Travel News Market is the travel industry's major trade fair, which every year in November brings together destinations, tour operators, airlines and shipping companies, as well as travel journalists and travel bloggers. The fair was organised this year, as usual, at the Radisson Blu Waterfront in Stockholm, and we were there.
Table of contents
Travel News Market 2023
As usual, the Travel News Market 2023 brought together lots of exhibitors and organised a number of events and happenings.

We realise that we haven't missed a single round of TNM since our first visit to the fair in 2016. We took a quick trip down memory lane and found lots of pictures from meetings and events from the past year:
- Travel News Market 2016
- Travel News Market 2017
- Travel News Market 2018
- Travel News Market 2019
- Travel News Market 2021
- Travel News Market 2022

Meetings and travel inspiration
As media, you can book short meetings with exhibitors if you wish, and we had meetings booked from morning to late afternoon. We met with many of the people we already work with, just to check things out, and some companies and destinations that might be possible destinations or partners in the future.

For example, we became curious about the Azores, heard about Macau in China, considered the possibility of travelling with Hurtigruten and much more. There were also coffee and lunch meetings with other cooperation partners who came to visit the fair.

Hang out with bloggers and travel writers
We don't go to the fair just for meetings, but not least to meet friends in the blogging world, and among other travel writers. Among other things, we talked to Susanne from the fine First Class Magazine. There was mingling both at the fair, and afterwards at a hotel bar. There weren't that many photos, but it was nice!

Industry travel fair in all its glory ... but what about a "regular" travel fair?
For us in the travel industry, Travel News Market is a very good fair, but is there no "regular" travel fair for you as a traveller, you may wonder? In fact, it has been a bit so and so with it in Sweden after the TUR fair in Gothenburg closed down many years ago. If you're looking for a travel fair, here are our top tips:
- 19-21 Jan 2024: Matka is a major travel fair in Helsinki
- 23-25 Feb 2024: Holidays for All is a major travel fair in Herning, Denmark.
- 11-15 September 2024: Destination Square at Elmia Husvagn Husbil in Jönköping, Sweden.
- 1-3 Oct 2024: Travel fair becomes part of Seniormässan Stockholm