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Our closest itineraries - "follow us" on these trips

We are travel writers, and as usual, we have travel plans. Here we tell you about our immediate plans, i.e. where we plan to travel in the winter of 2022-2023.


Our immediate travel plans

Yesterday we told you about our travels during travel year 2022. Now it's time to look ahead instead. We are currently looking forward to the following trips.

1. Winter weekend in Split, Croatia

We go to Split in Croatia over Christmas! Sure, we can appreciate Christmas fun at home, but if possible, we have always preferred travelling abroad. This time it's a short trip to Split, Croatia, in cooperation with a local hotel and the Croatian Tourist Board.

We have visited Split several times in the past (most recently last spring when we were nominated for the Golden Pen Media Awards), but we have never been here in winter. Now it will be a different type of trip, with a focus on spa, food and shopping. It will be really cosy!

Photo from Split, in May this year

2. Winter Wonderland in Vorarlberg, Austria

In mid/late January we will fly to Austria(Well, if you want to be really picky, we fly to Zurich in Switzerland and go from there to Austria).

The story behind this trip is that we were invited to a press trip in Austria last year at this time. However, just before we were due to leave, we tested positive for Covid, which meant we had to cancel the trip. It was too late to cancel the tickets completely, but it was possible to postpone them for a year, so here we are!

The trip will be made just before we go on a long trip to the Philippines. We are fairly inexperienced skiers and want to not We have chosen to focus on cross-country skiing and other calmer winter activities. This will be really exciting!

Skidresa till Österrike
Photo from a previous trip in Austria. Too bad I (Helena) lost that hat!

3. Long trip in the Philippines for 3 months

Shortly after the Austria trip, at the end of January, it's time for us to embark on a long journey to... Philippines. While in Asia we will meet and hang out with our friends Micke and Julia, who are real adventurers (we wrote an article about their adventures as "The Swedish Camel Rider" in the our summer magazine.)

We have indeed visited the Philippines before, but it was many years ago and only a few places. Now we will be able to explore this exciting country much more! This will be a budget trip with a backpack (real backpacking!) and we will, among other things, travel around by boat. More about this later!

Äta ute Filippinerna

What about motorhome holidays?

Later in the year we will of course go on motorhome trips and other trips in Sweden and Europe. We are among those who put the motorhome away for the winter, so when we come home from the Philippines, it will be just right to bring out our motorhome FREEDOM. But we'll come back to that a little later!

vinterförvaring av husbil
Our motorhome is in winter storage, waiting for spring.

Follow us on our travels!

As we travel, you can always follow our adventures here on and on social media. Make sure you don't miss anything by following us here:

Screenshot from Instagram ...

Do you have any travel plans?

Do you have any travel plans for the near future? Let us know!

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