We continue our exciting adventure in Norrland and at the same time prepare for the Elmia fair, with the brand new Destination Square, in September. Happy Friday!
Table of contents
On the move in Norrland
We have travelled very little in northern Sweden before, so it is very interesting for us to travel around here. Of course, we only have time to see certain parts, and we are also travelling relatively slowly - partly because we want to check out each place properly (so we can write reports) and partly because we are working at the same time. The route started in Haparandaand we have since taken the time to discover Kalix, Luleå and Piteå, and the surrounding area.

We have seen lots of nice and interesting places, and reports will come in time! We'll finish reporting on Finland first, and then we'll start writing about all the places we discover in northern Sweden.

Lucky with the weather
We have been fantastically lucky with the weather, both in Norrland and really all summer. We have heard and read about a lot of rain and storms, so it is incredible that we have experienced such a sunny summer.
This spring we had sunny and fine weather in High coast, during the summer we have mostly had marvellous weather in the Finland and now, when storm Hans came, it was sunny and fine in Luleå and Piteå. We'll see how it will be in the future, but we are in any case happy for the fantastic weather so far!

Invited to a friend's house
During the week, we were invited to visit Katarina, who we know through the blog world and who lives in the neighbourhood in a... fantastically fine farm. Just a few months ago, we met in the city of Tagbilaran in the Philippines, where we had lunch together. Very nice to meet again, in a completely different environment. It was a nice evening with lots of talk and laughter. Thanks for the hospitality!

Always something in the motorhome that needs fixing ...
A while ago, we told you that we had managed to fix the lid of the water tank and the fridge door. Happiness! But repairing and fixing is like a never ending story. There is always something to be fixed. Peter has just fixed some lights that were broken.

A thing that we not has fixed - because getting the right thing is a challenge - is our oven. The oven itself works fine, but the oven door cannot be closed because a tiny metal thing has broken.
We tape the door with electrical tape when we drive (hence the ugly marks on the oven). But how do we use the oven? Well, Peter has figured out that he can clamp the door with the camera stand, which he clamps between the oven door and the bathroom wall. So what do you say ...? It works, as long as ... Happy Friday!

Preparing for the Elmia exhibition
At the moment we are at full speed to prepare for Elmia exhibition and Destination Square on 6-10 September. It will be so funny to co-organise the Destination Square, which will be held in the F-Hall/The Big Tent. In that hall, as a partner of Elmia, we will gather exhibitors who will showcase travel destinations and places to visit when you are on the road. Fun, right?
There will also be tastings, award ceremonies (very nice prizes!) and of course, the - lots of speakers. We also have several other fun ideas in the pipeline that we can't reveal yet. What we can tell you about now is the lecture programme. Click on the link to see all the lectures on the Destination Square stage! See you at the fair?

Best this week
Best this week? Yes, we are happy to finally get to look around a bit in Norrland. We have seen a lot of nice places and met fantastic people. It is also wonderful that we have had such nice weather!
One day we also took the opportunity to enjoy something we missed during our time in Finland. There are lots of fresh fish there (plenty of perch among others!) but it is very difficult to get fresh seafood. Now it was an evening with prawns and crayfish. Oh so good!

Maybe it's a good thing that we don't like surströmming because there is apparently a shortage of it this year. We talked to a man who told us that he had to queue for a long time, and who was happy that he got two cans in the end!

Your turn ... What has been positive about your week?
The week ahead
In the coming week there will be a few more reports from Finland, interspersed with some guest articles. Then we will start telling you about all the places we have visited in northern Sweden. For our part, we continue the journey here in northern Sweden, slowly heading south. We wish you a nice Friday and weekend!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Back in Sweden - and a crazy camping experience
Uffr says:
Do you come with a little more detailed about Norrland? I am from Piteå so it would have been fun to read a little more about your experiences here on "home turf".
11 August 2023 - 9:46
Helena says:
Yes, absolutely, it's coming! Our reports take some time to write and come a little while after the visit, but it will come!
11 August 2023 - 10:02
bmlarstravellingblog says:
How wonderful that you have had such nice summer weather both in Finland and now in northern Sweden. Here in the south, the weather has not been anything to brag about exactly. We wondered for the longest time what to do with Elmia, it would have been so much fun to go there but we chose to go on our European trip at the end of August. Unfortunately, it is not possible to be in two places at the same time!
Have a nice weekend!
11 August 2023 - 10:10
EvaLena L Hallgren says:
So nice to have you as neighbours on the church island in Skellefteå, says Lucy the camper.
11 August 2023 - 16:12
Katarina Söderberg says:
How nice to see you again! Let's see where in the world we meet again. Maybe it will be a winter trot from the north. Have the best and good luck!
11 August 2023 - 18:20