This has been an intense week of meetings and trade fairs for us. We tell you about our week and our new travel plans. And we remind you of our readership survey, which we hope you'll take. Happy Friday!
Table of contents
Meetings and fairs
This week has been full of meetings for us, and we've also spent a lot of time and energy sorting out Peter's missing mobile phone and credit card. Yesterday it was also time for the business to business fair Travel News Market, which we will tell you more about tomorrow.
Evening of inspiration about India
One evening this week we attended a theme evening on India, organised by STJ, a journalists' association of which we are members. Very interesting and inspiring! India is a country we have never visited. The closest we have been is Sri Lankawhich was an exciting journey.

We learnt about Goa, Rajasthan, New Delhi, the Taj Mahal and the Golden Circle. Have you been there?

Meeting at the Uzbekistan embassy
During the week we also attended a meeting at the Uzbekistan embassy, which is a relatively new embassy in Sweden from earlier this year. The trip we made to Uzbekistan was in cooperation with them, and they wanted to hear about the trip, among other things. It was very nice to meet them. The trip was one of the most exciting and interesting we have done in a long time!

New travel plans
Now we have new travel plans again! At the beginning of next week we are going on a press trip to Istanbulwhich will be interesting. We have been to Istanbul once before, and liked that city a lot. This time we will explore and discover even more!
Have you responded to our readership survey?
We take this opportunity to remind you of the readership survey, which we published yesterday. There are five questions, and that means very much for us that you respond. You can access the survey here.

Best this week
The best thing about this week is that we have had so many meetings, and at the same time met many friends, travel writers and partners. Your turn ... What has been the best part of your week ...?
The week ahead
In the coming week, we'll be travelling to Istanbul. At FREEDOMtravel, you can expect everything from a trade fair report and Samarkand guide, to guest articles on an exciting country in Africa. Don't miss it!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the FREEDOMtravel road trip in Poland and southern Sweden
bmlarstravellingblog says:
What a great week you had! Oh, how we miss a real travel fair for us, ordinary mortals...?
I have visited India twice, totalling just over seven weeks, and what a country! Dirty, poor, noisy but absolutely wonderful. In 2007 I travelled around with Läs&Res for three weeks in Rajasthan and two years later I hitchhiked from Chennai to Trivandrum for a month. We have talked about a shorter trip to India because Lars has never been there and I have never visited any of the tiger reserves.
Istanbul is one of my favourite cities too, such a cool mix of different cultures and ages. Have a great time!
The best part of the week for us is that we finally moved our blog. It will probably be good when we make some improvements.
10 November 2023 - 9:26
Helena says:
What exciting trips you have made to India! We've heard a lot of vivid stories from there, and it really does seem like a different place, compared to many other places we've seen. Wow, so exciting that you moved your blog! I will check it out!
12 November 2023 - 8:20
Lena - good for the soul says:
Glad the Uzbekistan trip turned out so well. I understand that it was interesting. Nice to follow along too.
Best of the week is a signed contract.... so funny... will tell you in a week or so. 😉
And the next best thing is that I'm free today, and maybe Monday.
Yes, of course I have filled in the questionnaire.
Hug Lena
10 November 2023 - 9:43
Helena says:
How exciting it sounds with the contract! Looking forward to hearing more! And thank you very much for answering the survey!!!
12 November 2023 - 8:20
Ditte says:
Yes, I have filled in via Instagram and hope the answers have reached you.
Exciting with the trip to Uzbeskistan and many experiences and meetings I can imagine.
As for Istanbul, I'm torn. No city to move around in as a single woman. There are other cities/countries where this is tricky. In any case, I have experienced it that way. But a husband/husband in the neighbourhood is completely different.
Wishing you a good trip... And of course I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Peter's mobile phone and cards turn up. Too bad they disappeared.
10 November 2023 - 10:46
Helena says:
Thank you so much for responding! We can't see who responded, but I'm sure the answer has come in! Interesting what you say about travelling as a single woman. I've only been to Istanbul in company, so it's a bit difficult to feel what it would be like to travel alone,
12 November 2023 - 8:22
BP says:
You usually travel on press trips etc., but you have never written about the fact that those who invited you on the trip followed up on it. Really, really good that the Uzbekistan embassy wanted to meet you for "debriefing". I like that very much. The pictures you showed were fantastic and excellent advertising for the country. I hope they were satisfied ... and invite you more times. I mean Samarkand would deserve a return visit;-)
India - no. I know several people who have been to the GOA and they all got really sick in the stomach. In addition, the air pollution in Delhi, for example, is downright dangerous. So well...
I love Istanbul! The BBC is currently "advertising" Istanbul, and that's the city Turkey is bragging about. With good reason. Istanbul is like the face of Turkey. As I said - I love that city and its pulse.
10 November 2023 - 19:53
Helena says:
You are right, it is quite rare that press trips are followed up with a meeting. It was nice! 🙂 We would love to go back, but in that case we would probably like to see some more cities, such as Bukhara and Tashkent.
12 November 2023 - 8:24
Aberaber says:
Only those who bury their heads in the sand are currently travelling to Turkey.
11 November 2023 - 10:22