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Bohuslän, exciting petroglyphs and soon a trade fair

We are still on the road in Bohuslän, but soon we will be heading home to Stockholm. We are fully preparing for the Seniormässan. Happy Friday!


Northern Bohuslän

We have now reached northern Bohuslän and more specifically Strömstad. Here we stayed one day in a free car park, and then we moved to First Camp Strömstad. Our batteries have started to work poorly (they had discharged just before the Elmia fair, for unknown reasons), so we have difficulty free camping too many days in a row.

Here at First Camp Strömstad we are in an excellent position, and we also think that the price is quite ok now in the low season. We pay 280 SEK / day, which feels affordable.

First Camp Strömstad

Rock carvings - unexpectedly exciting

This part of Sweden has an unusually large number of rock carvings. Among other things, there are the Unesco-protected the rock carvings in TanumBut in addition to these, there are rock carvings here and there.

We have to say that we find it unexpectedly exciting to check them out. Everywhere we find new interesting motifs to ponder. For example, look at the picture below. You can see boats there. But the old man above, what is he doing? And what is he wearing around his head?

The two boats below are also beautiful. The figures are holding oars, aren't they? And the figure in the centre, could it be a woman? She doesn't have a dick (which men are often equipped with), but has a small tuft of hair.

And the figure below, is he playing with a ball? At least that's what it looks like, right...?

And this figure, what on earth is it ...?

New on - and a bit of trouble

While travelling, we work with Now we have even more countries in the menu! There you will find all our reports on Swedish destinations - broken down by region.

At the same time, we have had some problems with the timing of the articles. Even if we set them at 06:00, they don't get published and we have to correct them manually, which has meant that some articles have been delayed in the morning... We hope to resolve this soon!

Best this week

The best part of this week was the surprising and delightful the boat trip with M/S Donalda i Grebbestad! Such a wonderful meeting with the owners and such a nice trip in the archipelago! It's low season now, and we were really lucky that we came by the only day of the week when the boat went. Happy Friday!

Your turn ... What has been the best part of your week? It doesn't have to be anything big, but sometimes it's good to focus on the positive things in life so you don't forget them, right?

The week ahead

We only have a little time left here in Strömstad. Soon we will be travelling to Stockholm to take part in the The senior citizens' fair 2-6 October at Stockholmsmässan in Älvsjö. We will be there with a stand, and we will also give two lectures:

  • Tuesday 4 October, 14:10-14:40, on the main stage: How are we travelling in 2023? - trends and tips
  • Wednesday 5 October, 11:40-12:00, on the Seminar stage: 15 islands to visit in Europe in 2023

Maybe we'll see you there?

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Motorhome life, west coast and new structure on

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