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A record low, a blog event and exotic berries

Now we at FREEDOMtravel have reached a record low! We will tell you more about this, of course, while we can tell you a little about our week in general. We are currently travelling in northern Sweden, where we have met a travel blogger colleague, tasted field berries and much more ...


Bottom record

We have reached a record low! We have visited more "bottom" landscapes than ever before! This summer we have visited:

It has been really interesting and very nice to travel around the Gulf of Bothnia. An unexpectedly good trip! The journey is not over yet, although we are slowly moving towards more homely regions again ...

Att göra i Vasa i Finland
Vaasa in Ostrobothnia

Meet a fellow travel blogger

One of our most recent stops was in Umeå in Västerbotten, where we met our travel blogger colleague Gunilla from the wonderful travel blog. 4000 mil. We have known each other for a long time and also travelled together, for example in the Czech Republic and Hamburg. Very fun and nice to meet again! Of course, we had all sorts of things to discuss, and Gunilla also took us to the nice place Sjöbris, by the Ume River.

More Norrland

We're seeing more and more of Norrland, but as usual, we're a little behind on our reports. So far, we've had time to tell you about the awesome Kukkola Rapids and about the delicious art experience Van Gogh Alive. The latter is touring around different places - we saw it in Skellefteå but it's moving to Malmö soon - so we thought it best to tell you about it without tying it to any particular destination. A great experience anyway, highly recommended!

Otherwise, we have travelled through Haparanda, Kalix, Luleå, Piteå, Skellefteå and Umeå. In the pictures below you can see our free camping at Skellefteälven in Skellefteå. We found here via the app Park4Night and here we had super nice motorhome neighbours, which made the stop in Skellefteå even nicer!

Lots of sun ... and some rain

We have had fantastic weather this summer. I don't know if it is provocative to say (we know the weather has been bad in some places), but we have had sunshine almost every day, and the rainy days have been very few. But sometimes even we have had rain! The top picture is from yesterday. The picture below is two or three days old.

Berries and mushrooms

We are really enjoying berries and mushrooms during our trip! We've found chanterelles in the forest (a small amount) and supplemented with chanterelles from the town square (a larger amount). So good!

We have also bought berries in the markets - raspberries, blueberries and cloudberries. Absolutely delicious! This is a luxury that we are indulging in right now!

We have also bought a jar of (expensive!) gooseberry marmalade. We found this at Rabarberiet (AlterHeden's farm shop) in Piteå. Interesting to try, and very good, with a little more character than, for example, raspberries! So far we've tried it with "regular" cheese on the breakfast sandwich, but we're keen to try it with dessert cheese as well... Have you tried gooseberry or gooseberry marmalade? What are your best tips?

Best this week

Best this week? That we are still on a roll! That we meet such nice people! That we often see the sun in the sky! What has been the best part of your week?

Lovely weather in Umeå

The week ahead

We continue our journey in Norrland, slowly heading south. At the same time, we will now start publishing more articles from the places we visited in northern Sweden. For example, tomorrow it will be about Haparanda and Tornio here at FREEDOMtravel!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Norrland adventures and preparations for the Elmia trade fair

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