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Home in Stockholm after 4 months on the road

Now we are home in Stockholm! We have been on the road with the motorhome for a total of four months, and it has been fantastic. Now there are a few weeks at home, before it's time for new adventures.


Four months on a roll

I can't believe we've been rolling for four months! We started in the middle of April, by rolling towards Mariestad. Then we continued slowly south towards Germany where we hung out for quite a while, before it was the Czech Republic, Germany again and then Bohuslän. And so we have managed a trip by plane to Croatia as well!

Highlights? Difficult to answer actually. So many nice places! But we should still choose one place in each country:

Göra i Miltenberg
Beautiful Miltenberg in Germany

The penultimate night was full of surprises.

On the penultimate day of the trip, we checked out the rock carvings outside the Hamburgsund. The place was "in the middle of nowhere" and there was a small car park there, so we thought we could stay overnight. We were completely safe that we would be alone, so imagine our surprise when one vehicle after another rolled in. It turned out that the location was marked as a "camper stopover" in the "Park4Night" app.

We talked for several hours with a German girl who was travelling alone. We also met a Stockholm friend's daughter who was here to pick blueberries with her family and recognised our campervan. How unlikely was that?

What also happened here was that UPS called and wanted to deliver the electric bikes we had ordered from China. "No, we're not home ..." But, now it was just a matter of changing plans and steering the motorhome directly to Stockholm the next morning.

A number of overnight carriages in a car park in Hamburgsund.

At home in the houseboat and marina

It was almost a little reluctantly we turned back home. We like to be on the move! But we Pampas marina showed itself from its absolute best side. The sun was shining, the small boats chugged back and forth and our lovely neighbours wanted to stop and chat for a while. In addition, the restaurant had, K4 Pampas, has spruced itself up with a new stylish outdoor seating area.

Our own houseboat was also in good condition, which felt good. It was even in better condition than when we left it, as we had to install a new fire alarm and a fire rated window in the meantime.

New outdoor seating at the K4 Pampas restaurant

New electric bikes

As you may remember, my (Helena's) electric bike was stolen in Germany. What a shame! After much deliberation, we decided to order a new one from China. At the same time, Peter decided that he also wanted a similar one. He has a trike (three-wheeler) and it is great when we go shopping, but when we're travelling we've noticed that sometimes we can't get to the forest areas with it. And while he was at it, he bought three more, so he has some to sell as well ...

We have now spent time assembling bikes and we have also gone to buy locks. We bought the absolute best lock we found. After getting rid of an electric bike, we feel that this is not an expense to be spared ...

Best this week

Best this week? The fantastic west coast of course! It was also nice to come home to the marina and the houseboat!

Your turn... What has been the best part of your week?

Fine Hunnebostrand

The week ahead

We will be home in Stockholm for the next few weeks. On there will be a little more about the west coast and then it can be a mix of everything possible: Germany, Stockholm ... and maybe a little more. Hope you join us!

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