This week we have invested in a new, much smaller, drone. We think it will be very useful. And now we are preparing to travel to Austria very soon. Happy Friday!
Table of contents
Great to work from home (but how do you get so email savvy?).
We have had another week at home in the calm of the houseboat. Mostly we are sitting at the computers and working - there is a lot we want to fix before travelling to the Philippines. There's work on articles, collaborations and a never-ending stream of emails.
We've heard about people who have the habit of answering all the day's emails before they finish the day's work. We really like this idea, but we admit we haven't got there yet...

One event a week (but mostly everyday life)
We were actually at a press breakfast yesterday (we'll tell you more about this soon!), but otherwise it has been very quiet when it comes to events and festivities. Here at home, it has been mostly everyday life with healthy food, water as a meal drink and some fruit in front of the TV.
For lunch, we did manage to pull together a favourite sandwich, which we make with inspiration from Malta - bread with tuna, red onion, green olives, capers and possibly a splash of olive oil. So good!

Preparing for the Philippines - and a new drone!
We are also fully preparing for the trip to the Philippines. There is a lot to prepare for a longer trip to Asiaand we're glad we started on time. This week we went shopping for a guidebook, which our friends who are already in the Philippines asked us to bring.

We have also invested in something we have been thinking about for a long time - a new drone. The one Peter had before is often a bit big to take with him, and the batteries have gone bad. The new one, a DJI Mini 3, should be really good for photography and film and has a much more manageable size. Great with a small bag too! Now it's time to download updates and practice ...

In addition, we have now taken the last vaccination shots. There is still some work to do ... but we are getting more and more ready!

We are travelling to Austria soon - follow us on Insta!
It is not yet time for the Philippines. We are going to Austria, and Vorarlberg more specifically! This is actually a press trip that we should have gone on last year, but just before we were to leave, we got covid-19 ...
It was too late to cancel the trip, but we were allowed to postpone the tickets for a year. So, now we're going to off on a trip in cooperation with Visit Vorarlberg. The plan is, among other things, that we will try cross-country skiing (I don't think we have been cross-country skiing since we were children! Culinary adventure in the Alps.
We are really looking forward to this and will of course tell you more here at FREEDOMtravel. Even faster updates will come on Instagram, where you can find us at @freedomtravelnews!

Best this week
Best this week? Maybe the drone if you ask Peter? Another thing that made us happy was when the sun at last looked out! You almost wondered if it had disappeared from the sky completely ...
Your turn ... what can you highlight as positive from the week?

The week ahead
What is happening now is that we will soon be heading to Vorarlberg in Austria for some winter adventure without downhill skiing. Here at there will be reports from Austria, mixed with a few other things. Hope you follow along!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Everyday life and dreams of dream holidays
Hasse Olsson says:
It's nice to be travelling again, I hope we'll get away again soon. In the last few days I have installed our outdoor sauna and tonight will be the premiere in there. We are looking forward to some bubbly and chewing in the heat, while the wood warms us.
20 January 2023 - 7:58
BP says:
A white week does not hurt from time to time, even if it is usually quite boring;-) But you have Vorarlberg to look forward to. And in Austria it is difficult to have white weeks, both in terms of food and drink;-)
Wise not to throw yourself down the slopes in St Anton. Much safer on flat ground. Hope you can enjoy the trip:-)
20 January 2023 - 17:46