Guest writer: Anna Nilson Spets
A quick visit to Sweden to hang out with children and grandchildren needs a fun activity. The idea was actually to go to Skansen, but then I realised that there was a closer and much quieter alternative: Kungsbyn.

Kungsbyn is located between Enköping and Västerås and is a large well-managed farm, I remember the place where you went to buy meat and sausages a number of years ago, today it is something completely different.

You could say it's a mix of animals and experiences, suitable for ages 3 and up, with a programme that lasts several hours.
Alice 5 ½ and Elsa just over 3 are excited, father Erik and grandmother Anna too. The weather is brilliant Indian summer and we arrive at Kungsbyn a while before the first activity of the day begins.

Behind the barn we find two social mini-pigs who willingly allow themselves to be scratched behind the ears, two hunting dogs are having dinner and also allow themselves to be scratched.
There is archery going on in the field behind and anyone can try it out.

We start the day by feeding the animals, we jump up on the lorry which is pulled by a sturdy pole, some get to ride on the lorry after the tractor. The wild boars get their food, the cute mouflon sheep are very happy with the visitors and we feed them with pellets.

Henrik, the owner of Kungsbyn, is a super-enthusiast who eagerly talks about the evolution of the animal world, how the rather hated wild boars are the predecessors of our domestic pigs is one of the things that seems to be close to his heart.

The next item on the programme is a safari, after the tractor several wagons are coupled, we go through pastures with bison and red deer, they are also fed. The animals have huge spaces to move around in, meadows and groves, they look healthy and well and come flying towards the tractor train and are served their dinner. The grandchildren feel sorry for the animal with its bleeding horn.

We are a little hungry, the restaurant unfortunately does not offer much adult food but a menu suitable for children, meatballs and potatoes or pancakes with jam and cream. A few types of cakes and coffee will cheer up grandma.
In our family we love animals, all kinds, and over the years we have had dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits, birds, parakeets, snakes, rats, ducks, chickens and pigs. We have never had a lemur and we think the lemurs at Kungsbyn are the funniest and coolest. At Kungsbyn you can get close to the animals and it is allowed to pet "nice" animals.

Treasure hunt with pirates is the next activity, the pirates organise all the children in a good way, you start by playing "Under the wings of the hawk", then the treasure map comes out and after a day of searching the chest is found.

The prize is cuddle time with the guinea pigs. Greta willingly allows herself to be petted by eager children's hands.

In large terrariums there are lots of scary and dangerous animals, we don't pet them. Bird spiders with long hairy legs, boa constrictors and other wriggling species. A couple of monitor lizards swim in their own pool, they look like real ancient animals. Everything is clean and tidy and set up with fun environments.

If you are only three years old, the daily programme is a bit long, what follows later in the day is a dinosaur show and pony rides, the lemurs are to be fed but unfortunately we had to skip that.

Kungsbyn is a great family activity, with plans to expand in the future with new exciting things.

Good to know about Kungsbyn
- Entry: Adults 260 SEK, children over 3 years old 200 SEK, all activities included (2023).
- Accessibility: Handicapped accessible. Animals allowed. Space for your own picnic.
- Getting here: Bil
- Read more: You can find more information at theme park website.

Photos: Erik Spets/Anna Nilsson Spets
Lena - good for the soul says:
I had no idea that it was so "advanced" there. Have been there a hundred years ago and bought meat. Knew there were animals there, but not so much. Fun to read!
Hug Lena
05 October 2023 - 9:53
Anna Nilsson Spets says:
Yes, I remember that too, but it is completely different now, especially it was clean and tidy and big for the animals.
05 October 2023 - 19:17