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5 thoughts on blogs and social media

We continue to travel with the motorhome along the Swedish west coast, and we'll tell you more about that soon. But first, some thoughts on blogging and social media. Happy Friday!


Thoughts on blogging and social media

Now that we're travelling with our motorhome in Sweden, we meet many readers and other motorhome owners. We talk about everything from motorhome life and travelling to social media, and a thousand other things. This - and the fact that we've been doing a lot of computer work - has made us reflect and think about a lot of things related to blogging and social media. Here are five thoughts we have right now...

We meet many other motorhomers on the pitches.

1. Bloglovin is not working ... What is the easiest way to follow blogs today?

I (Helena) have always followed quite a few blogs, mainly those related to travel or motorhome life. To be able to easily keep track of everyone I follow, I have used Bloglovinwhere you can "subscribe to the feed" of the blogs you want.

A while ago, pictures stopped previewing on some blogs (including our own). Then my Bloglovin app on my phone stopped working, so I had to rely on my computer. Now it's also glitching on the computer and only occasionally does the feed show up for me.

Does anyone else have these problems? What's the easiest way to smoothly follow blogs today? How do you do it?

2. Instagram shows a lot of adverts ... we have a tip!

Many people love Instagram, but many are also annoyed by the way the feed looks and by all the adverts, such as reels appearing even from accounts that you don't know. not follows. Men, there is a solution to this. At least for some. It seems, strangely enough, that Instagram has rolled out this feature for some, but not for all.

If you click on "Instagram" at the top left of the app, you will (hopefully) see two options: "Follow" and "Favourites". If you select "Following", you will see posts in your feed. only from accounts you follow, and they also come in chronological order. The only catch is that the setting doesn't "stick". That is, if you exit Instagram and re-enter, you have to click "Follow" again to get the same feed.

3. on Facebook we only reach a fraction of our followers ... what should we do?

We use our Facebook page (@freedomtravelnews on Facebook) to tell you about new articles on FREEDOMtravel, and sometimes also to share other pictures/news/questions. We have over 3800 followers on the site, but when we share something (which we do every day) we often only reach a fraction of them.

If we want to reach more people, we have to pay. Facebook is a business, so it is perhaps natural that they want to charge for their services. Sometimes we also pay, but we can't pay to reach everyone who follows us. We may have to accept this, but sometimes we meet readers who wonder why they are not reached by our posts, or ask if we have stopped posting because they don't see us in their feed, and then you start to wonder.

As well as paying to reach out, you can reach out by getting lots of likes and comments on your posts. We don't want to hunt likes, but we want to reach those who wool be reached. What should be the approach?

4. Facebook doesn't always show what you want... but you can control it!

What you see in your Facebook feed is controlled by an algorithm based on what you have liked and interacted with in the past. Sometimes it's good, but sometimes it feels like you're seeing a lot of things you're not interested in, while at the same time it seems like you're missing out on things you want to see. would like to see. But it can be controlled, at least to some extent.

Are there certain friends and pages that you willingly wool see in your feed? You have the option to select 30 favourites, which will appear higher up in your feed. Just do this:

  1. Go to the news feed
  2. Click on Favourites in the menu on the left. You may need to click on See more to see this option.
  3. Click on Managing favourites. Find the friends and pages you would like to see in your feed and click on the star next to the name.

5. We have decided to use our newsletter in a new way.

A while ago we started a newsletter and Peter sends out a letter (almost) once a month. This letter is usually quite personal, but also contains some news.

During this motorhome trip in Bohuslän we have met several people who want updates on our articles, but can't be bothered to look for them. This has led us to decide to send out a short automatic newsletter once a week - with links to the week's articles. To those who want it, of course!

In addition to this, Peter will probably write more personalised newsletters from time to time, but not as often as before. What if someone doesn't want a weekly newsletter? Well, then it is of course easy to unsubscribe in the footer of the newsletter! We will try this soon (not ready yet though), and we will see how it is received! You can register for the newsletter here:

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Best this week

The best thing about this week is that the west coast delivers! Sure, we have had some rain and wind at times, but also fantastic sunny days. It's incredibly picturesque everywhere and the seafood is amazing. so good!

Now it's your turn ... What can you highlight as positive from your week?

The week ahead

We will continue our journey north along the west coast and here at you can expect reports about, yes, the west coast! We wish you a wonderful Friday and weekend!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Visitor records, West Coast idyll and everyday life on the move

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