We really enjoy travelling - whether it's local excursions or exotic adventures. Every trip provides some sort of experience, and we also like to take photos and write about our travels. But some trips are more special than others, and it's on those trips that we're really reminded of why we love travelling.
Table of contents
Travelling offers experiences, meetings and perspectives
It's hard to put it into words, but when we travel to exciting places that we don't know much about, we feel alive. The days are full of surprises and we learn something new all the time - about the world, about other people, about ourselves. We gain new perspectives and opportunities to reflect.

Right now we are in Uzbekistan and this country has surprised us in many ways. We have never been to Central Asia before, and somehow this part of the world map suddenly comes alive for us.

In just a few days we have seen and experienced a lot about a place that was previously quite unknown to us. Among other things, we have discovered that they are investing very purposefully in tourism and development in the tourism industry here in Uzbekistan. In addition to the fact that there are lots of sights and hotels, we have, in connection with 25UNWTO, experienced some of the coolest parties and shows we have ever experienced.

It's great to share other people's travel stories too.
As well as sharing our own travel stories, it's great to share those of others - via our guest writers. Right now you can follow an incredibly fascinating story about travelling in Ethiopia, written by Anna Nilsson Spets. Four parts have been published and the fifth (and final) part is coming soon.
Best this week
Best thing this week? Well, for us it is of course our exciting trip to Uzbekistan! This trip is extremely intense and full of impressions. We leave the hotel early every morning and come back late every night... So far, we've managed to write a short story about our trip. Greetings from Uzbekistan. When we get home, we'll take the time to tell you more!
Your turn... What can you highlight as positive from your week?

The week ahead
We have some time left here in Uzbekistan, which we will make the best use of. Then a long journey home via Madrid awaits us. Here at FREEDOMtravel you can expect reports on the Philippines and Ethiopia, but also reports on more "close" destinations and excursions. In addition, of course, reports on Uzbekistan will soon come. Happy Friday!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Halloween at Gröna Lund - opening Friday 13 October
Lena - good for the soul says:
It really looks great with that show, what little you have seen!
The best thing about this week is that it's been a quiet week at work so I've been able to take some time off.
Hug Lena
20 October 2023 - 15:06
Helena says:
The show was absolutely fantastic! Nice to have a quiet week and some time off!!!
22 October 2023 - 13:06
BP says:
Uzbekistan and Samarkand seem to be something out of the ordinary. The buildings are magnificent as is the drone show. I have never seen anything like it before. The fireworks didn't go off without a hitch either. How nice that you were invited. Admittedly at the last minute, but it was worth it, wasn't it?
20 October 2023 - 17:48
Helena says:
Yes, this trip is definitely something special! We had to arrange a flight to Madrid ourselves, but from there they had chartered a plane, which we could join. And yes, definitely worth it!
22 October 2023 - 13:07