how to think. If we want to create a better world, doing the right thing has to be easy, motivating and accessible.

Resa hållbart - Linda Vismer

Travellers have power

Travellers have power, and we can use that power in different ways through the choices we make. Where we travel, what activities we choose to do, what activities we support with our money, how we treat people in the place we visit are some examples of issues to consider.

I have just written a book called The power of the traveller - tourism that nourishes and consumes. I try to make it as easy as possible to navigate the jungle of choices that we travellers face. I have modified the list to adapt it to the motorhome as a form of travel.

Resenärens makt - bok om att resa hållbart

Five S's to make informed decisions

In the true spirit of education, there are five areas of particular importance, all of which start with the letter 'S'.

END STATION - Which destination do you choose? Sweden, Europe or the world? When you choose where you are travelling, you may also choose destinations for different reasons.

SKJUTS - What means of transport do you use? Perhaps the motorhome is a given, but you can also travel by plane or train to a starting point and then rent a motorhome and drive around. The means of transport you choose to get to your destination and once there will have an impact on both your experience and the climate.

SLEEPING PLACE - Which accommodation do you choose? This too may be obvious - you sleep in your campervan, but where do you put it? Which campsites do you support with your presence? Do you free camp and if so, what do you need to consider? How you choose to live favours some and disadvantages others.

SMAK - What do you eat and drink? Do you cook yourself, do you take part in the local food culture, do you drink alcohol? The food and drink you choose has an impact on both your travelling companions and the local community.

SOCIOLOGY - What activities do you do? Do you stay mostly inside the campsite or do you travel around and do different activities? What you choose to do while travelling affects animals, nature and people in different ways.

A sensible and important book

If you are a curious and open-minded person who likes to develop yourself and also has an ambition that your way of travelling should contribute rather than harm, then I think you would get a lot out of reading the book The power of the traveller - tourism that nourishes and kills. As a loyal Freedom follower, you will receive a 15 % discount if you enter the code Freedom15 when you buy it from my webshop.

With that, I would like to wish you a pleasant and sustainable journey the next time you take to the road, rail or air.

Pressbild Linda Vismer från Resa Medvetet

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Linda Vismer

Linda is a writer and opinion leader. She runs the blog and has published the book Resenärens makt - turism som när och tär. Linda highlights different perspectives on tourism, encourages reflection and wants to contribute to more people travelling in a way that makes a greater impression and better impact.

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