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Are you planning to drive during your holiday? Driving is a great and free way to travel, but if there are many hours on the road, it can be boring and tedious for both adults and children. Here are five tips for fun activities to do while travelling by car.

1. listen to music or an audio book

Turning up the speakers and listening to some nice tunes can make your car journey feel a lot shorter. Another tip is to listen to an audio book.

Find a book that suits everyone in the car and turn up the volume so everyone can get caught up in the action. Alternatively, listen to your own favourite book with headphones.

2. compete in quizzes

Quizzes are fun for both children and adults. Pack a quiz game or use an app. Passengers can read the questions and everyone can compete.

3. play games on your mobile phone or computer

Car passengers can enjoy playing games on their mobile phones or computers while travelling. There are lots of different types of games to choose from, both for children of all ages and for adults.

Adults can also choose casino games, which come in different flavours. If you do not know which game to choose, you can click here to read casino reviews. Svenska Casinon only recommends sites with a Swedish gambling licence. Since Swedish casinos offer tax-free profits this means that if you win, you withdraw all the money you have won. If you play at a casino with another licence, it means that you have to pay a lot of the amount in tax.

4. play fun games

Do you have children in the car? Then it might be a good idea to play different games together! Here you will find tips on a bunch of fun games:

  • Counting cars: Be the fastest to spot the most yellow cars. Or choose one colour each and see who can find the most cars of the chosen colour.
  • Animal play: One person starts by saying an animal, for example 'lion'. The next person should say an animal on the last letter of that word, such as 'rhino'.
  • Guess the film/book: One person at a time can talk about a film or a book that everyone knows. The others have to guess.
  • The alphabet game: First person says an animal/country/plant on A. The next continues with B, the next with C and so on.
  • 20 questions: One person in the car thinks of a person that everyone knows. Others can only ask yes and no questions (e.g. "is it a girl?") until they realise who it is.

5. watch a film

Passengers can also choose to watch films, for example on an iPad or computer. Make sure to be prepared with films and headphones before the trip.

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